New articles in Culture and society

How to create a social organization If you have found your calling in community service activities, perhaps you thought about how to create a social organization. It is a responsible and serious step, both in terms of career in particular and...
Social movements 
How to call the DPS at the scene of the accident The accident is the unpleasant incident on the road. Even a minor collision between two vehicles can cause drivers a shock, and they sometimes forget the basic rules of behavior in case of an accident....
Security How to make repairs to the porch Every indifferent man strives to make a comfortable and beautiful not only the apartment, but the entrance and the yard. However, those who tried to get repairs in the stairwell at the expense of the...
Home to find brownie Brownie is a mythical master, patron of the house, looking after the welfare of the family. It is believed that before the house lived in each hut. Now residents of apartment buildings are interested in,...
How to bless the bride and groom In the old days that consisted of only a Church marriage could not be and speeches about the wedding without parental blessing. Even if the bride and groom got engaged secretly without parental consent, then...
How to write a letter to the presidential Administration What to do if there is a problem that can not or do not want to allow local authorities? In this case, the citizen remains the possibility to appeal to the President. These applications will...
How to make a metro card Card network hypermarkets METRO can be interesting because it allows to make a number of purchases at lower prices than other stores. In this case it can only get legal persons or individual entrepreneurs. The...
How to get on reception to the Deputy Reception of citizens on personal matters and work with citizens ' complaints (written and verbal) are an important and integral part of the duties of each Deputy. A citizen has the right to contact the...
What musical instruments include the dombra Traditionally Russian musical instruments are fading, giving way to new. Few places today can you hear the balalaika, even rarer domra. Domra is the ancestor of the balalaika and is considered a Russian folk instrument.
What the Nazis hated the Jews The racist ideology of fascism assumed superiority of the Aryan race over all other peoples. Slavs, for example, was intended partly to keep and make servants of "Superman". The Jewish nation in this world of...
What are the icons of the virgin In Russia, the virgin Mary has always been revered particularly. The virgin Mary is a patroness of Russia, and more than once helped the Russian in the fight against foreign invaders. The confidence of believers...
How to win at instant lottery At the moment there are many lotteries that offer to all comers to win quite a large sum of money. The winnings in these lotteries, as a rule, is formed by the sum of all...
How to find the missing person Even now, in peacetime, every year disappear without a trace hundreds of thousands of people. Someone becomes a victim of an accident. Someone suffering from bandit attacks. Among the elderly is fairly common sudden memory...