New articles in Family and relationships

How to use protection the first time Among some of the young men and women, you can often find the opinion that getting pregnant after first sexual intercourse impossible. This is incorrect. The first time the likelihood to conceive a child as...
What is first wedding night Before the wedding night was supposed first sexual intercourse newlyweds. In the modern world this expression has a slightly different meaning. However, this does not prevent the newlyweds look forward to their wedding night.
How to return a loved one without magic If you want to return a loved one, it can be done without the help of magic. The cuffs and the omens are not always. And when there are, can harm not only those who...
Separation and divorce 
How to meet a guy from the army at the station Service in the armed forces - a memorable fact in the history of a young man. But passed the time you spent apart, he returns from the army. To meet a guy at the station...
What to give wife, gave birth to a son The birth of a child is a very special day in the life of any family. Such holiday must be accompanied by gifts, so men should think about what to give the woman who gave...
What if the husband loves another, but does not go away? Men cheat on their wives for various reasons: because of the desire to feel "young", variety, adrenaline. If it's not a fleeting relationship, but a long-term relationship with a mistress to conceal them difficult. Not...
Marriage problems 
How to understand love you or not Beginning to experience in relation to human senses, passing over the brink of the usual sympathy, I want to understand their relationships and understand mutual love. It is so important, because sometimes passionate love turns...
What if the guy is jealous Jealous guy many girls take it as a welcome addition to the expression of his feelings – he's jealous, it means love. Some truth in that statement is, but only very insignificant, because jealousy is...
How to understand that he's lost interest Always in every girl's life there comes a time when personal matters begin problem. When you begin to notice that your partner became not so anxious to treat you, without having delight, and the tenderness...
How to establish a relationship with a loved one Often between loving each other people there are conflicts. Sometimes they are so severe that lead to rupture. In disorder relationships there is no one to blame. Always two to blame. Someone in a greater...
How to determine the man that he is in love As sometimes want to know the thoughts of others, especially the opposite sex. It'd be so much easier. But in our society it is not accepted to openly Express feelings, especially men. From quite observant...
How to subjugate a woman Any woman can fall in love, to captivate, to conquer and subjugate yourself man. But not every couple or family will agree on this man. If this situation is strongly contrary to his temperament and...
How to check virginity The girl who never engaged in sex, is constantly in captivity of their own illusions – they often determine her daily behavior. Not in vain many men avoid the virgins - too many in the...