So the police began a missing person, relatives must apply to the Department of residence. Search adult person (over 18) the police will start 3 days after application. The child must declare the wanted list immediately.
To find the missing easier, be sure to tell the police his picture and let special features. As much detail as possible describe what you were wearing and your relatives and where he was going.
Police put out an APB for all County departments. Leaflets with a photograph of the missing put up on information boards in public places. In addition to photos and special signs will be there and contact details, which can report information about a missing person.
The next step is the most difficult calls to hospitals and morgues. If your missing relative were not in possession of the documents, you may have to drive to identify. Ask friends and acquaintances to support you in this difficult time. Maybe someone agree to share with you this task. That'll take you more health facilities and save time.
If your efforts have not yet yielded any results, don't despair. Refer to Internet portals dedicated to finding missing people. Groups of volunteers from different districts will begin the search for your family member.
Look for the media, those who post ads about missing. In addition to Internet resources that can be TV channels, Newspapers and magazines. Many of them place ads about lost people absolutely free.
Your main task now - not to give up. You have to be prepared for the fact that searches can take a long time, while not bringing any result. But in any case don't lose hope. It happens that the missing relatives back in a year or two, or even ten years. So please be patient and in no case do not lose faith in good.