Astrology and esotericism
  • How to read a Natal chart
    The Natal chart is a projection of the location of the stars at the time of birth. On the space diagram shows the coordinates of stars, which occupies at this time a certain position in the sky relative to the horizon of the earth. With the help of astrology people have learned to understand the mysteries of the influence of celestial bodies on earthly life. Knowing the exact time and place of birth of the person, using open services, free Natal charts. But its interpretation is the horoscope of birth.
  • How to calculate the date of his death
    Do you often reflect on what death is and what life you released, or you would like to know the date of his death? To know that you will help test for determining the date of death, where you need to answer a few questions on which you will receive a response to your question.
  • How to make a talisman with their hands
    A ward or a small personal item is a talisman, bringing good luck, protecting from the evil eye, attracts money, etc., can do yourself, without the help of sorcerers and psychics. And in order to learn how to make a talisman with their hands, not necessarily to study occult literature, revised volume with spells, and to perform any mysterious and complicated rites. Mascot who can actually "work" can be done independently.
  • How to protect yourself from the evil eye
    The evil eye is a powerful negative energy impact on a person, destroying his protective aura. The man cursed, aura energy formed holes ("holes") through which flows supplied to the body energy. The consequences of the evil eye from chronic fatigue syndrome to psychological disorders, different diseases and problems. To protect yourself from the evil eye, you need to be able to protect his aura.
  • How to summon the devil
    Remember how in the childhood you and your friends gathered in a dark room, sometimes with a flashlight or lit candle and told each other horror stories? Why did you do it? Do you really believe in them? Of course not. Just so arranged our body when the blood is ejected with a certain dose of adrenaline, we experience pleasure. And if you tried in childhood, so funny seance specific as calling a devil? No? From this tutorial you can learn how to do it – great fun, say, on Halloween.
  • How to learn look to move objects
    The researchers argue that every average person can learn telekinesis. Any of these abilities from birth, most importantly is to believe in yourself and have the desire to learn something new. Don't give up if something does not work, really need to work on and strive for success. So how to learn look to move things without teachers and no books?
  • How to understand that you are bewitched
    Most people blame their failures on the supernatural. However, often our own troubles to blame only ourselves. Guard is only in the case that accidents or health deterioration occurred after communicating with some specific person. Often people that carry the evil eye, not even aware of it. They just send you negative emotions that destroy positive energy. One of the most important signs of the evil eye is a sharp deterioration of health: headache, irritation, fatigue, fatigue, back pain, constant colds.
  • How to bring on a longing for you
    Conspiracies of love and longing were used by girls since ancient times. Many people are now trying to influence the will of the beloved with the help of incantations and magic. The most effective conspiracies are for food, drink and photography. The most suitable plots of time – early morning and early evening after sunset.
  • How do you know your palm
    Lines and signs on the palm palmists called signs of destiny. Fatal marks on the arm might indicate illnesses and injuries, sudden changes in life, a sudden change in life position. Palmistry tells about the peculiarities of human nature, his mental qualities, behavior, about what awaits him in the future. This science enables people to understand and, perhaps, to correct his destiny.
  • How to call the spirit of love
    Often desperate young girls and boys wishing to find happiness in love, appeal to the spirit world. Many are trying to carry out magical rituals just to make new hope, that is engaged in auto-suggestion. Usually it is quite harmless rituals, rather like a game. Some do believe in spirits, hope for their support. Remember that magic rituals should apply only if you are sure that to call the spirit of love – the only way to get what you want.
  • How to understand that like Capricorns
    In order to understand whether you are human or not, you can ask for the help of astrology. According to the astrological concepts each zodiac sign has several distinctive features by which to judge the nature of man, his affections and behavior. So, if your object of attention born under the sign of Capricorn, it is to guess about his feelings will help the following features.
  • How to invoke the spirit desires
    Magic, witchcraft, sorcery, charms us since childhood. Everyone at least once faced with the desire to touch the miracle, with the hope to challenge a being. The Queen of spades, king of magic, fairies, and finally the spirit desires. How do we know about them? Of course, from childhood, is extraordinary story the older kids, educators, counselors. What if it is true, and the spirit desires will fulfill our deepest dreams?
  • How to calculate your lucky numbers
    Numerologists say that each person has a lucky numberthat you should consider to make the right choice. Happy refers to the number of individual life and secondary life path is calculated according to the date of birth. Another lucky number can be identified by the letters comprising your name.
  • How to call a fairy
    Fairies – magical creatures, they are the messengers of the Moon Fairies, or, as it is also called the Moon Goddess. It expresses the secret forces of the subconscious that are hidden in each of us. If you respect the Goddess of the moon, you can expect fast success. Ways to call a fairy a lot and everyone has a chance to touch the magic.
  • How to understand Taurus
    If you liked the man Taurus, to understand your mutual interest, sometimes quite difficult. Taurus needs time to himself to confirm his feelings. However, there are several signs that will help you understand the man-bull.
  • How to get magical powers
    Many people dream to have super powers. In their fantasies they tame the elements, heal the terminally ill, and inflict terrible curses and heat the soup without using a microwave oven. But the dream, as we know, not harmful. Harmful to do nothing in order to make their dreams come true. In order to do great things, resembling in this the Aleister Crowley, Hermes Trismegist, Helena Blavatsky and Harry Potter, you should get magical powers. Where to get it? There are several options.
  • How to determine who you on a horoscope
    Horoscope is an astrological forecast of the fate of the individual, entire communities, cities or States depending on the position of the heavenly bodies. Most popular horoscopes are based on the affiliation of the person depending on the time of birth to any zodiac sign. Eastern zodiac calendar based on a 12-year cycle where each lunar year corresponds to their animal.
  • How to calculate the ascendant
    The ascendant, or rising sign – the Zodiac sign that was rising on the Eastern horizon at the moment of birth, that is the point of intersection of the plane of the horizon with the Ecliptic plane. The ascendant directly affect the time and place of birth.
  • How to determine their destiny by date of birth
    Man is always interested in his future. This interest satisfied the palmists, astrologers and esoteric. They could predict the fate lines on the palm, color of eyes, even the body structure. But most often horoscopes – algorithms of human life, which is associated with his fate and character is tied to the date of his birth.
  • How to learn magic
    Many people think that magic will solve many different problems. All you need to buy books in the spirit of "earth Magic for dummies" or become one of us on the magic online forums. But beginners are not aware that there are people who by their destinies are contraindicated magic. It is because they are too obsessed with their own desires, can't control anger or refuse to understand that intervention in the lives of others assumes responsibility for his actions.
  • How to see a Ghost
    Parapsychology believes that a Ghost or a Ghost is a dead person who has not yet departed from the real, material body, and is in his etheric body. This phenomenon could be explained by the fact that the human mind is not able to accept the fact of his death, and in this way tries to continue his life. For this reason Ghostand Ghost usually mean the souls of dead people who have not found for themselves peace.
  • How to know the status by date of birth
    The figures and numbers we pay a lot of attention. Even those who do not believe in numerology, still trying to avoid the 13 rooms in hotels, believe that a lucky ticket in the bus will bring good luck, choose date of wedding with a happy date. Magical believe and date of birth. After all, nothing is more human than the desire to know their fate.
  • How to learn to read hand
    Palmistry – the ancient art of reading fate by the hand. Among many ethnic groups had their specific reading methods. Mostly they coincide. The difference could be only in minor lines. Although they were interpreted correctly. The fact is that some palmists saw one combination, others completely different. To learn how to read palms, you should know to start at least three main lines, which now will be discussed.
  • How to learn hypnosis at home
    Hypnosis has been known since ancient times. In the past hypnosis was part of the occult Sciences, and in our time hypnosis more relates to psychotherapy. And if before the hypnosis was a secret knowledge, today to learn how hypnosis can be anyone. Including yourself.
  • How to roll a dollar triangle
    There are a few simple ways to attract into your life money and increase existing. People have invented many spells and rituals to help you rich that really work. Folded triangle dollar bill is a money magnet.
  • How to determine which sign Venus
    Almost everyone knows their Zodiac sign. It is determined by the date of birth. It is believed that the position of the moon and Sun relative to other constellations causes the most common part of human nature. But Venus, Mars and mercury can be called personal planets.
  • How to learn how to make horoscope
    Most people tend to want to look into the future, so astrology is so popular today. There are many schools that offer courses for learning this science that promises to teach drawing personal horoscopes and the ability to decipher them. In addition to direct learning in such schools, you can find online astrology software that makes it easy to create a personal horoscope. But for beginning self-study is best to use the proposal of some of the sites that make up the horoscope online for free.
  • How to wear Topaz
    Topaz, painted nature in the wine-yellow, blue or pink and Golden color are in great demand and are valued much more expensive than colorless. Particularly valuable are the copies with double color: blue and yellow. The result is a very unusual stone green color, which looks very original.
  • How to find your totem animal
    Totem animal represents the human soul. It can appear in your dreams, or it could be an animal with which you feel an inexplicable kinship, a connection. Knowing your totem animal can help you to better know and understand themselves.
  • How to predict the future by date of birth
    The basis of numerology put the information of multi-digit numbers to single numbers. According to astrologers, each value from 1 to 9 carries information load and has certain characteristics. Thus, a single result has a key impact on the formation of human personality and his life in General.
  • How to make the amulet with his own hands
    What is an amulet? The amulet is an object that brings good luck to its owner in a certain thing- love, Affairs, work and so on. It is something more intimate than a toothbrush, and therefore must be "tailored" – that is, made for a specific person and under him. Best of all, if the amulet is made by hand of the future owner.