- How to make laser at home Who of the teenagers and most adults, male, does not want to build your own laser sword? Laser pointers have long gone out of fashion, their capacity is unlikely to impress anyone. However, this does not mean that they will not be the last. Laser sword from them will not work, but that's quite a powerful laser will work.
- How to make a bow and arrow at home The world of Hobbies of the modern man is very wide. There are even such exotic Hobbies, like archery. Equipment for archery can be purchased in finished form, and can be done by hand. For making a simple bow fit almost any tree growing in our latitudes. The best bows out of juniper, hazel, birch, ash and oak.
- How to make blinds in the car Automobile blinds have an aesthetic and practical function. Besides, unlike the tinted Windows, the blinds in the car of employees of traffic police have no complaints. Such blinds are easy to make yourself, for example, from a suitable the interior of your vehicle colors of fabric.
- How to make figurines from long balls Unusual shapes that masters rolled out of long balloons for modeling, do not leave indifferent neither one child – and you can also surprise your children, learn to fold different shapes of these balls. Using the balls for modeling, you can decorate a children's party, delighting guests and friends, dogs, flowers and other figurines of the balls. About how their folding and collapse, we will discuss in this article.
- How to make iron man The appearance on the cinema screens of the image of Iron man has generated around the world a huge wave of popularity and many fans favorite of all the hero-inventor. Now every self-respecting fan of genre fiction seeks to implement his idea-dream – create your own Iron man image.
- How to make a hula skirt A luau is unthinkable without the rousing music, the sea of bright colors, juicy fruits and exotic Hawaiian costumes. Suit for the enforcement of the Hawaiian dance "the hula" is composed of lush, fluttering skirt from fibers of the raffia palm and a short top, and the heads of the dancers decorated with large flowers. This spectacular and unusual outfit is very easy to do not only with traditional materials, but also from their modern substitutes – synthetic fibers, Christmas tinsel, multi-colored ribbons and even garbage bags.
- How to make shapes from balloons Making shapes from balloons is a great way to calm your nerves, develop fantasy and imagination, as well as the easiest method to raise the mood of yourself and others. And most importantly, what do these figures just so that this task can handle even a child.
- How to make a bow tie Stylish article of clothing – tie-the butterfly, can be part of a fine suit, to emphasize your individual style and become a funny decoration at the party. It all depends on the chosen fabric and design of this product. You have to be prepared that it will attract everyone's attention. If you want to make a bow tie with your hands, do work as carefully as possible. For a beginner the easiest option would be tie on elastic.
- How to make a balloon sausage Balloons by themselves bring a festive atmosphere to any event, both indoors and outdoors. Especially original and interesting at the festival look different compositions from balloons, in particular, the figures for which production, use special long thin balloons latex for modeling. Such figurines will be a wonderful gift for any child – they elevate mood and can be a great subject for games.
- How to make picture frame. Picture frames can be ordered in frame shops and you can do with your hands. With some of the workmanship and imagination can be proud of not only the product, enclosed in a frame, but by the framing. Importantly, the work was done neatly and beautifully.
- How to make a box with your hands For those who can not sit still, there will always be work. Especially if You love tinkering, cut, glue and assemble. Remember all that DIY, you can use any materials that You gathered to throw out. However, it is important that Your interests is not turned into the same stuff, which was done. For this it is necessary to design such things, which then find their practical application.
- How to make a flying kite Kite is the first aircraft which was made by a man. The story of his appearance is very old – several thousand years ago it was invented in China. Today children love to run an air snake. Do it yourself is not difficult, it is only necessary to find the right materials and patience.
- How to make a stencil for tattoo The fashion for tattoos existed in ancient times. However, in those days tattoos were a symbolic protection from evil forces, evil spirits and protection from all evil and all else that was beyond the understanding of ancient people. Today, tattooing in the most part is just a tribute to fashion. Typically, these tattoos can be found only in representatives of a number of areas of music or religion. Here, preference is given to symbolism. In other cases, the image chosen for the beauty and nothing more.
- How to make a Dollhouse out of the box Every girl that has the doll, wants to make for them the most beautiful and unusual house, no different from a real big house for people. Throughout early doll houses were made by hand. And even now, when the finished houses are sold in stores, you can easily make your own house for dolls made of paper and cardboard, decorating and complementing it in accordance with their own imagination.
- How to make a cap from the newspaper Light hats comfortable in a variety of conditions in order to protect the head. This can be a protection from direct sunlight to avoid overheating of the head, or as protection from various polluting substances – dust, various small mud splashes, droplets of paint from a spray during painting; in the whitewashed ceiling, the walls at the level above the head. If the normal Panama or cap is not available, or their pity to spoil it, you can make headdress out of paper, for example, from a sheet of newspaper spread. Will do the cap.
- How to make a machine with a remote control Cars are not only small children in our days, when in possession of any person there are shops radio controlled models and their range, playing cars became a hobby and passion for many adults. Cars are quite expensive and the question arises – what about those who want to have a simple RC model or even a model on the attached remote control, but not enough money to purchase it? You can try to make a basic machine on the remote control own hands.
- How to make a mask with your hands Maskmade with his own hands, will certainly attract the attention of others and will take a lot of pleasure in its creation. Make a mask by yourself is not difficult. First of all, you must determine the type of mask. Conventionally, the mask can be divided into simple cardboard mask made of fabric and masks from papier-mache, you can also select ready-made plastic bases of the masks that you only want to decorate.
- How to remove the link on the bracelet of the watch Often, that is given to us or difficult-to-shop selected in the watch hanging on your wrist, hang out. Do not worry! Turns out, you just remove the extra link in the bracelet and the watch will perfectly sit.
- How to make a machine The war is played not only children but also adults – in our time, these games are most often a computer, but some prefer to return to childhood when all the weapons for the games was made independently, without the use of modern technologies. You can get a lot of pleasure from work and wood processing, as well as familiarize you with the toys of their childhood own child, if you try to cut yourself a wooden machine.
- How to make heart of balloons with their hands Today the market of celebratory services there are many organisations offering holiday decoration balloons. These services enjoy at weddings, anniversaries, children's parties and birthday – bright and beautiful balloons at once give the room a festive atmosphere. Popular figures and composition of balloons gathered together – for example, a large and beautiful heart decorate a wedding celebration is much better than a bunch of ordinary balloons. In this article we will talk about how to make heart of balloons.
- How to make a pencil case with his own hands Pencil case is an essential attribute of school life. A variety of them in our days is extremely rich: plastic, appearance, leather, wood... But if someone could not find something you like, you can always make a pencil case with their hands.
- How to make an assassin costume For the New year, masquerade is required to make the outfit original and unlike any other. How do you stand out from the crowd? For example, you can come in the way of the assassin and warrior, which is the perfect combination of boldness, courage and strength. Problems to make a suit the assassin will not occur if you already have some skills of needlework.
- How to assemble the machine on the control panel Now cars are not only children. Many adults collect a precise copy of the real cars or buy models on the radio. However on store shelves don't always have those options that can meet your requirements. In this case, it is best to collect the machine on the control panel with his hands. How do you do it?
- How to sew a bag from old jeans If you like sporty style and I love denim stuff, you'll love a bag made from old jeans. It is possible to wear anything from shoes to document folder A4. The only thing you have to decide whether to part with the old jeans.
- How to fold beautiful paper napkins in the napkin holder Swipe appropriate and even necessary on any holiday table. Thanks to the napkins, you can get rid of vegetable oil on the lips or cheeks, wet the stain of wine on the new tablecloth and so on. However, regular paper napkins can be used for table decoration. They need to be nicely folded into the napkin holder.
- How to weave baubles schemes Baubles is a special type of craft that does not require advanced knowledge and practical skills. Their use came to us from the culture of the Indians. At first they were worn only by hippies. But gradually, these products became a stylish decoration for the young generation and older people. The bracelets have become something of a mascot bringing good luck.
- How to build a tree house Kids play house outdoors is a great way to entertain children during the warmer time of the year. The construction of the tree house itself is a fascinating process for children and adults, and games in this house can become a favorite pastime for kids and their friends. To build a tree house is easy – you will need a rope for rope ladders, wooden shield for the platform and beams for fixing. Also a house can be complicated – add a roof, walls, Windows and door.
- How to make a doll out of tights If you set out to make someone a gift, souvenir or simply you drawn to creativity, craft a doll with your own hands. Manufacturing technology simple and understandable for almost everyone. There are plenty of options of making puppets with his hands. Surely you have worn out nylon stockings: do not rush to throw them away.
- How to make a house for dolls Doll's houses did three centuries ago. In the 18th century in Holland the rich ladies ordered the masters of their production. These houses were in three or even four floors, was completed with the minutest details, ranging from paintings in the living room and ending with the pans in the kitchen. These constructions were large racks about two meters tall, with glass doors, behind which the doll "lived" his life. Of course, playing with such a house was not very comfortable. But the idea of Dutch masters can bring and with the help of improvised materials.
- How to install fenders on the bike Wings for Bicycle, like other parts, usually have a manual or schematic drawings that tell how to attach them to the bike. Therefore, this process should not cause you any difficulties. To choose the right wings is also an important issue. Need to arc the wing match the arc of the wheels to the arrival of it does not touch the wheel and thus protected from dirt spraying from the wheels while riding.