Treatment of diseases
- How to treat ear boric acid Boric acid has antiseptic properties. For instillation into the ear is applied in the form of a 3% alcohol solution. Before applying you must obtain a doctor's recommendation to exclude the average and internal otitis, in which the solution is used in an adjuvant with antibiotic drops and pills.
- How to remove salt deposits on the neck The deposition of salts on the neck called degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine. Due to the fact that the cervical spine is a very important part of the body, disturbances in this area lead to serious violations of the whole organism. The neck is the place where the vessels and nerves that feed the tissue of the neck, face, skull. In addition, due to pinching the nerve endings begin headaches, numbness, muscle weakness, fatigue etc.
- How to remove nits The appearance of lice and nits is a frequent phenomenon in children that are spending time in the team. However, they can easily go to an adult. Even if you strongly follow the rules of hygiene and are taught from infancy to child, it is unlikely that in your hair or the baby's head just once will not appear these unpleasant insects. And if lice are easily washed off, the nits are very difficult to remove.
- How to treat seasonal allergies in children Seasonal allergies (mostly spring, summer, fall allergies or hay fever) is an excessive reaction of the immune system to allergens (various biologically active substances), which touches people in a specific time of the year. The symptoms of seasonal allergies can occur in any person, regardless of any climatic conditions he lives, from age or sex.
- How to treat bile stasis Cholestasis is the stagnation of bile, you may experience a bitter taste in the mouth, pain in the right hypochondrium, constipation, lack of appetite. This is a very dangerous phenomenon, because the liver is involved in metabolism, cleanses the body and stagnation ceases to perform its function, which leads to General weakness, lethargy, chronic fatigue, bad mood. Bile stasis requires a complex treatment under the supervision of a physician hepatologist gastroenterologist.
- How to take a tincture of water pepper Water pepper or Polygonum pepper is a plant widely used in pharmacology. It is rich in essential oils, acids, vitamins and trace elements. But most of all water pepper is valued for its antiseptic, nasal drops on a cold and pain-relieving properties. Most often the drug is prescribed in the form of an aqueous or alcohol-based infusion that can be purchased at the pharmacy or make your own.
- How to treat left ventricular hypertrophy Hypertrophy of the left ventricle of the heart is not a disease but a symptom of a whole bunch of diseases. Most often, it is acquired as the background of hypertension, heart disease and several other serious factors that are diagnosed in each case on the basis of examinations or complaints of the patient. The treatment prescribed by the cardiologist.
- How to get rid of the smell from belly button Bad smell from belly button — a fairly common phenomenon, though not all pay attention to it because of inaccessibility. But some are very considerate and clean people very upset, realizing that this small body part also has its own smell.
- What to do if you pinched your finger A pinched finger is one of the most common injuries, especially in children. Even in the easiest case, the victim is in great pain. However, this is not the worst in this situation. The absence of the medical examination and of late assisted can lead to serious consequences.
- How to treat sores on the tongue Painful sores on tongue medicine called stomatitis. This disease is considered as infantile, but not less often found in adults. Causes of stomatitis in children and adults alike. This can be a variety of infections, mechanical injuries, problems in the endocrine and digestive systems, lack of vitamins of group B.
- What to do if vomiting bile Vomiting is an extremely unpleasant condition, but thus the brain signals about any problems or serious illnesses that require treatment. Most often, vomiting is a protective reaction of the organism with which he is trying to get rid of irritating or toxic substances, and the person often vomits bile.
- What if bottom blood pressure high The top figure is the pressure determined during contractions of the ventricles of the heart - beats, and therefore is called the systolic. Bottom - in a moment of relaxation - diastole, therefore, is called diastolic.
- What to do if ripped back Improper posture during heavy lifting, heavy physical activity and trauma can cause appear sharp pain in the back. In this case we say that the person "broke the back". Felt sharp pain and later it feels when lifting weights.
- How to treat broken ribs Rib fractures most commonly occur with falls, blows to the chest, as well as road traffic accidents. In order for the consequences of the fracture was minimal, you need to know how to properly treated broken ribs.
- How to insert the teeth, if you lost them Teeth, unfortunately, not the strongest organ in our body. If you do not monitor their condition, sooner or later have to think about how to fill gaps in the dentition. Here are some useful tips how to insert teeth and which method of treatment to choose.
- How to put vaginal suppositories Vaginal suppositories or suppositories is dosed medicinal product intended for introduction into the vagina, which have a local action. Usually vaginal suppositories are used to treat certain inflammatory diseases of the genital organs of a woman or as a local contraceptive. Vaginal suppositories are available in three types according to shape: spherical, ovoid and flat with a rounded end. Weigh the candle no more than 4 g. To spark had its intended effect, it must be correctly put.
- How to treat purulent tube in the throat The first barrier in the way of viral infections of the tonsils are organs of the lymphatic system. That they are produced by lymphocytes, which are constantly being absorbed and digested a lot of pathogens, resulting in the pus, filling in plugs gaps of the tonsils.
- What to do if inflamed lymph node in the neck In the case of a weak immune system or deliver a strong infection in the body the lymph nodes in the neck can not only grow, but to become inflamed. This process is determined by the pain around lymph nodes, headache, high temperature and is observed as a consequence of General weakness.
- How to cure shingles color Not worth much to worry if the skin of the neck, shoulders and torso you find strange spots that itch and flake. It can be colored shingles. If the diagnosis is confirmed - do not worry, this fungus present on the body of each person. Just you, possibly due to impaired immunity, he decided to manifest itself in full force. Just to cure ringworm, it is more important to comply with preventive measures.
- What to do if you have swollen cheek Cheek may swell for various reasons. Most often this occurs due to diseases in the mouth or during dental treatment. But the tumor may also occur due to infections developing in the upper respiratory tract, mumps (mumps), insect bites, etc. In any case, this should be cause for visits to a medical institution.
- How to treat wasp sting The person attack the workers wasps mostly during the fall, when the commune disintegrates, the larvae fed, the female found a quiet place for wintering. Insect bites are very painful, the sting remains in the middle, but the danger is that some people after the biteand allergic reactions, which in some cases are life-threatening.
- How to treat heat rash in adults The main reason of the sweating sickness occurs in adults, is hyperhidrosis. Under normal physiological condition sweating – protective human reaction to overheating, physical or psychological stress. When the balance inside the body the sweating sickness manifests with a persistent unpleasant odor and psychological and physical discomfort.
- How to quickly remove alcohol from the blood Excessive alcohol consumption raises questions about how quickly to withdraw from the blood and ease the hangover. This can be done in a medical or home environment using readily available and safe resources.
- How to remove mucus in the throat Causes of mucus in the throat a few: inflammation of the sinuses (sinusit), walls of the pharynx (pharyngitis) or inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsils (adenoids). If the adenoiditis occurs mainly in children, other diseases can appear at any age. Be treated by using medicines and methods of folk medicine.
- How to treat elevated bilirubin The level of bilirubin in the blood, a figure which exceeds by 17.1 µmol/l is abnormal and affects the health. The increase in bilirubin is associated with liver disease. Symptoms are nausea, headache, dizziness, fatigue, itching, yellowness of the skin and mucous membranes. For the treatment of elevated levels of bilirubin, above all, measures should be taken to discharge the liver.
- How to treat ear boric alcohol Ear pain can overtake a man at any age. Often it is a disease of young children. But adults are also susceptible to this disease. Children get sick more often because the Eustachian tube in babies is not fully formed, it is shorter and wider than that of an adult. As a result, the infection easily gets into the ear.
- How to remove fluid in the knee Fluid in the joints, and in particular the fluid in the knee joint can accumulate for several reasons. If you felt a strange pain in the knee or is there something in the beginning of "squish", it is better to consult a doctor. Treatment of fluids in the joints depends on the first cause, by which it appeared there.
- How to treat lymph nodes under the arms Inflammation of the lymph nodes is called lymphadenitis. The secondary disease, which occurs when there is inflammation in a particular area. Inflammation of the lymph nodes of the armpit usually observed in diseases of the breast, cancer, colds and infectious diseases. Lampadena occurs when it enters the lymph node micro-organisms, their toxins and products of disintegration with lymph from a primary tumor to a lymph node. The disease can be acute or chronic.
- New teeth in 3 days, or implantation with immediate loading Many patients are concerned with the question – what to do if a tooth is missing? You can install the prosthesis, and it is possible to seek the assistance of modern techniques, namely dental implants. Today it has become more comfortable and simple for patients, and to obtain new tooth in just a couple of days.
- What to do with palpitations A fast heartbeat is called tachycardia. There are two types of tachycardia: initial paroxysmal (appears when organic lesions of the heart), secondary, sinus (in the background of emotional outburst, physical exertion). Sinus tachycardia does not require treatment, physiologic increased pulseand returns to normal when addressing the factors that resulted in the increased heart rate. Attacks of paroxysmal tachycardia are accompanied by nausea and a sharp weakness, high blood pressure, profuse sweating.
- How to treat a cyst of the brain Cyst of the brain is a very dangerous diagnosis. To establish the presence of the cyst helps magnetic resonance or computed tomography. A cyst is a bubble filled with liquid, which may be in any area of the skull and cause the patient's specific complaints or asymptomatic. If this diagnosis is selected, it is necessary to implement all recommendations of the doctor and not to refuse surgical intervention.
- How to do an enema by yourself Enema is the procedure of introducing liquids into the colon using a variety of devices for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Enema is a serious medical intervention in the functioning of the intestine, their uncontrolled use can lead to serious problems.
- How to treat a bruised toe Contusion toe - injury that can have serious consequences if improperly treated. Usually these injuries happen unexpectedly. In the first minutes hard to move my leg due to severe pain. If possible, is to immediately go to the emergency room.