  • How to make an astronaut costume for a child
    Your child loves the stars and dreams of becoming an astronaut? Dress it up in almost real space suit for the next morning or the carnival. Costume astronaut – a rather complicated structure, but, using imagination and some perseverance, you can make the outfit in which your child will surely win the competition for the best carnival costume.
  • How to carry baby in a stroller
    Young mothers raises a lot of questions: how to feed, how to dress, how to care for a baby. And walking in the street cause fear: our streets and the climate is not very suited for comfort and long walks. But much depends on what stroller you choose. After all, for each stage of the growing need of new or adapted transport, in which the baby will be comfortable and safe.
  • How to withdraw warts in a child
    Warts can appear at any age, but most commonly this phenomenon occurs in children. Cause warts are infections and viruses, which are transmitted from an infected person through infected items and toys.
  • How to enter the child in the passport of the new sample
    Sometimes parents have to go abroad to work, on a trip or for any other purpose. It is possible that the child's home to leave neither the desire nor the opportunity. But to take their child abroad on a trip, he first need to apply for a passport.
  • How to get the status of a large family
    A large family in Russia is considered a family with three or more children. The status of having many children gives a large number of additional rights and benefits to families - cash benefits for children up to 18 years in larger sizes than children from ordinary families (it depends on the region of residence), trips in kindergartens out of turn, results land, free admission to museums, zoo, theaters. And many other perks and benefits.
  • How to calm a newborn
    Very often young mothers begin to worry and panic when the cry of a newborn baby, not knowing its cause. You need to understand that cry baby expresses its desire to sleep or eat, and wants to tell my mom about my discomfort.
  • How to lower hemoglobin in a child
    Elevated hemoglobin is much rarer than low, but it is also a deviation from the norm. In order to achieve normalization, it is necessary to revise the power system and to take some other measures.
  • How to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy
    To protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy with a properly chosen method of contraception. There are many ways, and each of them has its pros and cons.
  • How to cook fish child
    The composition of the fish including high-quality protein which is well absorbed by the body. In addition, it is rich in vitamins A, B2, B12, PP1, D, iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, iodine and fluorine. Contained in fish fatty acids omega 3 have a beneficial effect on the heart and brain. Therefore, fish should occupy an important place in the diet of the child.
  • How to explain a rainbow to
    In the preschool and early school age children go through a stage of psychological and mental development, accompanied by great interest to the knowledge of the external world. And they seek to satisfy their curiosity in the form of questions to parents about the world. Mother and father should be able to explain to the child the essence of various natural phenomena, such as, rainbows.
  • How to help children from the orphanage
    Life orphanage the child is difficult to describe. Even if the Director of the Golden man, and the authorities contain this institution in perfect condition and provide his pupils with all necessary. The kids are out of the ordinary childrenat home, which in Russia while many are deprived of very important things. If you can provide what they lack, people outsiders, but sincerely wishing to help?
  • How to treat varicose veins during pregnancy
    Varicose veins often called the "disease of the century": it is not only widespread, but rapidly "younger". Today is the first symptoms of this disease are often found in very young people. Often varicose veins developing during pregnancy is associated with increased load on the legs in pregnant women.
  • How to size children's shoes
    Mismatched shoes causes discomfort. In addition, it can harm the health of the little pedestrian. Calluses and foot pain is only a small part of the problems associated with wearing shoes not size. Truly frightening consequences are the deformity of foot and posture. To avoid trouble, you need to determine what size Shoe will fit the baby.
  • Like wearing prenatal bandage
    Bandage prenatal is a device, which provides support for the stomach and the correct position of the fetus in the womb. Modern tires help with fatigue, exhaustion, heaviness in the legs. It is very important to wear and carry these products.
  • As to deprive the mother of parental rights
    Unfortunately, not all parents care about their children, and sometimes you have to acceptthe mother very serious decisions to prevent a tragedy in the life of the little man. If from my birth mother, the child only gets a slap, forced to starve, to go in ragged clothes and to tolerate the presence of companions of the mother, then it is time to adoptthe mother decisively.
  • How to punish a child 2 years
    Sometimes children do not obey their elders, engage in misconduct that cannot be left unnoticed. The output of one sentence. It should not be cruel, it must be an educational lesson.
  • How to get a ticket to a sanatorium for pregnant women
    During pregnancy some women go to work, and then easily get home. Others in this period I feel very tired and have problems with health. Such women need proper rest, which can only be obtained in a sanatorium.
  • How to determine who will be like a child
    Once the child is born the parents are trying to find in it similarities with him. Psychologists argue that similarity affects the occurrence of that very special feeling of intimacy, kinship and family.
  • How to teach a child to read quickly
    The increasing flows of information require to quickly assimilate new knowledge, evaluate and analyze the information obtained. So, people should be able to read quickly, with the understanding the text. However, many factors can distract from reading, because the information comes through different channels. Many children today don't like to read and read slowly, simply because they think it's unnecessary. But when they feel the need for speed reading, it may already be too late. Therefore, the technique of reading parents should take care in advance.
  • What to take to the hospital
    In the last weeks of pregnancy expectant mothers begins to torment the question: "if I am ready for the birth of the baby?". And in this pleasant bustle of shopping sliders and suit is important not to forget that it is necessary to take care that you take with you to the hospital. After all, a bag of things it is better to collect in advance, at week 36. And the necessary documents to carry.
  • How to handle a newborn navel
    A newborn baby requires a lot of attention. Almost all 24 hours a day for him to care: change diapers, to wash away, to feed, to massage, sing him songs, talking to him. One of the most important daily treatments for the baby is the treatment of his navel. It should be carried out twice a day, morning and evening (after bathing the crumbs). To properly handle the umbilical wound needs to learn how each mother.