  • As to count nine days from the date of death
    In the Christian tradition, more importance of days of remembrance of the dead. One of them - the ninth day after death, when friends and relatives of the deceased gather to remember his kind words.
  • How to write notes of Xenia the Blessed
    Among the Orthodox Holy Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg occupies a special place. It is believed that it not only protects his native Saint Petersburg, but also helps to heal from serious illness and drunkenness. Women ask Xenia about a happy pregnancy and a safe childbirth, the students on the successful completion of examinations. Your request was heard Blessed, you need to write a special note and send it by observing certain rules.
  • How to bless the marriage
    Wedding is a happy day not only for bride and groom but also for their parents. I want young to live happily ever after. Blessing means in this situation very much. Young blessed, you agree with the choice of a son or daughter and wish them love and kindness. It is very important to observe the ancient rite.
  • How is the blessing of the parents
    The blessing of the parents of the bride and groom before the wedding in Russia has always been considered one of the most important events on this day. Today the blessing is not mandatory, but most couples adhere to Russian traditions.
  • How to ask for help from Matrona of Moscow
    Shortly before his death, the Holy blessed Staritsa Matrona of Moscow said, "All, all come to me and tell me how alive, of your sorrows, I will see you, and to hear and help you." Thousands of people flock to the tomb of St. Matrona, relics and icons. Many who turned in tearful and humble prayer to her she helped, taught, enlightened, healed from spiritual and physical ailments. How and where to ask for help from the Holy blessed Matrona of Moscow oxbow?
  • How to have a Wake 9 days
    According to the traditions of Christianity, basic Wake for the deceased are held on the day of the funeral, 9 days and 40 days. Most often, the Wake are reduced to a memorial meal, but do not think that people are just going to eat, this event aims to pay tribute to the deceased, pray for the repose of his soul.
  • How to ask for help from matron
    Holy Matrona of Moscow, or a mother Matrona (Matrona) is a Russian blessed, which was ranked as the Orthodox Church canonized. Matrona was born blind and at age 17 she lost the leg. However, from childhood to the girl stretched the people she helped, delivered from sickness, gave wise beyond his years advice, for all praying. Adulthood mother Matrona lived in Moscow, wandered and starved but continued to heal all who asked her assistance. She is one of the most revered in modern Russian saints, healer of the sick, Protectress of the family hearth, assistant in everyday Affairs. Many who addressed a prayer to the matron, I assure you that their life has changed dramatically.
  • How to write a note to the Western wall
    This tradition began several hundred years ago, among the pilgrims, who before return from pilgrimage to Jerusalem, back home, left a note in the Wailing Wall, asking the Creator for protection and health on the way back. Because these time travelers all along the way was beset with many dangers, in the form of bandits, diseases and the elements. And soon began to appear evidence of the miraculous rescue of pilgrims who would leave notes like this. Since then, the people in this way began to ask for health, happiness, success and thanking the Creator for everything given to them.
  • As to communion in the Church
    The sacrament, or communion, is one of the most important mysteries of Christianity. Its importance and the depth of meaning is a huge subject, but it is not the subject of the narrative. But consider carefully how you need to receive communion in the Church, it went to the man advantage, but did not hurt.
  • How to order prayers for the dead
    Prayers for the dead is a remembrance of the living or the dead in the Church prayer for 40 days.
  • How to write a letter to the matron
    Mother Matrona of Moscow, who lived not so long ago, 1885-1952 years, is the Saint that helps in a variety of situations, mostly related to family, children, health, etc. the Only thing that does not approve a Matron is accessed after a different kind of psychics – witches, sorcerers, mediums, etc. in Addition to direct appeal to the Holy Pokrovsky monastery, where the cancer is located with its relics, the matron can write a letter. How to do it?
  • How to remember six months
    After the death of the person there is a kind of obligatory rites several times a year (first after death) to remember the dead. Of course, to remember the deceased in the Church should as often as possible, not priravnivaetsya to any dates, because the main thing here is the prayer for the repose of the dead. However, in the hectic weekdays, a year after the death of people simply by going to the grave, forget to look into the Church, and many do not know, generally when and how they should commemorate the dead.
  • How to bless the bride
    Young to marry without parental blessing bride was considered unacceptable. So there were only girls, who fled from his family and going against their parents ' wishes. Today, blessing the young does not always happen, and many people do not know how to perform the rite.
  • How to dress for baptism
    Baptism is an important ritual of the Church, during which the child or adult becomes a member of the Church. The importance of such a feast celebrated in Catholic Christianity and Orthodox Christianity. If you are going to baptize your child or attend the baptism as a godmother, you need to dress appropriately. So how to dress to not feel uncomfortable within the walls of the Church?
  • How to use oil consecrated
    How to use oil consecrated? We all know that butter oil is an essential attribute of Christian worship and the life of any Christian. But not everyone knows that for example lamp and oil blessed on the relics of Saints is not quite the same thing. Although if lamp oil purchased in the Church shop it also sanctified.
  • How to sanctify the apartment with Holy water
    Orthodox Christians the rite of consecration of the dwelling is considered to be one of the mandatory. It symbolizes the belonging to the Church, to God's blessing for protection from evil forces. Most often sanctify the house after moving it and after the repair. The priest or friends members can strongly advise to consecrate an apartment, if it lives, seriously ill people, family on the brink of divorce, young children.
  • How to determine the Qibla without a compass
    During prayer it is important the correct position of a Muslim. He should, turning his face towards the Qibla, i.e. the city of Mecca. But how to be in the situation where the exact direction in which Mecca is located, is unknown, and compass with me? In this situation, alternative methods will help determine the direction.
  • How to clean the house with candles
    At home, their corners and walls – the silent witnesses of many events taking place in families. Each event has its own energy – positive or negative. All anything, but they accumulate like dust in the corners of the home, negative energy destroys family life and, therefore, similar to how you deal with dust from the negative need to get rid of. Cleaning the premises can be carried out with the help of candles.
  • How to do nikah
    The tradition of nicknames in our country is respected for Muslims enviable, that is, constancy, in different historical periods. Most often conduct the marriage in our days is more a tribute to tradition, rather than following the internal laws of the faith. Although the latter is also quite common.
  • As for the Church to put a candle for the health
    Spark is a voluntary sacrifice of man to God, expressing our willingness to be obedient and serve. It symbolizes the warmth and love of the Lord, the Holy Borotice and all the saints. To light a candle for the health, you need to follow some rules of the Church.
  • How to read namaz
    Namaz is a five-time prayer. Is one of the five pillars of Islam. Reading namazand is considered one of the rites of the worship of Allah. It is very important to speak and act while saying a prayer. To read namaz daily.
  • How to debunk in the Church
    We are so used to the phrase "the family is the cell of society", and "cell" but this slowly came to a civil marriage and "legitimate" family in modern life has a "contract" basis. But once...
  • How to ask for help from God
    How to ask for help from God? Who with regularity and devotion engaged in prayer (spoken), saying her words out loud or whisper, depending on need, and enclosing the mind in speech; who are in prayerful asceticism has consistently rejected all the thoughts and dreams of not only the sinful and vain, but apparently the good – that the merciful Lord grant in his smart, heartfelt and sincere prayer. Holy. Ignatius Bryanchaninov
  • How to choose a patron Saint
    Every baptized person has a patron Saint, who is the intercessor, the intercessor before God. His choice is not random and may depend on the person's birth date, the name that was given to him by the parents, and even from the profession. Thus, the Christian may even be a few patron saints.
  • How to put a candle for the health
    In order to light a candle for the health of a loved one, you need to follow a few simple rules concerning Church candles, as well as the General behaviour in the temple.
  • How to be baptized in the Church
    In the Orthodox Church there are two types of the sign of the cross: dvoeverie and troeperstie. Folded three fingers together are a symbol of the Holy Trinity.
    In order to properly baptized hand, which depicts the cross, first for the right shoulder, then left.
  • Like the first time to confess
    For such a responsible step as a confession, we come sooner or later, on their inner desire or someone else's farewell. Come and ... don't know what it's want to do. We hesitate to ask how to properly confess and what it needs. Wondering what to say and how to Express what is so hard to say. The first thing you need to understand that the confession of a man repenteth of his sins to Almighty God. So you should take the confession very seriously.
  • How to get to the Tibetan monastery
    To get to Tibet were possible far not to all. And not just because they were in power, the Mongols or the Chinese. Tibet is primarily a Tibetan area of monasteries, closed from prying eyes. In 1984, Tibet was opened for tourist. But some monasteries have established a quota on the admission of a certain number of tourists per month.
  • How to do the prayer girls
    Salator prayer in Islam is strictly regulated action. Is determined not only by the number and timing of prayers, but also the direction in which the believer should turn to Allah, clothing and other aspects. The features exist for certain categories of people, including girls. What are they?
  • How to hang an icon
    This question sooner or later arises in everyone who becomes an icon or receives it as a gift. And really, how to correctly place it in the house to offer prayer to the Lord and not to violate any divine law? After all, prayer is a kind of sacrament, and any sacrament must be done in the appropriate place, not anywhere. How to hang icons in urban apartments or private homes?