- How to find owner of car by number Find the owner of the number of his car is sometimes forced measure. For example, in cases where he escapes from a road accident place. Find the owner of the car in different ways. The main thing is to try to find him quickly, otherwise, the expiration of a certain period of time will have to forget about their claims to it.
- How to learn the history of the car VIN-code VIN code is the primary identifier by which you can know virtually everything about the car. It is encrypted and the year of issue and the country-manufacturer, and the model in General, almost all the technical characteristics of the car. However,in the VIN-code, you can find out the full history of the car.
- How to break the VIN-code car Before buying a car, you always want to protect yourself from future troubles. This is especially true of used cars. To do this, please test the chosen car according to its identification code, also called the VIN-code.
- How to find equipment to blame Identification code (VIN) – a combination usually consisting of 17 alpha and numeric characters and a unique machine number assigned to it by the manufacturer. Many experts on the decoding of VIN codes already in the character set define the type of car, year and country of Assembly. But to know the equipment of the machine, you will need to memorize a lot of information.
- How to find out my fines for traffic violations Unpaid fines can spoil not only mood but also significantly reduce the thickness of the purse. In addition, the bailiffs can impose limitations on the inspection and all registration actions with your car. To avoid unpleasant situations, it is best to keep your finger on the pulse and know whether you have a duty to the state. There are several ways. One of them is a personal visit to the Department of administrative practice of traffic police.
- How to pay traffic fines via Sberbank Fines – the most common sanction for violations of traffic regulations of the Russian Federation. The amount of the fine goes to the state income through payment through the branches of a credit institution, which is often the savings Bank of the Russian Federation.
- How to make bows on the car The tradition of decorating the wedding procession with ribbons and bows originated in Europe. In ancient times the bride to the Church was accompanied by a group of boys with so-called Bridal bows on the sleeves, which was considered by the legend the key to a happy marriage and a talisman against the machinations of the dark forces.
- How to quickly learn the rules of the road Knowledge of the rules of the road never hurts. Regardless of whether you have a car or you are just going to pass on the right, the knowledge of traffic rules will be useful. To quickly learn the rules of the road, it will take a little time and patience.
- How to learn to understand machines The automotive industry is evolving at a frantic pace. At first glance one car looks like another. Only here at the beautiful lights, and the trunk is huge. How can one learn to understand the machines?
- How not to clear cars Buying a car overseas is advantageous. However, the main problem faced by motorists, is a clearance machine. Because sometimes it's very problematic. And in some cases the amount of this procedure exceeds the value of the car. Therefore, quite often motorists wonder how is it possible not to undergo the procedure of customs clearance of the machine.
- How to get the right tractor Obtaining the rights to the tractor is governed by the Rules of admission to control for self-propelled machines and issuing the certificates of the tractor operator-machinist (the tractor operator)", dated July 12, 1999. To obtain the right to manage the tractor can be with 17 years. The certificate shall be issued only after passing the examination for operators of self-propelled vehicles in the state inspection of the Gostekhnadzor.
- How to check credit car or not When buying a car, as a rule, it is checked if it is not listed in the hijacking. But the credit car or no checking less often. But there are some rules that you need to pay attention, not to be the owner of the car purchased by someone on credit.
- How to calculate the cost of the car Correctly calculated the cost of the car will allow you to save money. A significant impact on the cost of a used car in addition to the brand and technical features will provide the year of manufacture, actual mileage car and the available options.
- How to choose a car number If you have the opportunity to choose a room for your car, why not use it? After all, the numerological significance of the numbers that will enter in a room your car will be able to tell a lot about the owner and his vehicle.
- How to calculate gas mileage Many people nowadays have a car, but not many know how to count your consumption of fuel. At current prices, this topic has become very relevant. A few examples of how to calculate the consumption of fuel.
- How to know about the owner of the plate Cases when you may need to know details of the owner of the car, many: got ham on the road, or you got into a car accident and the culprit fled. Most often we have only the make of the car, its colour and registration number. But these data are sufficient.
- How to find out what the arrest of the car You should start with the fact that people ask this question, I do not know or do not know Russian laws. As they say, the question is not quite correct, because the law very clearly reglementary the procedure for imposition of arrest on property.
- How to set a route in the Navigator Navigators win the people's hearts. Smart, fast, with the bulk memory they help you to navigate the terrain, to pave the route and specify the location. In order to use the device, simply download a map of the area and pave the desired route.
- How to find the owner Usually this question arises when you want to find owner of car by registration number. The search is performed on the database of the traffic police, into force of certain circumstances.
- How to break a car by VIN code VIN number on a car, you can learn all basic information on the car. In addition, and partly determined by the history of this car. After all, VIN is the main identification number from the manufacturer. And besides, when using any machine (repair, painting, taking part in an accident, etc.) always first check the VIN number.
- How to check VIN code
- As for the VIN to know the year of the car If a carproduced abroad, are not indicated in PTS year of issue, is it possible to determine it by the VIN code? In most cases, as, for example, in U.S. cars, the indication of the year in the VIN is necessary.
- How to pay the fine without a receipt To pay the fines need as quickly as possible to avoid problems. But it often happens that the receipt for payment is lost. And to pay the required amount seems impossible. However, there are many ways how to pay the debt without receipts.
- How to make a trailer with your own hands The trailer is very convenient and necessary vehicle for the transport of goods. He just needed to use in the economy, so many motorists are wondering how to make it yourself?
- How to distinguish fake right In the Internet, and Newspapers you can find a lot of ads with promises to issue these driver's rights quickly and cheaply. Unfortunately, some motorists do not miss the opportunity to receive documents in this way. There are several criteria by which to distinguish real rights from the fake.
- How to learn to drive a car the woman Not so long ago, women drivers were found so rarely that the society is firmly established stereotype, as if the woman and the car – the concept is easy to make compatible. The way the motorist was so tightly associated with the male sex that women have today on the roads have a hard time. Each must not only learn driving but also to prove to others of her people, and most importantly herself that she is a full-fledged participant of the road as everyone else.
- How to restore the passport of the vehicle In case of loss or theft of the passport of the vehicle need to promptly engage in its recovery. It is important to understand that this document proves that the automobile is owned by you and not anyone else, and in his absence you may have trouble.
- How to determine the build-vin VIN number – 17 digit universal identification number of the vehicle. Each digit of the code gives specific information about the car: the place and time of Assembly, the body type, engine, model number, etc.
- How to quickly learn tickets SDA The rules of the road a new driver needs to learn by heart not only in order to pass the exam. Not knowing these rules, you can't sit behind the wheel and go to town. To learn all the tickets, sometimes you have to spend too much time. This can be done quickly if you know how to teach.
- How to sew seat covers New car covers are very expensive. However, this is not just a decoration machine, but very useful and easy to use thing. Due to the beautiful covers interior of the car becomes more comfortable, besides, they can be periodically washed. But so much for them not to spend money, try to sew the seat covers themselves.