  • How to learn to play volleyball
    Volleyball is one of the most popular team ball games. Learn how to play volleyball is not that difficult. The important thing is to learn the basic rules and a little practice. Usually beginners are taught the General rules and all the rest is learned by them directly on the volleyball field.
  • How to increase jump in volleyball
    This question is often asked volleyball players and basketball players, athletes and all those people who have a lot and jump high. Before addressing this problem should begin with an understanding of the process, its mechanics. Because you need to know what muscles need to develop in the first place.
  • How to play volleyball
    A lot of people are fans of volleyball. It is not only interesting to spectators and professional players. Due to their availability, at the Amateur level, volleyball is played by millions of people. Beginners will find useful tips on how to play volleyball.
  • How to discharge in volleyball
    The desire to have a sports category on volleyball, you may receive the athlete involved in the sport for a long time. It shows the current level of skill, and you can get it at major competitions.
  • How to learn to jump in volleyball
    Jump high in volleyball is one of the most effective and efficient elements of the game. Fortunately, there is a special volleyball jump. The technique of the jump speed is the same for volleyball and basketball, and parkour, and even for rhythmic gymnastics. In short, for any sport where you need strong legs and the ability at the right time hard to push off and fly as high as possible, slightly helping himself with his hands. The program of exercises to improve jumping ability is the same.
  • What is volleyball
    Volleyball is one of the most popular sports team games. In English the name sounds like "hit the ball right" or "floating ball". Volleyball engaged tens of millions of people in the world due to the simplicity of the rules of this game that does not require complicated, expensive equipment. In addition, an unquestionable advantage of this sport is that it is relatively safe. The player can, of course, to get injured, but it happens much less frequently than, for example, in football or hockey.
  • Where to play volleyball in Moscow
    In this article you will learn how to quickly and easily find a gym in Moscow, as well as the coach and the team with which you can play volleyball in Moscow.
  • How to learn to play beach volleyball?
    Beach volleyball is a game that focuses not only on the advantages and disadvantages of the bodies of the players but also on the technique of their game. In this difficult case the main thing - to have the desire, and the rest will follow with time.