Body care
  • How to shave pubic hair
    Shaving pubic hair become a fashion trend all over the world. Since Roman times in many cultures it was a common practice. Many people shave their pubic hair for hygienic and sexual attraction.
  • How to get rid of sunburn
    Despite the fact that tanned skin is in fashion now, girls chocolate brown like not all in a row. In addition, there's always a risk to make so-called "village" tan, that is sunbathing by sleeve t-shirts, from shorts to Golf, and even with white marks on wrists in place of bracelets and then all summer to pass in clothes of the same style. It is therefore useful to know not only ways on how to tan faster, but also how to get rid of bad sunburn.
  • How to wash hair dye off skin
    Many women have used to color your hair at home. So they know the situation, when an urgent need to clear skin from dark spots. Traces of paint often remain on your forehead, ears and neck, occasionally on the hands. Of course, preferably before coloring your hair to lubricate these areas with a special cream. But it happens that it does not help. How to wash hair dye off skin?
  • How to withdraw papilloma in the home
    Papillomas are benign tumors have a different nature of origin, different sizes, shapes and even color. Their surface is uneven, the color can be from white to brown. HPV can appear anywhere: on the neck, under the armpits, under the breast glands in women, on the eyelids, but sometimes they affect the mucous membrane. The virus HPV is transmitted by contact through microtrauma of the skin, through sexual contact and perinatal.
  • How to remove heel
    Leather heels coarsens with age, this problem is especially acute in the summer. Blame open sandals, through which penetrates the dust. Epithelial tissue is superimposed, and inside it clogged up dirt, heels are unkempt and grey. But this can be avoided if you regularly take care of feet. Clear heels can be at home or at the beauty salon, which employs a master pedicure. It all depends on your abilities and preferences.
  • How to remove the creases under the arms
    The folds in the armpit can spoil the mood and to provide the woman a complex about the shape. Moreover, due to the folds often have to deny myself an open and sexy clothes. But it is much better not to avoid problems, and deal with it. Moreover, when the problem is so easily solved.
  • How to remove hair in the bikini area
    The hair in the area bikini bring a lot of trouble the beautiful half of humanity, as they are untidy to look at the background of lace panties. Most problems occur in the summer when all you want is to lie on the beach, but before you do this, you need to remove unwanted hair.
  • How to remove corns on feet
    Problems corns and calluses concerned with a large number of people. Basically corns are formed due to the narrow and uncomfortable shoes or flat feet. The corns represent a seal skin that cause pain when walking. Getting rid of corns at home, in the future, choose the right and soft shoes to avoid unpleasant and painful callus of the skin again.
  • How to whiten skin underarms
    Dark skin in underarms – the result of increased pigmentation. The reasons for this phenomenon there are many – from lack of hygiene to a reaction to the deodorant. To whiten the skin in the armpits, you can use folk remedies, and the latest advances in the field of cosmetology.
  • How to remove the vascular mesh on the legs
    Vasculature appear due to the expansion of blood vessels, capillaries and small terminal arteries. To some they seem like just an aesthetic problem, however, if time does not take measures for their treatment, they can lead to more serious problems.
  • How to get rid of acne on back and shoulders
    Hormonal disorders, improper diet, environmental pollution... All of these factors affect the condition of our skin. Unfortunately, the eruption of acne is not characteristic only for teenagers, they suffer from adults, and both women and men. Very often, even if a person is clean, without acne and blackheads, the face pimples on back and shoulders. Besides the fact that they spoil the appearance of the skin, acne can be signs of infection. Therefore, to get rid of them as quickly as possible, using several methods, as the popular and medical.
  • How to get rid of moles
    Birthmark has long been considered a sign of dedication. In some countries, people with birthmarks, called witches or sorcerers. Today such prejudices nobody believes. However, birthmarks are still very carefully, because a little mole can cause such terrible diseases as cancer of the skin. Therefore, any mechanical action with the birthmark is best done under the supervision of a physician. Remove birthmark in the home is also not always possible. But to lighten the mole is possible without expensive cosmetic procedures.
  • How to get rid of body hair forever folk remedies
    If your body is unwanted hair and you want to get rid of them, you can use the modern means, such as depilatory creams, IPL, laser hair removal and others. But not all methods can not solve the problem forever. You can try to turn to folk remedies.
  • Do I need to shave my legs above the knee
    Smooth well-groomed feet – it's beautiful, especially if we are talking about women's legs. Many ladies prefer to get rid of the hairline with a safety razor. It's easy, fast and cheap. And how to shave her legs? And whether it is necessary to remove the hairs growing above the knee?
  • How to wash off the tan
    Tanned skin is now in Vogue. But the girl with the body color of chocolate not everyone likes. In addition, lie for hours in the sun, there is always a risk to purchase a "village" tanthat is too dark. Therefore, it is important to know how to wash away bad sunburn.
  • How to remove irritation after shaving bikini
    Easy and without consequences to shave the hair on the skin is not all, quite often accompanied by great irritationm even men who used to shave their face almost every day. And the skin in the bikini area, which many girls also prefer to make smooth and clean and has a more subtle structure.
  • How to remove pimples on the ass
    Pimples on the very spicy place cause disorders of its owner, especially when the beach season has already begun. Open swimwear, and very short skirts is not to wear, because on a particular issue can learn surrounding people. Pimples on the butt tend to appear in hot weather, sweat and dust contribute to their growth and tight clothes only make the problem worse. To get rid of them in just a few days, the main thing is not to squeeze them.
  • How to bleach hair on legs
    It so happened that the female body seems more beautiful if it is freed from excess hair. Hairy brutal and not add to the weaker sex no beauty, no femininity. Therefore, women throughout history tried to get rid of hair on the body and especially on her feet, exposing themselves to painful procedures. There is another option to solve the problem of unwanted hair is to bleach them.
  • How to remove corns on toes
    If in the morning you put on new sandals, and in the evening can not step on the foot due to the resultant calluses, immediately take off clothes and start to troubleshoot this problem. The point is serious. And don't panic if you don't know how to remove corns on the toes. Useful advice has not been canceled.
  • How to get rid of hair in bikini area forever
    One of the most delicate procedures is hair removal in the area of bikini. For removing unwanted hair at home, use such familiar tools as cold wax, epilator, tweezers. However, they give only temporary results and permanently get rid of hair are only able salon treatments: electro - or photo-epilation, laser hair removal.
  • How to get rid of chest hair for men
    The days when chest hair in men was considered a sign of masculinity, gone. Now, many men tend like women to remove hair from your body. However, it is often difficult to determine the type and method of hair removal.
  • How to get rid of the irritation on the feet
    Irritation on legs is a result of injury to the skin when waxing or epilation. To get rid of this almost impossible, especially if you have delicate skin. But you can do something to minimize the effects after removal of unwanted vegetation.
  • How to get stains from leather
    Removing grease stains from leather clothing is different from the same procedure with other materials, because the skin can not be washed in the machine, stroking or scratching. Therefore, it is not necessary to follow the generally accepted methods, because you can simply ruin an expensive thing.
  • How to get rid of the irritation after hair removal
    Hair removal – remove unwanted hair from the root. Very often, after the procedure of epilation, for example, wax or epilator on the skin irritation in form of redness and rashes. The situation is unpleasant, but not fatal. With the skin irritation after hair removal can be addressed.
  • How to get rid of veins on legs at home
    Spider veins on the legs is the first signs of venous insufficiency. They hit mostly soft tissue. The color of stars varies from light to purple, so they look not very nice.
  • How to remove belly fat using honey
    Natural honey contains essential amino acids, trace elements, minerals, vitamins and enzymes. With regular use inside it activates the metabolism, and when applied to the skin – helps to reduce the thickness of fat in the waist area.
  • How to remove green paint from the skin
    At any time you can deal with the question of how to wash a solution of brilliant green with leather. The fact that to open the standard vial of this tool and will not stain - almost impossible. But however there are folk remedies that will help you in removing stains from the green stuff.
  • How to bleach body hair
    Discoloration is the most popular way to make the hair on the body less noticeable. Discolor hair by applying both solutions prepared at home from drugs or plants, and ready-made industrial compounds.
  • How to bleach skin at home
    Uneven color of the skin are present in almost every woman. Someone is hiding them for toning means, and someone tries to fight by bleaching. Method is effective, and most importantly, feasible in home conditions.
  • How to get rid of rough heels
    A woman wants to look perfect, beginning from roots of hair and ending...heels. Because, as you know, men pay attention to woman's legs, and are important not only slimmer, but well maintained. The impression created by neat manicure, great hair and unmatched dress may be spoiled by the kind of gritty female heels.