Athletics and gymnastics
  • How to learn to do the splits at home
    In order to do the splits at home you will need only a floor and a series of simple exercises that are easy to learn, regardless of age. Older people can do the splits over two months, more young people can master this technique much earlier.
  • How to do the splits in one week
    Twine is a measure of flexibility. It is used in gymnastics, dance, martial arts, cheerleading, etc. Twine one is easy, others difficult. But with proper goal setting to learn this exercise, it is possible in one week. However, under one condition, have methodically and seriously to work.
  • How to do the splits in one day
    The splits in one day to sit down, of course, possible. But the path you then will be only one in the hospital with torn ligaments. And instead of dreaming about reaching the unreachable, better close enjoy stretching their muscles. Then not per day but per month exactly does the splits without any injuries.
  • As the girl to pump up the cubes
    Beautiful, tight stomach with dice will always be in fashion. And it's not just guys, girls are also wondering how to pump up the cubes. But to see excellent results, you'll need at least two months of regular training and a great desire to make your figure perfect.
  • How to get fast on side splits
    Side splits is the most difficult type of stretching. For many people it becomes an unattainable dream because of the peculiarities of physique or lack of perseverance. In some sports, the splits is a required element of the program in sports aerobics, rhythmic gymnastics, etc.
  • How to get to the bridge
    When watching sports, we are surprised at the ease of performing complex gymnastic exercises. It needs a lot of work and a great perform the basic exercises that are the Foundation to perform complex tricks. In gymnastics, acrobatics and other sports, these are the splits, bridge, box and other items.
  • How to build chest press at home
    Pump up the volume raised to the chest and press "cubes" is a dream of many men. However, to go to the gym not all have the opportunity. If you want to achieve good results and at home. Enough to take regular classes only half an hour a day.
  • How to learn to do a backflip at home
    Flip is one of the most spectacular stunts in acrobatics. In order to learn how to do it at home, you need a good physical preparation and the correct sequence of training.
  • How to do push-UPS to pump up your chest
    Most men dream of having relief, lean and beautiful muscles of his chest. But how to achieve such a great result without going to gym? Yes, easy, chest muscles can build at home with push-UPS. It is important to pay special attention to the quantity and quality of this exercise.
  • How to learn to run 3 km
    You can not be able to run, but to learn how everyone can. There are exceptions related injuries or injuries inconsistent with the Jogging, but in all other cases, you can learn to run quickly and for long distances. Running gives a good load on the heart, ran a few kilometers, you can easily assess the state of health and physical training.
  • How to fix curve press
    The bending press can be determined by considering their edges. If you see asymmetry in their form and location, it is the curvature of the press. It often depends on the correct exercise and posture. And in 99% of cases this curvature is due to the irregular development of the skeleton. So to correct this natural feature will not be that impossible, but hard enough.
  • How to quickly stretch your legs
    An important part of any training program are exercises for stretching the legs. Due to this the body becomes more flexible, maintain good posture and reduces the risk of damage to the ligaments and muscles. Proper stretching strengthens the joints and makes them flexible. So how do faster to stretch the leg muscles?
  • How not to choke while running
    When running cardiovascular system is experiencing severe stress, which causes shortness of breath. Novice, inexperienced runners often do not know how to control my breathing so as not to choke, which decreases the effectiveness of the training. When running on middle and long distances are especially important to breathe correctly to allow oxygen to reach vital organs.
  • How to learn a back flip
    If you have the desire to learn how to do Salto backwards (backflip), we can tell you how to realize your desire. It is necessary to warn that even with strict adherence to all instructions and recommendations can not protect you 100% from injury. So learn to make the flip better in the gym on the trampoline or on the mats. Also preferably insuring the presence of a comrade.
  • As running one kilometer
    1000 m – distance is quite heavy because it is fleeting and requires a good speed training and endurance. In order to overcome it, it is important to observe some basic principles of preparation and conduct of the race.
  • How to quickly gain muscle mass at home
    The desire to improve his physical form was experiencing a lot of people, but more often to practice, it never comes. Sometimes this dream disappears after the first days of training. To build muscle can be very hard, and it takes a lot. But if you decided to pursue my dream of begin to act.
  • How to get on to the bridge standing
    Basic gymnastic exercise bridge is the basis to perform complex acrobatic tricks. Your ability to stand on the bridge from a standing position shows a high level of physical fitness and well-developed flexibility.
  • How to learn to hula-Hoop
    Turn the Hoop right know far not all. To waist was experiencing maximum load, a stronger force to work the back. This often leads to the appearance of the waist and the sides of the smudges and bruises, which are a major interference to the continuation of lessons with the Hoop. Instead of torturing your body, try to relax and start to follow the simple advice of professionals. You just need to stand in front of a mirror and start practicing. Looking at your reflection, you quickly realize and correct mistakes.
  • How to make your back flexible
    The flexibility of the spine – an indicator of the youth of the body. Think so in the East. And think not in vain, because flexibility means good joint mobility that has always been inherent in the young body.
  • How to build a raised body
    Relief pumped body looks much more effective than massive, but fat. However, do not gain significant body mass, it is impossible to achieve a beautiful landscape. Therefore, work on the relief should begin after you gain 10-20 pounds of muscle mass plus the primary body weight.
  • How to learn how far to jump
    Long jump included in the program of athletics. They are an essential element in the preparation and performance of athletes of different sports. The ability to jump has practical value, for example, when jumping over ditches and puddles. To learn how far you can jump, if you master technique and develop speed-strength qualities.
  • How to fix the curvature of the legs exercises
    When the ideal shape of the feet in standing position the knees and ankles one footand touch the knees and ankles another. A slight curvature of the legs can be corrected with special exercises – muscles pumped in the right places, and legsand gain a good shape.
  • How to run fast and not get tired of it
    Certainly at a young age you wondered how to learn to run fast and not get tired at the same time, feeling his superiority in front of friends. Fast running is especially important for some sports. So, after reviewing some of the methodologies and to exert the maximum effort you will achieve great results.
  • How to wrap hoops for rhythmic gymnastics
    Certainly the most beautiful and feminine women artistic gymnasts. On the carpet they come out just for a minute, first with one subject, then another. But in that short time they can show a real show and receive love and recognition. Graceful girls perform program, which merged the art of dance and sports. Their outfits, custom-made and embellished with rhinestones. Decorate items for performances - for example, gymnastics Hoop. And you can do it yourself.
  • How to learn to do a back flip
    Flip back – this is, without doubt, a very effective trick. It seems that it is only for professional gymnasts and acrobats, but actually its implementation is simple. Of course, to learn this trick, you will have to practice, but to master this flip can be quite fast, besides, it is considered the easiest among all varieties of flips. If you decided to learn this jump, follow the instructions below.
  • How to build muscle without protein
    All modern magazines on bodybuilding is just full of different supplements. Plenty of articles written about different types of proteins, which help bodybuilders gain muscle mass. But to achieve the same results possible without sports nutrition. The only thing you need is to choose the right training program and diet.
  • How to increase running speed
    Your running has become faster, it is necessary to work simultaneously on three main components: a powerful impetus, proper technique and a good stretch. Thanks to a powerful push, you can do more steps for the same period of time, a good stretch is needed to increase the length of the step, and without good technique you will not be able to direct the energy of the whole body.
  • How to build body without equipment
    Men, just like women, want to have a beautiful body. However, the vast majority of the case to a practice does not reach due to lack of time for visits to the gym. Talking about pumping the body with the help of simulators, one should not forget that build muscle is possible without buying a gym and without any additional devices.
  • How to learn to do jars ago
    Among the various acrobatic stunts performed by gymnasts and athletes, often found walkovers – jump back with the coup, which is an important overclocking feature because in the process of the coup you can develop greater speed. To learn these coups can anyone who spend enough time and effort to training and practice.
  • How to pump up the average press
    The average pressω are those abdominal muscles that form the abdominal wall, hold and protect internal organs and also forms of human posture. Pump up those muscles hard enough, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. The explanation is simple: muscles in the middle of the press are particularly hardy. So each of your training should contain a large number of exercises.