  • How to learn to play the guitar at home
    If you've decided to learn to play the guitar, and in music school to go it's late and no time to study at music College, you can master this art at home. All you need is the desire and a good tool.
  • How to find music by words from song
    The influence of music knows no boundaries. Even if you do not understand the language in which the artist sings, or do not remember the name of the composer, a favorite song will remain in memory for a long time. To find when your favorite song, you will need to recall only the minimum information about it – at least some of the words from the text.
  • How to add music to iPhone
    First there was the music – namely the iPod. Appeared followed by the iPhone combines the features of the phone and the player. Now, open the iPod app on the iPhone, you can download the music one song or entire playlists – artists, genres, and other categories.
  • How to learn to play the piano by yourself
    There are people who do not aspire to a musical education and the achievement of perfect games with an excellent setting of the hands. I want to play for the soul life is not devoting hours and hours of training. To self learn piano at the Amateur level, exercise a little bit, but daily.
  • How to find a song like this
    When the discs with your favorite songs listened to a lot, I want something new, but in a similar style. Fortunately, there are online resources through which you can find a lot of music to your taste.
  • How to put the voice yourself
    Hard to find anyone who would secretly wanted to learn to sing and get closer to their idols on stage. In fact, learn to sing it and if you are seriously thinking about how to develop their vocal skills, prepare for employment and training, without which it is impossible to put a voice and to train respiratory support. In this article you will learn what methods you should use for voice production.
  • How to learn to sing if you have no voice
    When playing rousing music, we not only love to dance but also to sing. However, not everyone is given the opportunity to play the musical notes of the voice, due to his absence. Now you can learn to sing if you have no voice, if you have desire and free time.
  • How to develop a voice for singing
    Normal, healthy voice a healthy person is in principle suitable both for speech and for singing. Between the singer and a man just started singing, only three differences: the development of a musical ear, developed power, developed skills.
  • How do you know that you have a voice
    According to the teachers, musicians, no man in the world, devoid of musical ear. Just some of the ear is developed more, some less, the third is in its infancy stage and requires more work. Vocal voice is derived from a musical ear, although its development requires a lot of effort.
  • How to remove a music clip
    If you dream of becoming an artist, and want to thank you are caught up instantly, you need your videoclip. Having to run to order the production in a professional Studio. It is quite possible to do yourself.
  • How to insert your picture in mp3 file
    While playing songs on media player often displays album art relates to the song. In fact, this image is stored in the mp3 file and is a tag. Tags (or metadata) is information contained in the file music track: lyrics, album cover, artist name, genre, year, etc. You can change these tags at their own discretion, for example, to insert a picture in an mp3 file.
  • How to learn to play the synthesizer without music
    Most of the performers on the synthesizer is the former (in some cases advanced) pianists with professional or pre-music education. However, a novice keyboard player not to have a musical notation to play.
  • How to quickly learn how to rap
    Many people want to learn how to read rap. All they have is desire and a lot of practice, and success are seen. As to any business, it needs a special approach and knowledge of all the subtleties and nuances. Knowledge of methods makes it much faster to succeed.
  • How to find music by fragment
    Everyone familiar with this situation. I heard a song on the radio or somewhere else, she liked it, but the memory remained only a part of the song. Neither the song title nor the name of the artist. And the song I want to listen to again and again. With access to the Internet to find the music for the text is quite real.
  • How to find a song if you don't remember the name
    In public transport, at a party or just on the street you heard a beautiful melody. It sounds in your head, you walk all day, singing it. And here you want to look it up online to listen again. However, not knowing the name of the song, this is not very simple. But some options still exist.
  • How to take the bar on the guitar
    By new guitarists often arises the problem that it is impossible to take the bar. Really to learn this is not difficult, it is only necessary to have patience and not to stop exercising.
  • How to play the piano with chopsticks
    Chopsticks, written by the great Chopin to his son in Russia has become wildly popular. Knows if not every dog, or at least every citizen who once went to music school. However, to learn to play the piano with chopsticks, do not need any special musical ability. You just know the notes. But to learn it, you will definitely be remembered for among friends the able pianist.
  • How to find music by sound
    You heard on the radio a beautiful song, but you did not comment on its title? Or find unsigned music and want to find other songs of the unknown artist? Having sufficient knowledge of a foreign language, the title of the song you can easily identify the text by making a request to the Internet. But it is much easier to use special services and programs identifiers of music.
  • How to learn to play the flute
    The flute is the collective name of related wind instruments similar to the recorder. Pipes come in different lengths, they can be differently located holes. However, the technique of these tools in different Nations are the same. The principle is based on the oscillation of the air column, the length of which varies depending on the position of the fingers.
  • How to learn to play "chopsticks"
    "Dog waltz" was written as a joke by F. Chopin at the request of his wife Aurora Dudevant. In this work the composer with musical means, has depicted the dog's behavior a famous writer. However, in the classic version it does not sound like a waltz as played not before, and bilobate size. The most convenient tool for the performance of "Dog waltz" - keyboards (piano, synthesizer or similar).
  • How to play seven-string guitar
    The number of those wishing to learn to play the Russian seven-string guitar is growing every year, despite the fact that in many countries a much more popular classic Spanish shestistrunniki. Have a seven-string guitar has its own characteristics and advantages. There are some techniques that are unique to this guitar. Some of them invented by Gypsy performers — seven-string guitar was and still is a favorite instrument of the Russian Gypsies. Often the seven-string guitar sounds in a duet with the six string guitar, domra or balalaika.
  • How to write text to rap
    Rap today is a very popular music style among young people – it is not surprising that many people dream of becoming rap stars and create your own group. To be an aspiring rapper is not easy – for this you need to learn how to write texts, as the texts are important in this style of music. They must be meaningful and relevant style. How to write lyrics for rap songs, we will discuss in this article.
  • How to change music format
    Despite the fact that the MP3 format has become a universal format for storing and playing audio files, it is often necessary to change the format of music: to adapt the tracks, for example, PDA or electronic books.
  • How to learn to beatbox
    Beatbox is an art of imitation of musical instruments (bass, drums, scratches, wind and string instruments and various sound effects with human mouth. It can include singing and imitation of the work with turntables. It is quite a complex skill that is gaining momentum around the world.
  • How to learn to play the harmonica
    The harmonica is a very common musical instrument. The sound in this instrument is played by fluctuations of copper plates that are inside of an accordion. In order to learn to play this instrument, you need to know three basic techniques of production of lips and tongue, on the harmonica – whistle, the u-shaped lock, lock tongue.
  • How to write a song in English
    English is the language of international communication. There is nothing surprising in the fact that some young people who practice music tend to make their songs understandable for people from other countries. Hence, there is a fashion for English-language songs all over the world.
  • How to insert a picture in music
    Quite often the need arises to insert a picture in music, a single song or a whole album. You can spend some time on the Internet in search of the appropriate software, however, it is possible to do this without resorting to special programs.
  • As to clamp the strings on the guitar
    The sound quality when playing the guitar depends largely on the position of fingers of the left hand. If the strings are clamped correctly, the sound is too hollow or raspy, even if the tool is wonderful and perfectly set up. The novice musician it is important to master the correct position of the fingers.
  • How to copy music from computer to disk
    To record music from the computer to the disk you can use a variety of ways, ranging from recording with the built-in Windows Wizard, and ending recording of the music using special software. The most popular way is to record music from the computer to the disc using the program Nero.
  • How to improve your voice for singing
    Vocals – from the Latin for "voice" - the oldest musical instrument available to man. The range of human voiceand reaches three octaves. In addition to conventional techniques (Legato, staccato, filature, trills, grace notes), the voice of thehave available of the poetic text, i.e. the transfer of verbal information. So in any work for voiceand accompaniment, he takes the lead. To improve voice help specially selected exercises, vocal and respiratory, as well as a special diet.