New articles in Sports & fitness

As the guy to remove belly fat Excess fat on the abdomen can bring guys inconvenience, especially before the onset of the summer season. Remove it with the help of proper diet and special physical exercises.
How to make table tennis Among the modern sports that are popular both among adults and among children and adolescents, a particular favourite of many people isthe capital of tennis. Playing atthe capital tennis know and love many, as this...
Sports equipment 
How to choose a shuttlecock for badminton Badminton is a favorite game of millions. A badminton shuttlecock is undoubtedly one of the oldest sports equipment. Image of the game ball with feathers was found on the walls of Aztec Inca cities and...
Sports equipment 
How to get on to the bridge standing Basic gymnastic exercise bridge is the basis to perform complex acrobatic tricks. Your ability to stand on the bridge from a standing position shows a high level of physical fitness and well-developed flexibility.
Athletics and gymnastics 
How can men get rid of the sides Fat deposits on the sides – the result of improper nutrition and lack of physical activity. To get rid of them forever, not only to perform certain actions, you also need to change your way...
Fitness equipment 
How to learn to swim In the water the human body is experiencing less stress than on land. Therefore, swimming is beneficial sport for the spine and joints. It develops the chest, shoulders and strengthens the respiratory muscles. Learn to...
Water sports 
What form of martial arts suitable for girls Martial arts attract women is the fact that help not only to master the skills of self-defense, but also to develop the grace and plasticity of movements. A huge number of women choose martial arts...
What is outdoor fitness equipment Adherents of sports becoming every year more and more. To train in special halls in the summer is not particularly desirable. There are those who with joy would be doing in the gym, but he...
Fitness clubs 
As to the category in powerlifting Powerlifting – powerlifting, where the award level and titles for a certain weight that an athlete is gaining in the amount of the squat, bench press and deadlift. It is important to understand the conditions...
Other sports 
How to learn to do the long jump Jumps in length – one of the difficult disciplines of athletics. To learn it, you need to properly and train hard. It is also important to follow some practical advice that will help you to...
Athletics and gymnastics 
How to get into a basketball club Even the possession of sporting talent and many hours working in the gym allows not all athletes get to the desired command. There are certain steps that can significantly increase your chances to play in...
How to gain fat mass To give the mouth-watering figure form is a dream of many girls. To fat young girls wish in the "right places". But for some to recover, gain of fat mass becomes a real problem.
How to reduce belly man Pessimists perceive their shortcomings as a sentence, and optimists as a guide to action. If your not moderately plump belly does not fit into any framework, it makes sense to get rid of this ballast,...
Fitness equipment