New articles in Holidays

Where to play table tennis in Moscow In Moscow, opened dozens of rooms for games like table tennis. Gyms offer professional equipment, quality equipment, group lesson, rental tables and coaching services.
Active rest 
How to spend time with her husband Many families after some time after the wedding, confronted with the fact that in the evenings everyone does their job. As a consequence, lost intimacy, each feels his loneliness, and the family disintegrates. In such...
Active rest 
Scenarios of Russian folk festivals Very sorry, but a beautiful folk traditions passed into oblivion. Especially not enough of summer, when nature itself as a holiday. In some Russian villages still have the tradition of curl birch, jump over the...
Cultural traditions 
What to give grandma on her birthday Gift your favorite grandmother's birthday should be beneficial and cause positive emotions. She will admire and show to the family and to brag to friends.
Birthdays and anniversaries 
How fun to celebrate a birthday For most people, the day of birth is the most awaited and enjoyable holiday. So when he / she approaches many begin to think about how to celebrate the fun, impressive and not too burdensome...
Birthdays and anniversaries 
How to donate money on the anniversary Anniversary – a wonderful occasion to tell the loved one how much you care about him. And not only tell, but show – a gift in the form of money. And, probably, the celebrant will...
Birthdays and anniversaries 
What to give for a christening The sacrament of Baptism gives people a sense of enlightenment, faith and hope in a bright future for the baptized child. The rite of baptism to try to hold shortly after birth, while baptism can...
Than to inflate balloons at home Inflate the balloons at home using a homemade hydrogen unit. For its production will need a bottle, copper sulfate, salt, syringe, tubing, and copper and aluminum wire.
Birthdays and anniversaries 
Like to congratulate mother birthday Day of birth of the native mother is a big holiday in childhood and in adulthood. Growing up, you are willing to do for her that much more, but it is not always possible to...
Birthdays and anniversaries 
How to make wedding invitations Wedding event romantic and exciting, but troublesome. One of its organizational aspects is the invitation. Beautiful and unusual invitation card is the first impression of your holiday.
What to give for Valentine's day girl On the eve of the fourteenth of February, in stores you can see a younger crowd with wandering eyes, running eyes displayed in the Windows of the hearts, kittens, rabbits and pigeons, which should please...
Valentine's Day. Valentine 
What is Baptism Baptism – the sacraments, aimed at the rebirth of the human soul for a new life without anger and sin. This is important for every believer the ritual originates with the Baptism of Jesus Christ...
Religious holidays 
What to give the guy on February 23 Gift for men to pick up more difficult than for women, there is no universal and always desirable kit like a bouquet of flowers and jewelry. Women have to wreck their brains and to be...
March 8 and 23 February