- How to cook cheese cakes from cottage cheese If you're tired of every morning to explain to the beloved child that it is necessary to eat cottage cheese, because it contains calcium, mix the cheese with various types of jam, sprinkle with sugar, pour the sour cream, you will save useful, tasty and quick to prepare dish – pancakes! This dish is not ashamed and surprise guests to regale.
- How to fry chicken in a frying pan Roast chicken is incredibly simple and quick to prepare, but very tasty dish that is equally appropriate for festive table, and as a bachelor "quick dinner". One of the most simple ways of cooking this dish is to fry the chicken in the pan.
- How to pickle hot peppers For many years it was believed that the spicy pepper is bad for the stomach and can even provoke the ulcer. But recent studies were able to refute this view and to prove the opposite. Salt pepper not only raise your appetite and improves digestion, but also relieves chronic pain. Prepared for this, pretty simple recipe, it retains all its beneficial properties and qualities.
- How to cook rice porridge with milk Rice porridge with milk - a real treat for both adults and children. It is advisable to cook it slowly, as it is cooked long enough. Ways of cooking this cereal very much, but there are two time-tested recipe that will satisfy many likes.
- How to prepare tasty asparagus Tender and delicious asparagus only recently began off-season vegetable. Before that, for centuries, its shoots was associated with the arrival of spring. Sweet, juicy, flavorful asparagus was a long-awaited product, a delight for gourmets invented for her hundreds of recipes. In the modern diet, asparagus is not only a delicious treat but also part of a healthy diet: it contains few calories, no fat, lots of potassium, sodium and vitamins of group B.
- How to bake potatoes in the oven There are several delicious ways to bake potatoes in the oven, we will now consider some of them.
- How to cook dried apricots Dried apricots is dried apricots halves. It is very healthy because it contains a lot of magnesium and calcium, organic acids, mineral salts and pectins, as well as iodine and carotene. The use of the apricots shown in the autumn-winter period and for the treatment and prevention of several diseases.
- How to cook mussels in shells Lipped mussels are bivalve mollusks whose meat is particularly appreciated by gourmets and followers of healthy eating. Tender with a sweet and salty with pleasant flavor of the mussels available to the most modest budget. Attractive and unusual presentation of mussel meat in the shells.
- How to dry prunes Dried fruit is an ancient Eastern delicacy, it became popular in Russia because of its delicious taste and beneficial properties. Prunes – a godsend for those who have heart disease or want to lose weight: just eat it with tea instead of sweet.
- How to make chocolate frosting for cake Cakes and cupcakes are often decorated with fragrant and delicious chocolate frosting that you can prepare at home will not be easy. Options for its cooking there are some for every taste and possibilities.
- How to prepare blueberries for winter Bilberry - very a useful berry. It has Antianemic, sosudoukreplyayuschim, antibacterial properties. This explains its use for medical purposes with a large number of diseases. Use blueberries in food can not only during the season of its collection, but also produced valuable berries for the winter.
- How to cook Russula Time we touched on the subject of mushrooms, it should be noted that any type of mushroom plants must be well treated. Given the current environmental situation, processing of mushrooms should be even better.
- How to dry apricots at home Apricots are very useful in avitaminosis, anemia, cardiovascular and many other diseases, because they contain a lot of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Best of all their useful properties are preserved in dried fruits - dried apricots, which you can prepare from fresh fruit at home.
- How to make Mead out of a jam Braga is the oldest alcoholic drink, which in Ancient Rus they were made of birch or maple juice. This intoxicating drink is still doing in the home of various raw materials, usually as a basis for distilling moonshine. The net drink kept long – drink immediately after fermentation. Try to make Mead out of a jam is a good way to recycle the surplus of your stocks.
- How to freeze green beans Frozen podsAya beans can be a great source of vitamins at a time when to get them fresh in the pods is not possible. If you take care of the billet in advance, you can save considerably on the purchase of prepared vegetables in the supermarket, moreover, to carry out freezing simply.
- How to prepare chacha Chacha is a kind of alcoholic beverage that is made from grapes and other fruits and berries in the North Caucasus. The alcohol content in it sometimes reaches as much as 70 degrees. Chacha is the favorite alcoholic drink of the highlanders, who do not abuse it, and usually drink only a glass or in cold weather or for cold prevention. It's no wonder chacha is considered a drink of longevity. Try to cook it at home and treat sudden guests homemade aperitif.
- How to braise zucchini Zucchini cooked in various ways, one of them is the suppression. Steamed zucchini is good in the form of hot and cold appetizers, the main dishes and as a garnish. Recipes for stewing there is a huge number, try a few, diversify according to your taste and please your family with delicious dishes.
- How to make Mead at home Mead is, in fact, the drink is obtained after the mechanical cultivation of a small amount of honey in water and subsequent fermentation. In Russia there was a custom in which newlyweds was brewed low-alcohol Mead. They drank at the wedding feast and for one month afterwards. No more hard liquor for them to drink was not allowed. Incidentally, the expression "honeymoon" there and gone.
- How to make pickled cucumbers Crisp green cucumbers with the smell of dill and garlic they ask themselves in the mouth. In the harvest season each woman wants to treat a family salted cucumbers with crisp new potatoes. These vegetables are salted in jars, kegs, enameled pots. Just do not use aluminum cookware. Determine the capacity, go-to recipes.
- How to cook in scource Freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice – a real storehouse of vitamins and other nutrients. To cook for dinner a glass or two of tasty drinks, enough to have a modern juicer. Quite another matter – processing of the large crop of fruits with a suburban area. This will help sokovinka with which the juice is enough to pour into a sterile vessel and preparation for the winter ready.
- How to cook porridge on the water Oatmeal is not only a world-renowned symbol of the pure English Breakfast, but also very practical invention of mankind. Oatmeal, cooked in water, has healing properties and will fill you with energy for a good half of the day. In addition, it prepares quickly. And according to scientists, is a natural antidepressant. But how to do it delicious? As mentioned the most famous Englishman: "Elementary!"
- How to cook a Turkey breast Fillet of Turkey breast – the most useful part of this bird. However, many Housewives baked in the oven fillet of Turkey turns out dry. So the meat turned out juicy, you need to use the right recipe for cooking Turkey breast.
- How to cook Apple jam Fragrant Apple jam is always the way when serving tea to the table, for making cakes or as a filling for a pie. Prepare Apple jam by yourself, so you can be fully confident in the absence of harmful ingredients and can safely be used for baby food.
- How to make gravy with flour Gravy is a saucethat is used to sabriana second courses, as well as to give them taste and flavor. Options for making the gravy very much. Gravy with flour - one of the most simple to prepare and at the same time one of the most delicious gravies.
- How to cook rack of lamb The lamb meat is valued for its delicate, exquisite taste. Lamb is a natural burgers on the stripped ribs. The dish goes well with cereals, grilled vegetables, greens.
- How to make alcohol right Put the purpose of diluting the alcoholand water to provide drinking formula or, generally speaking, the preparation of vodka. Take the basis of what is required to obtain a product with 40% or so alcohol content. In his famous thesis, Mendeleev did not investigate the vodka. He found that by mixing alcohol with water is a reduction in the total volume of the mixture, and calculated what proportion of the final product "disappears" at different ratios. It turned out that this dependence is nonlinear and depends on which hydrates are formed when a particular mix. Consequently, mixing in arbitrary proportions will lead to an arbitrary result. The quality of the final product largely depends on the quality of ingredients and, as already mentioned, their ratio.
- How to cook fried chanterelles Roasted chanterelles - this is a very useful and tasty dish, a side dish which can serve roasted potatoes or mashed potatoes. In cooking, there are many simple recipes frying the mushrooms, so even the young mistress will always treat your loved ones fried chanterelles.
- How to dry apricots Fresh apricots are very healthy and tasty. Ripe fruits contain carotene, b vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin e, potassium and iron. But how to reinforce your body with vitamins and minerals when the season ends? Apricots can be dried and used at any time of the year.
- How to freeze corn Corn, frozen at the peak of its maturity, does not lose any of the flavor or the fine flavoring qualities. The efforts spent for its freeze, pay off handsomely. Pay attention to the variety of corn that you were going to freeze. Ideal diabetes subtypes.
- How to roast beef in the oven Beef, baked with a piece in the oven, with equal success can be an exquisite festive meal or a hearty and tasty dish for a simple family dinner. And cut into thin slices roast beef is perfect for making sandwiches.
- How to cook jam from a black currant Jam is a very delicious jelly-like mass made from berries or fruit. This magnificent addition to the tea you can buy in the store, but actually there is nothing tastier jam, cooked at home. So, how to cook jam from a black currant.
- How to cook a compote of cherries Cherry not only has pleasant taste, but also contains a large amount of useful minerals and vitamins. Due to this it is widely used in folk medicine. In cooking it is used in mousses, jellies, fruit drinks, flavored jam and marmalade, filling for pies and dumplings. Cherry is suited for the preparation of liqueurs and bitters. In the summer heat a sweet and sour compote of cherries perfectly quench your thirst.
- How to cook salmon steak