Count nine days from the date of death inclusive. Even if he died in the late evening (before 12 midnight), funeral the ninth day is calculated including the day of death. For example: the man died 2 Jan. In this case, the ninth day falls on January 10 and not on 11, as would be the mathematical addition (2 + 9 = 11).
On the ninth day arrange a modest funeral with pies. Try to do without alcohol. Boson in the conversation be sure to think of all the good deeds and good deeds of the deceased. Traditionally it is believed that the soul of the deceased for the space of forty days preparing for the afterlife. The ninth day - the last one when the soul of the show Paradise, then until the fortieth day she is in hell, watching the suffering of sinners, and hoping to avoid this fate. Therefore, every good word about the dead will he read.
Go to Church, light a candle, say a prayer for the repose of the soul of the servant of God (name). Give alms to the poor, and the communion bread (you can replace them with cookies) to remember in prayer the name of the deceased. After Church go to the cemetery, leave alms and there. A straight pour on graves millet and crushed eggs (for birds) on a fence put the bags of cookies and caramels.
Remove the curtains from the mirrors in all the rooms, except the room of the deceased, if you practice this tradition. Note that in the Orthodox Church says nothing about the fact that after death man's mirror in the house you need to cover, this custom comes from ancient Russian legends that mirrors the soul can get lost and not find the exit to the light.