  • How to quickly defrost chicken
    Before cooking any dish from frozen chicken should be sure to defrost. How you thawed the whole chicken influences the taste and softness of the meat. Too quickly defrost chicken can lead to loss of flavor or even spoilage of the product.
  • How to freeze mushrooms
    Freezing mushrooms is a magnificent view of the workpiece, which allows to preserve their nutrients, taste and aromatic values. In winter you can enjoy a delicious dish made of mushrooms, and to remember warm summer days.
  • How to open a coconut at home
    Forbidding the fruit of the coconut is actually quite easy to open. In order to open it at home, just need a few minutes. If done correctly, you can get delicious juice and gently split a fragrant pulp.
  • How to choose tomato sauce for spaghetti
    Spaghetti is easy to prepare and each time, their taste may sound new, fresh and original. It's all in the sauce! He creates the same magic of Haute cuisine, artfully combining all its ingredients in a single flavor composition.
  • Do I need to boil the mushrooms before roasting
    Excellent aroma of roasted mushrooms spreads far and causes the appetite. So a positive impression is preserved after tasting the finished dishes should not only be well versed in mushrooms, but also to know how to cook. Some edible mushrooms in preparation for roasting require additional efforts.
  • How to remove film from the liver
    The liver is a very useful by-product. It is rich in iron, copper, vitamins, contains potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and other nutrients. Choosing the liver, you need to pay attention to its color: in young animals it has a lighter shade. It is better to give preference to such lighter pieces with a minimum of films. Good liver cut smooth and moist, and has a uniform crumbly and tender texture. The preliminary preparation of the liver for further culinary processing involves the often time-consuming step of removal of films and bile ducts.
  • How to keep fresh cucumbers
    Fresh cucumbers go on sale immediately or a day after their collection. Very often in sales organizations or in blank, the question arises how to preserve cucumbers for extended periods of time, as they quickly drabot and turn yellow.
  • How to clean pork tongue
    Cooked pork tongue – amazingly tasty dish. But sometimes the hostess is not in a hurry to buy it at the market or supermarket, knowing what difficulties arise while cleaning. Meanwhile, the tender meat lies under the skin. Clean pork tongue is a snap-you just need to know some tricks.
  • How to store cucumbers
    Cucumber is one of the most useful products. Some people like the salad of fresh cucumbers, someone prefers their salted and pickled as a snack. Ladies use this vegetable for creating moisturizing facial masks. In General, it is absolutely indispensable. But the cucumber very quickly loses its shape and taste. Where it is necessary to store this product? How to deal with such a delicate vegetable?
  • How to store cheese
    Cheese – a product of the delicate and perishable. Keep it long is not recommended over time, the taste of the cheese deteriorate, there is a bitter or rancid taste. This is due to the constant activity contained in cheese starter microflora, enzyme activity, presence of extraneous microflora, temperature storage, and also as a packaging material. Proper storage of cheese helps to avoid health troubles and enjoy a treat.
  • How to check a rotten egg or not
    Sometimes eggs sit in the fridge, and the hostess already can not remember how long she kept them. In order to protect your family from poisoning stale eggs, before use, should check the suitability of each of them.
  • How to check if honey is real or not
    Honey has long been famous for their flavoring and medicinal properties. It contains over 50 trace elements. But to fully enjoy all the beneficial properties of this delicacy is necessary to know if the honey we buy. Ways to recognize the quality of honey is a lot, try a few of them.
  • How to choose the right meat for steak
    Delicious and juicy steak can be made only of properly selected meat. For this dish is not suitable for any part of the carcass, which should be considered, otherwise the meat will turn out tough and dry.
  • How to freeze mushrooms
    It's nice to remember warm days, shaded woods - in the winter, eating a delicious soup from white mushrooms. Help to keep them freezing. This type of harvesting allows you to keep the nutritional value, flavour and aromatic virtues of fresh mushrooms.
  • How to store corn
    Sweet juicy corn is delicious by itself – boiled with salt and hundreds of different dishes. If you have a certain amount of cereal that you can eat at one time, then, of course, you'll want to preserve it as long as possible, fresh or even stored for future use.
  • As a waiver of sugar can affect our health?
    There is a perception that in order to be healthy, you need to completely abandon the use of sugar, or minimize it. However, we think it is very inhumane, because chocolate, candy, sweet cakes and a drink bring into our lives moments of joy and improve the mood. So we decided to find out whether sugar is an extremely harmful ingredient and asked dietitian, endocrinologist, PhD Natalia Fadeeva, to help to understand this issue.
  • How to store greens in the fridge
    Fresh greens included in the diet of almost everyone. The ability to disrupt the spicy weed from the garden and immediately put in a salad are not all. We have to think about keeping it. The new models of refrigerators provided with a "zero" camera that is ideal for storing herbs, but if you have in the fridge is no such office, take advantage of other ways.
  • How to boil fresh mushrooms
    Grown in greenhouses mushrooms are the most beneficial to health than wild mushrooms. Mushrooms added to salads, soups, marinades or just to eat raw. But how to cook mushrooms – not everyone knows.
  • How to freeze chanterelle
    Chanterelles have a bright and attractive appearance, and very pleasant to the taste. No wonder many Housewives are seeking to pamper your beloved dishes out of these mushrooms not only in autumn but throughout the year. One of the most reliable ways of storing chanterelles is their freezing.
  • How to remove meat odor
    Meat and meat products, like all products, has its expiration date. If the meat appeared prelosti smell, this smell can be removed in different ways. But if the smell is more strong and pungent, then such meat is better to throw out, otherwise you may get poisoned. The following are examples of the destruction of odor.
  • How to do figures from the mastic
    Mastic - a soft mass, its structure is reminiscent of the clay. It is very convenient to work, to create the desired shape. She does not stick to hands and well painted. Cakes decorated with figures of mastic, generate enthusiastic interest in adults and children.
  • How to store fresh mushrooms
    Among the most secure varieties of mushrooms are the mushroomsthat can be easily purchased from any large settlement. However, in some cases, the question arises, how to store fresh mushrooms, to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients and not lost appearance.
  • How to bring bugs in the rump
    Very often, many Housewives are faced with such unpleasant phenomena as bugs in cereals. Start these small pests, in most cases, due to improper storage. To get rid of them you must immediately after discovery, otherwise they not only spoil the products, but also affect health.
  • How to preserve garlic in the winter
    Among gardeners there is a widespread problem of storage are grown on a plot of vegetables in the winter time of year. To protect in winter, for example, garlic from sprouting or rot, is very difficult. Just the right storage conditions can guarantee the immutability of all taste of this essential for many people product.
  • How to clean the line
    Fish is very healthy and nutritious, and the contained fats and proteins are perfectly assimilated by the human body. Fish can be cooked many different and delicious dishes. However, before the fish to cook, its the first thing you need to clean, have to see – not a pleasant occupation. Cleaned fish such as tench, from the scales is not necessary, in finished form it does not remain and track, it turns into tender, fatty and tasty skins, thanks to which you will not be able to resist cooked food.
  • How to remove the smell from chicken
    Is that a chicken after being in the fridge, a foul odor. If it is edible, just severals, losing the freshness, the smell can be eliminated.
  • How to clean fresh mushrooms
    Champignon is one of the most popular mushrooms in the world. This product is a pleasant tasting, shelf-stable and used in the preparation of a huge number of various dishes. Before heat treatment of fresh mushrooms, you need to thoroughly clean them.
  • How to distinguish a false mushroom
    From mushrooms you can cook a variety of delicious dishes. But we must not forget that in addition to edible mushrooms , there are their counterparts, which is very dangerous. In order not to harm your health, you need to know the basic differences between edible and inedible mushrooms.
  • How to check the honey with iodine
    Natural honey – is not uncommon in our shops, markets and stalls. All the sellers assure of the high quality of its honey, ready to provide certificates and even give it a try. However, buying honey with it, as, indeed, in a respectable store, you can pay for a fake, and thus to remain in ignorance.
  • How to store mint
    Mint – a plant of the family yasnotkovyh, which are essential oil menthol. It is the menthol gives a distinctive "fresh" smell and taste. In ancient times it was believed that mint refreshes the mind, therefore, scientists and thinkers wore on his head a wreath of its branches. Now mint is widely used in cooking – add it to salads, cocktails, hot. Use it in folk medicine, cosmetology and just to scent a room.
  • How to store apricots
    Dried apricots - it is nothing like dried apricots. It is also called Sears (the largest and most sweet dried fruit), Kaisa (cut into two halves of dried apricots) and dried apricots (fruit with seeds, dried). One of the reasons for which people are engaged in drying fruit, is the desire to keep the taste and use of the product for a long time. In addition, dried fruit is much higher concentration of fructose and 5 times more calories than fresh fruit. However, dried apricots are useful not only dry, it is important to store it correctly after that.
  • How to make beef softer
    Some Housewives are not taken for cooking beef, because they can't make it tender and soft. However, to eliminate beef from the menu not worth it, because this meat is not only tasty, but also useful. And so it was even soft enough to adhere to certain rules of cooking.
  • How to cook dried mushrooms
    Dried porcini mushrooms are used for cooking soups, stews and snacks. With proper sasuske they retain all the beneficial properties. But with proper preparation they taste will not differ from the fresh mushrooms.