Computer games
  • How to play online in the game left 4 dead
    Left4Dead is one of the most popular online games to date. But many gamers who do not have a licensed copy, you are faced with a problem which is the inability of a network game using a pirated version of Left4Dead. However, to circumvent this problem is possible.
  • How to play online Titan Quest
    It is sad, but classic with the years becomes fresh, and even such national favorites like Diablo require continue. To help bored gamers come of the game in the best traditions of the genre, like Titan Quest.
  • How to remove high ping
    In most computer games ping is crucial. The reaction rate, which depends on the victory of the character played by the user, depending on user's only half. Half it depends on pingand the time for which the signal reaches the server. In order to play and win, you need to lower ping. There are several methods to improve the comfort of the game.
  • How to make yourself crack to the game
    The problem of non-localized software always stands in front of the average user need not every game has a Russian variation, and to work with foreign, not everyone can. Because the issue of Russification does not lose its relevance, and minimal knowledge in this area can be useful to everyone.
  • How to make SIM younger
    The makers of the famous computer game the Sims never cease to surprise their fans with new additions. These additions are constantly expanding the capabilities of its fans. In the second and third parts of The Sims players can rejuvenate your character and attach to it some effort.
  • How to disable steam update
    Game updates - of course, a necessary thing, but not if it takes you a lot of time and "steals" traffic. Unfortunately, the absolute rejection of them is impossible and uncomfortable. But there are several options that minimize the negative effects of updates steam.
  • How to play "IL-2 Sturmovik" network
    "IL-2 Sturmovik" – the famous Russian combat aircraft simulator. The game's plot touches on some of the significant battles that occurred during the great Patriotic war. The game "IL-2 Sturmovik" supports both single and multiplayer game modes.
  • How to remove stripes in the game
    When you start some games, especially older ones, on the sides of the screen may occur black stripes. This is due to the fact that the game is designed for a different resolution, and in the settings there is no possibility to change it. To remove the strips in this case by some drivers and programs.
  • How to play fallout 3 online
    In multiplayer mode the user can play the game with other people using the Internet connection. Because Fallout 3 can become quite popular among fans of online games, there are certain preconditions for the development of software for the organization of multiplayer online.
  • How to play rome total war on the network
    Often when playing Rome Total War there is a desire to play with his friends. However, for most novice gamers game on a network is difficult. Therefore, for the online battles, you must have several programs and some theoretical basis.
  • How to play in two Windows
    Most modern games do not provide the ability games in two-window mode, so to implement such a desire requires the use of additional third-party software developers.
  • How to create an online game
    With the proliferation of the Internet and social networking online game caught the fancy of users and are actively developing. In their creation found many artists, animators, writers and programmers. Some popular onlinegames began with small projects that are feasible for a novice developer working in the initial phase alone.
  • How to make a portal to the Ender world in Minecraft
    One of the most recent worlds popular game Minecraft is Edge. This is where you can fight a Dragon and get out in two ways: kill the Dragon or die and be reborn. In order to fight a Dragon, you need to build a portal to the Ender world.
  • WOW where to learn horse riding
    Develop your character to 20th level, the player gets a lot of advantages. One of them is the riding skill that allows you to move around the world on various vehicles. It turns out he doesn't automatically like normal skills, and studied at special coaches, which stand in various parts of Azeroth.
  • Where to find the exoskeleton in the game "Stalker: shadow of Chernobyl"
    The passage of the "S. T. A. L. K. E. R: Shadow of Chernobyl" becomes more interesting with each new object found in the game. Only replacing the shotgun for a hunting rifle, you begin to realize its benefits in a skirmish with a herd of wild boars or family of bloodsuckers. Only dressed in a suit "SOWING", you can do quests in places where it is impossible to get into the bandit jacket. Only after securing the exoskeleton, you can become a human tank, but tanks also have their weaknesses.
  • How to fix high ping
    When you play online games often crucial plays not only skill and gear of the player, but the connection speed serverom. With high ping the chances of winning are close to zero, so it is likely you can use one of several ways.
  • How to add friends on Steam
    Adding friends in Steam is for messaging, participation in competitions among friends, passing a joint games and gift exchange through the service interface. To add a new contact to the client you can use in several ways.
  • How to find the game, not knowing the name
    Computer games help to brighten up leisure, to get pleasure from story, graphics, music. The atmosphere of the surrounding world is addictive and gives lots of positive emotions. But what if you believe a certain game is suitable for you on all characteristics, but, alas, you don't remember or don"t know its name?
  • How to put a plugin in singleplayer in Minecraft
    Many regulars multiplayer resource Minecraft know about various plugins that add to the game new features. Some users certainly dream of to transfer the most interesting moments of the gameplay in a single game. Available plugins for singleplayer?
  • Where in Stalker Call of Pripyat to find ekzoskelet
    The exoskeleton is one of the most expensive costumes in the game series "Stalker". As a rule, it appears towards the end of the game when the player is faced with a particularly dangerous monsters and stalkers. The game "Stalker: Call of Pripyat is no exception, but the way of production of the exoskeleton has changed significantly.
  • How to run the game with the torrent
    Torrent is one of the most popular software for transfer and download files over the Internet. With the help of the special program can not only save files, but also view and run them without rewriting to the disk directly into the computer, which in this case is very convenient. Gamers will also like the torrent.
  • As aprivately house in Minecraft
    The griefers began to "Minecraft" a real disaster, becoming ever more scale. A lot of gamers participating in the game server, once faced a situation when, returning from the mine or after the battles with the monsters, found a private dwelling, the erection of which once spent a lot of effort and resources, destroyed and ruined. How to be, to prevent the recurrence of such?
  • What to build in minecraft
    Minecraft – addictive sandbox game, in which you can build amazing buildings and complex mechanisms. Minecraft is fun to play alone and command the servers.
  • How to set the controls in the game NFS the Run
    Crisp graphics and immersive storyline of a computer game can take second place if the game controls are not fully configured. It defeats the fun of the gameplay, and as a consequence the user prefers another game. This can be avoided if you manually configure the control parameters.
  • How to get pregnant in Sims
    In addition to a variety of interesting actions in the computer game Sims control you SIM has the ability to become pregnant and give birth. The birth of a baby is a natural result of married life Sims. The gender of the child, and the ability to give birth to twins and even triplets depend on the specifics of the game.
  • How to create local server in source
    Counter Strike: Source is a popular multiplayer game. It can help to organize an online battle over a LAN or the Internet. You can just use the menu of the game or to install the program.
  • How to do X-Ray in Mortal Kombat
    The last part of the game Mortal Kombat recently appeared on the computer. All the fans gladly accepted this fact and it is quite understandable, since the game itself had to wait for years, especially since there was an opportunity to score an X-Ray.
  • As for The Elder Scrolls 5: skyrim to build a house
    The fifth game of the legendary series of The elder scrolls called Skyrim offers players a deeper dive into the fantasy world Nirn universe. Here you can not only explore beautiful Northern land, to join one of the warring parties, to fight with evil spirits, but also to engage in more mundane pursuits: to work in a sawmill, cook, make weapons and even to build a house. More precisely, the possibility of building your own home is added when you install add-on for the Elder Scrolls V: Hearthfire.
  • How to enable rain in Minecraft
    "Minecraft" is a sandbox game created a few years ago, only one developer and became today extremely popular. The entire world of Minecraft is composed of blocks that can be break and then something of them to build. As in any other world, there are its conditions, features, rules, and even a variety of weather. For example, some players annoyed by the rain, as because of his weak computers, the game "slows down". Those who have a powerful computer, on the contrary, I want to know how to turn the rain.
  • How to remove the radiation in the "Stalker"
    Radiation is one of the damaging factors in a series of games STALKER and is considered one of the most dangerous. Elevated background radiation can seriously harm the health of the player, and without timely medical care and even leads to death. Methods of controlling radiation, there are several.