Care of clothing and footwear
- How to withdraw paint from clothes Paint with a high content of hard pigment excreted in clothes. This is especially true of enamel paints. But if the stain is not very long ago appeared on your clothes, the chance to get rid of it increases. Old stains can be difficult to withdraw, even if to remove , the paint color may remain on the fabric.
- How to remove spots of resin The stain of tar on clothes is always an unpleasant event, especially if it is quite hard to remove. But don't despair. The process of removing such stains quite time consuming, but it is the strength to make at home.
- How to wash the faded things Failure to follow the instructions on the clothing label lead to her shedding during washing. Most often sheds new things that have been washed the first time. In order to avoid this, you can buy special wipes that are started along with the Laundry and in the case of molting, draw the paint into itself, and let the color of other things. But you can buy them only in specialty shops household that receive goods from abroad. If you shed thing, don't despair, its original appearance can be restored.
- How to clean suede shoes at home Suede shoes or boots is always beautiful and elegant. But not all decide to purchase suede shoes, because to clean it is not so easy. Not so scary, because if you know how to care for shoes of suede, it will always be in excellent condition. There are various ways to cleanse the suede.
- How to clean leather jacket at home Leather things are very practical and durable, but it is an issue of cleansing, because the skin can not be washed from the water, she sits down and becomes covered with wrinkles, maybe even crack. Particularly acute problem of dirt removal for light leather things – to them it is very noticeable.
- How to remove stain of rust from clothes When normal washing clothes with stains from rust , you will likely instead of the desired result will achieve the opposite effect. Rust can penetrate deeper into the fibres. Therefore, remove it in advance.
- How to bring white stains from deodorant As a result of application of deodorants on clothes are white spots. They are quite persistent and particularly difficult to bring them with the clothes of dark shades. These spots are not easy to wash off with normal washing, as antiprespirant mingling with the sweat forms a very resistant to alkali compound.
- How to bleach a white White clothing looks neat and elegant. Only trouble is, it was too easily soiled. One random spot can destroy her forever. Therefore, whites need not only the Laundry but also in the periodic whitening.
- How to clean mold from clothes Not always things are kept in proper conditions. As a result, they can develop spots of mold. Most of these spots can bring. However, this requires certain knowledge. After removing these stains largely depends on the type of material that has been subjected to moisture.
- How to remove rust from clothes Perhaps the most simple and easy way to get rid of stains of rust on clothes is to appeal to the dry cleaners. But do not hurry, because to bring them at home is not very difficult.
- How to clean clothes from paint The fact that the spots from the paint supposedly won't do, scare many children. Mothers often themselves believe it, so tried his best to protect the child from such contacts. But the law of meanness, a stain of paint to get exactly where the probability of this is less likely. But no need to fear, because the spots of paint can bring, even if have a good try for this.
- How to handle shoes from fungus According to the world health organization different types of fungal infections of the feet suffer from 12 to 18 percent of the population of the planet. Therefore, almost all of us have the risk to acquire this unpleasant disease. And prevention not the least is shoes treatment.
- How to withdraw super glue from clothes Super glue is famous for its outstanding adhesive properties. But it is also well known that poorly washed hands, clothes and other fabrics, especially if you already had time to thoroughly dry. Here are some tips that will help get rid of spots of super-glue on various surfaces.
- How to get rid of deodorant stains on clothing Traces of deodorants and antiperspirants containing active substances, often ruining the clothing. White and yellow spots can be persistent, so to remove them you should try several options out. Available home remedies will help get rid of stains deodorant.
- How to remove the Shine from iron on clothes Sometimes because of incorrectly chosen method of Ironing on the clothes appear shiny, spoiling its appearance. Starting to Shine on the most prominent places, a new blouse or favorite dress seem to be hopelessly flawed. This trouble occurs due to thermal damage of the upper layers of fabric. Anyway, there are a few ways to get rid of the Shine left on the clothes iron.
- How to remove paint from jeans Denim fabric is very thick and the paint on the surface of the material, it is hard deleted, especially stains that have penetrated into the fiber structure. The sooner taken, the better the result. Most importantly, if you dripped the paint, do not try to scrub it with a cloth, you only complicate the situation and get rid of spots so still will not work.
- How to clean ink At least once in life we get your clothes dirty inkmi from the handle. To wash them is not so simple. It all depends on the chemical composition of the ink. There are several ways that will help you at home to deal with ink stains.
- As show old grease stain Stains on clothes is a challenge for every housewife. With them to face even the most accurate. One of the most stubborn stains are from fat. But to remove them is possible.
- How to starch a hat Lace knitted hat is a worthy addition to a summer dress. Of course, provided that it holds its shape well. To knit the hat does not SAG and does not crumple, it is possible to starch. This method is also suitable for headgear from lightweight fabric, in particular for caps and wide-brimmed hats.
- How to bleach a faded thing Clothing or fabric in the interior can fade over time when washed with other colors, from repeated washings. Appearance faded things become not acceptable. Is there a way to fix the situation?
- How to remove spots from nail Polish from clothes It often happens that during the execution of nail Polish a drop of varnish fall on the clothes. The composition of varnishes is that completely remove stains from nail Polish using the wash, most likely, will not succeed. But there are effective methods to cope with this problem.
- How to withdraw stain from jeans Jeans are the most popular clothing in the world. They are practical, comfortable and suitable for almost any situation. Unfortunately, stains from them, it is difficult excreted, because the jeans – a kind of cotton fabric and the contaminant is easily absorbed it penetrates into the core of the thread. But do not worry – knowing some tricks, you can remove even the most hopeless stains.
- How to clean engine oil Engine oil getting on clothes forms trudnovato stain, which stains a mild detergent. Soak a thing is useless, the oil penetrates deep into the fabric and remove it only by using some means, especially for old dirt.
- How to lighten jeans Lightening denim or getting her beautiful patterns-divorces again becoming popular. Some immediately run into another fashion store for the right color and painting, jeans. Others buy trendy jeans on the market – the Turks and the Chinese are always happy to work for your money. Why would you do that? It is not necessary to overpay for these models – after all the house you can make jeans of this color as you like! So 25-30 years ago many fashionistas were wearing designer clothes made from denim. Read on – you yourself want to try to do it, but it is so simple.
- As show engine oil
- How remove stains tea Household stains — the most common cause of damage to clothes and furnishings. Stains from many food and beverage products, including tea, stains are difficult to remove, and there is a lot of popular and proven ways to remove these spots. Yellow spots of spilled tea on the tablecloth and clothes can ruin a thing, due contained in tea tannic substance — tannin, and to wash such stains is not easy. Laundry service will save the thing with tea stain, if you boil the fabric with the addition of parsoli, but today almost nobody boils linen.
- How to unstick rhinestones It often happens that any shop is a good thing to all but finish, for example, has an excessive amount of the crystals, in this case, it makes sense these rhinestones to remove. The case is not simple. These tips will need and novice seamstresses, because it happens that the decor falls into place and it also have to be removed.
- How to remove crazy glue from clothes There are cases when there is an urgent need to use glue "Moment". For example, you have a broken household item of equipment is cracked the body of the player or loosen cover countertops, or Yes, you just have to stick important documents to each other. Unfortunately, sometimes a drop of glue inadvertently fall on the clothes. This problem can be overcome without resorting to dry cleaning or expensive drugs, if you read these helpful tips.
- How to get mold on clothes Mildew is tenacious and omnivores. He settled on the food, occupying the walls and Windows of the home, striking him clothes. Besides, it is very stable. Normal wash the fungus from the diseased tissue you never repair. Will have to resort to heavy artillery.
- How to remove oil paint from clothes For clothing , there was a spot of oil paint. Perhaps the reason for this was the repair on the house or painted the sandbox, which played your child. It suffers in the spring and summer, when in the courtyards of houses and parks, paint fences and benches. To remove these you will be able. The main thing - remember that the sooner they begin to withdraw, the better.