New articles in Apartment and cottage

How to grow peaches from seeds If you were treated to a delicious peach and you have a suburban area, you can try to grow from seeds tree. In technology of cultivation of a peach tree is nothing difficult, it just...
Which meter is better to choose Metering devices are required to install all of the owners of the residential premises, if in respect of water meters and heat of the current law deferral, then the accounting counters of the electricity consumed...
How to choose sofa fabric Buy fabric for every taste and purse today is not difficult: the choice is huge. The purpose of each piece of their own, and material for dresses, costumes will be significantly different from fabrics for...
The furniture and decor 
How to fix sofa book The sofa book is the design of two identical bases connected by a special mechanism that with little effort the sofa turns into a full bed. This design is very easy to use and does...
How to get rid of flower flies I'm sure many Amateur growers have noticed in the pots with houseplant small flies, which have a peculiar name of "clarity" or "fungus gnats". They use a soil mixture for laying larvae, which are subsequently...
As glued serpyanku Serpyanka prevents cracking of the surface covered by filler, it is indispensable for the treatment of joints of drywall sheets or other crevices, cracks, corners. Despite the fact that the technology stickers serpyanka fairly simple,...
Building materials 
How to drill cast iron tub During the renovation the builders might have an issue drilling cast iron bathtubs to install the faucet, drain or other purposes. The cast iron is drilled, usually without problems, but in this case to avoid...
How to paint glass To the interior of the house was complete, you can paint or decorate window, mirrors and other glass surfaces. There is nothing difficult with the right materials, so the job can be done by even...
Apartment design 
How to update old tile Tiles eventually loses freshness and beauty. It is, undoubtedly, unpleasant. Do we have to do the repair? No, you can update the old tile without removing it. It will save money and give the room...
How to plaster over plaster Some believe that if you apply a layer of plaster over the old one, it will not keep. But it's not. If maintained, not a single piece of plaster drops off. Re-alignment of walls on...
Repair of apartments How to withdraw spots from the ceiling Very often on the ceiling, you can detect a variety of defects and stains: traces of soot and old leaks, areas affected by the fungus, rust stains etc. it Often happens that the spots may...
Repair of apartments 
Than sprayed cherry Unfortunately, cherry gardens often suffer from diseases and pests, with the result that the trees are unable to prepare for winter and in cold weather freeze slightly and die. To avoid this, you need time...
Which trees will provide shade to the area Planning a garden planting, novice gardeners make common mistakes. To avoid them, you need to define your preferences and get as much information as possible about the plants that you want to have in the...
Landscape design