- How to cross-stitch picture One of the oldest crafts and women's favorite is embroidery a cross. There is no doubt that plots for the embroidery missing, and they are well represented in stores and in magazines on needlework. The painting, embroidered with his own hands can be the best gift or the most touching interior decoration. Especially if the canvas shows a picture of a loved one. And it is not necessary for this to be a portrait artist.
- How to make photo drawn There are many ways to make pictures drawn, some of which are quite time-consuming, require certain skills of work with Photoshop and perseverance. However, to make photosthat simulate painting or drawing and can be a few minutes. The main thing - the desire and a little patience.
- How to make a person thinner in Photoshop It is difficult to find a woman who would be completely happy with her figure. Some women show respect to their appearance groundless dissatisfaction, and others have good reason to be ashamed of their figures. However, all I dream about beautiful photos, and even if your figure is far from perfect, you can fix it on the photo using Adobe Photoshop, making some parts of the body slimmer.
- How to put a strap on the camera Strap for camera is convenient and relatively inexpensive. The types of belts are different depending on how you are going to mount the camera. All you need is to buy a strap and attach it to the desired mount.
- How to make an album for the anniversary of mom's The anniversary of mom's – a great opportunity to show the dearest person your love, and also a good occasion to recall the significant moments of her life. The album, designed especially for this date, is sure to delight mom.
- How to develop film at home To show a film at home is not difficult. It's much easier than to learn to process the photos in photoshop. But the film does not forgive negligence is a little overdo it in the solution, and the result is not correct, but in photoshop you can always select "undo". The most important thing when developing film – not to be afraid. Develop in houseconsideration of conditions is exciting and simple!
- How to remove shadow from face in photoshop Often a good photo taken on a bright Sunny day, spoils too rich shadowfalling on the face of a person in the frame. With the help of Adobe Photoshop this shade can be lightened by making the image of the person in the picture is more natural and lighter. There are several ways to eliminate excessive shadows with faces of the photographed models.
- How to make a photo album for the anniversary Each of us has loved ones who want to congratulate happy birthday, and especially on the anniversary, especially warm, touching and yet original. Try to make for the birthday boy a memorable gift that will tell a story about him, displays the most beautiful moments of his life in the form of photographs, memorial things, pictures. And will help it to make a photo album in the style of scrapbooking.
- How to decorate a photo frame with their hands Beautiful framed photos adorning the walls and shelves, fill the house with coziness and it creates a warm, family atmosphere. Especially fun to create a photo frame with their hands. Buying a simple wooden frame, you can arrange it any available materials and become the owner of a truly exclusive jewelry.
- How to make photo pop art Since the days of Andy Warhol paintings in the style of pop art is a very popular destination. But what if you want to get your image in pop art style, however, can't draw? You will come to the aid of the Adobe Photoshop that you can use in order to stylize your photos under pop art.
- How to make blurry picture clear If you make a few good photos, but among them from time to time come across fuzzy images, do not rush to delete the photos, finding them hopelessly flawed. If in some pictures the camera is not focused, and they came out a bit blurry, you can increase the clarity of the photos in Adobe Photoshop without compromising the quality of the photos and without an increase in extraneous noise in the image.
- How to sign photos Photography is not only a pleasant memory, but can serve as a sign of respect for friends or relatives. If the gift you selected a beautiful photo it would be nice to do it the appropriate label. In the future, the card will represent you and carry the warmth of the meeting and relationships. How to sign a photo for memory?
- What you need to know for the photographer Everyone strives to take a picture, so that it can be called a masterpiece. To photos look professional, the novice photographer needs to learn some of the nuances of proper composition, the parameters of shooting and processing the photos.
- What is a mobile photo Modern mobile technology is improving every day. Today, with nothing but a smartphone, you can easily put in the pocket not just a quality photo and video camera, but also the means of operational processing. Not bothering to heavy DSLR with a kit lens, you can capture an interesting shot, to make him look like a professional picture and immediately upload it to social media.
- How to learn beautifully to photograph yourself Certainly everyone familiar with the situation when you want to change the avatar in a social network, but with aphotograph you nobody. To get a nice avatar at home, and without assistance, if you have a digital camera. You can take pictures of themselves and get a good result, and in this article we will explain what rules you should follow.
- How to change the date of pictures The transition to digital cameras has given humanity unlimited possibilities of self-expression at minimal cost. Now you can do a large number of images of the same plot, and then select the best shots. Each photo has a detailed description, which in electronic form is integral with the photo file. This allows you to conveniently sort your photos, consider the mistakes or achievements. But what if the availability date is not desirable or it is necessary to change?
- How to move one image to another in Photoshop Graphic editor Photoshop supports working with layers. Because of this, users have the ability to move one picture over another, change the opacity and blend mode of layers, change the layers ' order, in other words, a wide scope for creativity and the ability to obtain quite interesting results after a series of simple steps.
- How to write text on pictures in Photoshop Add text on photos helps to give art the image a finished look and to find new and unusual ways of demonstrating the finished work. Need to place text on photos may not seem difficult, if you have access to a tool like Adobe Photoshop. But the developers of this program made sure to at your disposal was a variety of tools for processing text.
- How to make photo in pop art style Any portrait or just a picture you can draw in the style of pop art. This direction in art has become popular thanks to Andy Warhol, who created collages from the most unexpected things. To create images in this style, especially if you have the skills to work with Photoshop.
- How to sign baby photo Children's photographs capture forever a moment of life of your baby, pile them in a beautiful photobook or place it in a frame and proudly shown to relatives and friends. Of course, I want to make a photo original and beautiful, and add the label to know through the years recover the date of the event and the age of the child. In order to sign childhood photos, you can use several ways.
- How to photograph the Zenith Photographing using a camera with manual settings, shutter speed, aperture, sharpness is more complicated than a camera with automation. But even with a small experience of using manual settings you will get higher quality pictures.
- How to cut images in photoshop The digital image is good because with the help of special computer programs we can make almost any changes to the pattern. Photoshop is a raster graphics editor that can do a lot, including cut part of the image or separate it from the background.
- How to make a photo montage for free Today the Internet is full of hilarious photos in which the user's face attached to the body of the superhero or model, to any suit and so on. For the manufacture of such photos need not be professional of photoshop. Such a montage can be done by accessing a special page on the Internet, and it is absolutely free.
- How to remove unnecessary objects in Photoshop It happens that in our pictures are the obstructions. Of course, you can take a new photo. But what if the photo was taken in winter, and now summer? Using Photoshop you can remove the extra items from the photo and wait for the right occasion to take a new photo.
- How to fix blurry photo Not always the photos turned out perfectly in all respects. And if the photo is not clear enough, but you would not want to send it to the recycle bin, let's try to fix the situation with the help of Photoshop. To a certain extent the sharpness of the image can improve, of course, if it is not too blurry.
- How to remove unnecessary objects in photoshop Often excellent composition of the photo spoil completely unnecessary items or people, without the presence of which the photo would be much prettier and more harmonious. If you think that the pictures are the extra objects – do not rush to throw it. Using Adobe Photoshop you will easily be able to gently and quietly to remove all the excess from the image.
- How to make photo bright Suppose you have an image that, in General, you like, but you would like to make it more bright and saturated. Using different techniques of Adobe Photoshop, you can add photos of the brightness, the brilliance and suggestiveness. Of course, it all depends on your skills with this program and having a vibrant imagination, you can change the image beyond recognition, but if you are proficient in this program, the following will be able to find the manual. Following it, you will be able to significantly improve his image. So, let's start.
- How to take a picture, drawn with a pencil You are an artist and not a master of photoshop, but there is an overwhelming desire to make a photo original and unique, with the effect of pencil drawing. To do it can any neprodvinutye user. The main thing - the desire and creativity.
- How to remove noise in photoshop A noisy photo is not a picture, screaming with all his strength. This kind of marriage, resulting sometimes due to poor original recording conditions. Blurred color spots of red, blue and green shades are distributed throughout the image, greatly reducing its quality. There are several ways of getting rid of grainy noise.
- How to make smooth edges in photoshop Pictures in Photoshop is not only beautiful to handle, place them in unusual effects and do color correction, but also to create different frames, making out the edge of the photo and forming the frame with a neat and tidy edges. A good version of the design pictures can be called rounded edges, and create this effect in Photoshop is very easy. With such a framework in a matter of minutes, even for a novice user of Adobe Photoshop.
- How to transfer a photo to fabric You can spend hours shopping only to realize that what you really want, they are not. Workshops and specialty stores offer their services for printing photos on t-shirts, bags and other items. However, to make a t-shirt of your dreams with the original image or make a memorable gift for your friends and relatives can at home.