- How to prepare a tincture of celandine Celandine has long been used in folk medicine for the treatment of most severe diseases. With his help get rid of warts, scabies, rheumatism, tuberculosis and even cancer. The most effective cure is alcohollike a tincture of celandine, which is used both topically for diseases of the internal organs. It is possible to prepare yourself in several different ways.
- How to drink allohol Allohol refers to a group of drugs for the treatment of liver. Produced in the form of coated tablets, the dose for adults and half for children. Used to normalize bile, restore the functional capacity of the liver to reduce the formation of cholesterol stones and also as a means of helping to strengthen the gastrointestinal tract, reduce the processes of fermentation, flatulence, putrefaction of undigested food.
- How to use soap The soap has a pronounced antimicrobial action. It is effective against gonococci, streptococci, pneumococci, meningococci and other bacteria. Depending on indications the drug may be taken inside or used externally for the treatment of purulent wounds.
- How to make calcium chloride Calcium is one of the most important micronutrients necessary for body functioning. It plays an important role in bone formation, in the transmission of nerve impulses, for ensuring activity of the myocardium (heart muscle) contractions of the muscles (skeletal and smooth). Therefore, a low content of calcium in the body (hypocalcemia) due to many reasons, leads to adverse consequences.
- How to insert vaginal suppositories A visit to the gynecologist is not a pleasant procedure. Many women, if possible, try to avoid such visits, or postpone "for later". Most of the women on reception at the gynecologist shy to ask your doctor about some of the most exciting and topical questions, for example about how to insert vaginal suppositories. Girl first time faced with this form of drugs as vaginal suppositories, usually beg the question, how to insert them correctly. Although, it is not difficult.
- How to drink ascorutinum Ascorutinum is a combination drug consisting of rutin and vitamin C. It can be used both in preventive and therapeutic purposes in diseases associated with capillary fragility.
- How to drink Valerian tablets Valerian tablets are old proven remedy that helps to eliminate high nervous excitability and insomnia. In addition, the drug is administered for dystonia and migraine. Each tablet contains biologically active substances acting on the Central nervous system, so depending on complaints Valerian can be taken as a single and course.
- How to cook a hypertonic solution Hypertonic sodium chloride solution can be applied externally in the form of applications, for inhalation in cystic fibrosis and intravenously to enhance diuresis. In the form of local compresses solution promotes the removal of pus, and its antimicrobial activity quickly helps to heal even deep wounds. Solution for intravenous and inhalation must be sterile, so its better to buy at the pharmacy, but the means for applications and rinsing, you can cook at home.
- How to dissolve the boric acid powder Boric acid is a proven antiseptic, which is prescribed for the treatment of conjunctivitis, dermatitis and otitis. In medicine, the drug most often used in liquid form, so before using it you need to prepare.
- Reviews about coal activated carbon for weight loss
It's just medicine
Alenka Heard a lot about the fact that the use of activated carbon for weight loss reviews has been quite different. Some praised, others said no effect. Decided to try, as the cause of excess weight had a lot of toxins in the intestines, and hence toxins. Activated charcoal helped get rid of unnecessary components and I lost weight. Now I try to eat right so as not to clog the intestines and not get better. - How to use borax in glycerol Sodium tetraborate or borax in glycerol is a proven antiseptic. The solution is effective for the treatment of thrush, bedsores and diaper rash, and sore throat such as tonsillitis and pharyngitis.
- How to get rid of black eye quickly A black eye is a bruise that appeared as a result of the injury, the color from dark blue to purple. Especially strongly perceives bruise the skin around the eyes is very sensitive and thin. Of course, the place of injury will lighten over time, but to repair damaged as a result of the injury of the capillaries will take a lot of time. Well, there are many different effective methods that allow you to get rid of bruises just a few days.
- Reviews about Detralex
Detralex cure
Elena Despite the fact that I'm a pretty young woman, varicose veins I was exhausted. I forgot when wearing heels, the pain did not leave day or night. At the clinic prescribed Detralex, reviews ponahodil, and decided to try it. With the first course of treatment realized that Detralex really cure. Venous mesh was not as noticeable and pain has decreased. I hope that the drug will help me to recover completely. - How to wash the eyes furatsilina Furatsilin is an excellent tool for the treatment of inflammation of the eye shell (the conjunctiva). Its advantage is that it can be used for washing the eye, in both adults and children, including newborns. But to achieve results it is important to not only rinse the eye, but also to correctly prepare a solution.
- How to breed Nimesil "Nimesil" is a drug, which has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. He quickly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and has an effect an hour after ingestion. The duration of action of this drug is 6 hours.
- How to use salicylic ointment Salicylic ointment — effective tools that are often used to treat corns, warts, pimples, assigns and acute exacerbation of psoriasis. The main active means of ointment is salicylic acid, which possesses strong anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.
- How to dilute the vinegar at a temperature of High temperature for a long time exhausting and causes great harm to the body. The heart and blood vessels work in emergency mode, the body a lack of oxygen, quickly comes dehydration. It is fraught with cardiac and respiratory insufficiency, and the children are febrile convulsions. To avoid this, you should promptly deal with the heat. Sometimes rubbing vinegar tablets act faster, and this is very important, especially when the temperature rose to 39-40 degrees.
- How to take Valerian tablets Valerian is a sedative, checked more than one generation. It perfectly copes with migraine, vegetative-vascular dystonia and insomnia. Biologically active components contained in every pill that affect the Central nervous system, so Valerian is effective not only in the course of treatment, but also during a single appointment.
- How to apply the syrup of the carob tree The carob tree belongs to the legume family of plants. A later name – carob. Fruits reach a size of twelve inches and are widely used in food industry, cosmetic industry and folk medicine. Of them is made the syrup, which is part of the different medications used primarily for coughs, colds, to strengthen the immune system and gastro-intestinal disorders. In addition, from the fruit is a substitute for chocolate and confectionery.
- How to take pills Shilajit Shilajit is used to treat large number of diseases since time immemorial. It's a solid mass of dark brown or black in color, having bitter taste. If it is heated, it becomes soft. Shilajit consists of a complex of natural ingredients, including minerals and organic compounds, and has unique properties. Shilajit tablets contains huge amounts of humic acids and is used to treat a wide range of diseases.
- How to take motherwort tincture Folk medicine has long known the healing properties of motherwort. Its sedative properties it is superior to Valerian. In addition, it is successfully used in the treatment of heart disease, Basedow's disease, respiratory failure. Of motherwort make juice, decoction, tincture. To combat different ailments are used in different recipes.
- Why not drink alcohol with antibiotics All people sometimes get sick. Sometimes so much that you must resort to using very powerful drugs - antibiotics. Sometimes, even during illness, people can surround temptations in the form of alcohol. However, it is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages while taking medicines.
- How to make potassium permanganate Potassium permanganate, better known as condy's crystals, is widely used in various fields, such as pyrotechnics or industry, but is most often used for medical purposes. The main purpose of the potassium permanganate - antiseptic for gargling, washing wounds, treatment of burns.
- How to drink Vermoxum As anthelmintic drug broad-spectrum, "Vermoxum most often prescribed for enterobiasis, ascariasis, trihozefaleze, and mixed helminthoses. The drug leads to disruption of glucose utilization, resulting in death of the parasite.
- How to drink motherwort tablets Motherwort is a sedative herb used for various diseases caused by nervous disorders, mental and emotional stress. Available in the form of tinctures, raw powder, in the form of a powdered herb, liquid extract, tablets, briquettes. Taking the drug in tablet form is very convenient as it requires no dilution and brewing. Besides, in some diseases, such as alcoholism, disorders of the liver, recommended tablet form of the drug.
- How long can I take birth control Hormonal birth control medications (contraceptives) is a powerful, easy to use and relatively safe method of protection from unwanted pregnancy. However, in various sources it is possible to meet contradictory opinions about the duration of use of oral contraceptives. Why women periodically wonder: how long can protect themselves with tablets, and whether the breaks?
- How to rinse your mouth with chlorhexidine Sore throat is a very unpleasant thing. It can be very reasonable when the person is experiencing only mild discomfort and very strong, when any attempt to "swallowing" is akin to torture. There is an extensive list of tools that can be used for pain in the throat: "sucking lollipops" on the basis of menthol and eucalyptus oils, and infusions of chamomile, and a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Lately, more and more popular becomes a tool such as chlorhexidine. How do you use it?
- How to enter candle vaginally The introduction of vaginal plugs for most women, causes a lot of discomfort. As experts say, it is related to improper technology implementation. In the instructions to the drug, as a rule, the process is the use of candles is described formally. In practice, to correctly enter a candle is not difficult, if you use a number of simple tips.
- What are the different types of modern remedies for sore throat: characterization and application A sore throat can hardly be considered a symptom that can not be ignored. However, to self-medicate and only use "grandma's techniques" very dangerous. Because the modern pharmaceutical market offers a large range of medicines for the effective and efficient therapy.
- How to take drops Morozova About the calming properties of Valerian and motherwort heard many, but not all know that there is a great tool for the treatment of insomnia and neurosis, which is composed of the tinctures of these herbs. Morozov drops can cook yourself or order in prescription-production Department of pharmacy. In any case, the effectiveness of treatment depends on the accuracy of the compliance dosage.
- Like drinking chalk Magnesium sulfate for the inner technique is used in the form of powder for preparation of solution or suspension as a laxative means, and also in poisoning with salts of heavy metals, in case of cholecystitis, poisoning gall bladder, cleansing of the intestinal tract to various surveys. In vials for intravenous and intramuscular injection, as a means of reducing pressure that reduces the spasm of smooth muscles muscle, antiarrhythmic, anticonvulsant action.