- How to Express condolences over the death of Human death is always a sorrow to his loved ones. Relatives, friends and colleagues of the deceased, it is customary to offer condolences and offer support, but it is not always possible to find the most suitable words for this.
- How to write a collective letter Usually write collective letters to higher authorities to solve problems relating to multiple people. The letter should write one person, but on behalf of all interested people who at the end of the collective letter must sign.
- How to bury a man The death of a loved one sooner or later comes to every family. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to bury people. There are a few rules that must be followed.
- How to write a description of the place of residence With the need to characterize the place of residence you may face in court or when applying for a job. Sometimes she is asked to provide and in some schools. Draw a feature in any form. However, the need to reflect on how you show yourself in everyday life, in relations with neighbours.
- How to write the text of the official invitation Writing and sending invitations is one of the important stages of preparation and carrying out of any social events. Literary style is determined by the formality and content of the invitation (motivation to participate). As etiquette speech genre, the invitation has its own structure. But the brevity of this genre, it's very simple.
- How to write a feature to the police The characteristics on the citizen provided the police employer, differs from the usual production characteristics. If the production feature focuses on the business and performance qualities with an emphasis on his hard work and intellectual abilities, then when writing the specifications provided in the police (police), focuses on the private properties of his character.
- How to respond to a compliment Compliment – a few nice words spoken by another person – many can confound. People are confused, do not understand why they are praised. Even if they are proud of their achievement, they hate to hear confirmation that it was appreciated and other. To respond to a compliment is often difficult because it is unclear, what exactly in this case, you need to say.
- How to write a feature on the head Most often, the managers are the characteristics of the subordinates, however, there are cases when you're required to write a feature on his head. How is it prepared? What items should it include? How to write an objective feature on the head, so not to spoil relations with him?
- How to learn funny joke The main difference of humans from animals is the ability to joke, that is, to have a sense of humour. The joke is the person's ability to cause smiles and laughter to others. Not all people are witty by nature, it is necessary to study.
- How to contact letter For those who rarely have to write letters, it is difficult to choose the right treatment to the recipient. After reading this manual, you will be able to understand, in some cases, you should write "Dear", "Dear", "Dear" and use other epithets.
- How to write a letter to the sponsor Well-composed letter to the sponsor is half the success in an event called "attracting patrons." To the person from whom you expect financial aid serious about your request when writing a letter, you need to follow some rules.
- How to write a character reference for parent Feature on parent is an official document submitted by the organization of employment, educational institution or other social institutions. In this case, the person should be described from the point of view of exercising their parental responsibilities. Here applies the same set of requirements for all characteristics she needs to be restrained, correctly, to adequately assess the family situation, to rely on facts, not emotions, be presented in the 3rd person present or past tense.
- How to wear a watch etiquette Wrist watch firmly entered into the everyday life of mankind not so long ago, in the early 20th century. This was facilitated by the military, which was awkward to use in combat pocket watch. Perhaps that is why the time of etiquette, binding, no. But certain requirements as to the hour, the manner of their use and combinations with the wardrobe still exist.
- How to respond if you called them They say that words can kill. Especially if it came from the lips of a loved one or friend. Probably the most natural reaction is to reply, "reciprocity", to tell the offender something poignant and bring him to tears. However, the scandal is hardly a way out. Need to find other ways.
- How to make a formal request In the case of a citizen of important information, which is available to the public authority a formal request. Any request, regardless of the topic of the letter must have a certain form.
- How to write a response to the complaint Claims to organisations and their staff are generally arranged in the form of a complaint, it is a statement describing the situation and the conditions under which have been violated or infringed the rights of Complainant, and the requirement to take steps to ensure who made this violation. The answer to the complaint must be drawn up correctly from a legal point of view. If you complete your response to the complaint correctly, it will help to protect your interests.
- How to Express gratitude in a letter To thank truly from my heart, for services people have long forgotten how. A hasty "thank you" and a barely noticeable nod of the head do not Express even a hundredth part of what I deserve. And he deserved the attention, participation, deep and sincere gratitude. How to Express it? Very simple – in the letter.
- How to support a friend in a difficult moment Mount or the troubles of life help to check how close you are with your friends. Support in a difficult minute - that's what you expect from real friends, and they from you. From understanding and mutual aid depends not only on the closeness of the trust relationship, but even continuing the friendship.
- How to learn to laugh beautifully Laugh is beautiful, contagious and fun, perhaps, everyone dreams. You have heard how filled with kids and fun laugh the elderly. All because the children have not forgotten how to laugh heartily, and had lived adults have stopped paying attention to all the conventions and grimaces. Pay a little attention to their own laughter, because laughter is a direct reflection of your character, and most importantly – a source of health, longevity and happiness (because it promotes the production of endorphins).
- How to write a letter of apology In every person's life sometimes occur unpleasant situations, which you must admit guilt and apologize. It is not easy and very responsible – you need to pick out words to your opponent you understand that you are not dropped their dignity.
- How to write an anonymous letter Sometimes there is an urgent need of sending anonymous letters. There are several ways to send this kind of letter. Anonymous letter can be sent by mail and via the Internet.
- How to respond to condolences When a person dies, someone close, it would be hard to think about something besides her loss. However, in this state, you have to do a lot of necessary things – to plead with the conduct of a funeral arrange funerals, make condolences and politely answer them.
- If you want to keep the tradition The world and society change, comes a lot of good, new to replace the old foundations. Do I need to keep the old traditions or they are obsolete and need to forget them?
- How to make a gratitude Secretarial work – specialty in educational institutions in demand. A competent Secretary can easily and delay, to execute all necessary documents and complete all official forms, including gratitude.
- How to thank for the help "Thank you," a word that in itself as a gift, gift. Even if we can't get the man, we have this almost magical word. To tell someone "thank you" - it means to show a friendly attitude to give good. In different situations appropriate to a different manifestation of gratitude.
- How to wear black In modern days, the custom of wearing mourning had ceased to be strict and binding action after the death of a relative. The death of a dear person, believers are accompanied by Christian tradition - prayer for the soul of the deceased and the holding of memorial days. Atheists as sad events result in psychological overcoming feelings of grief and desire as quickly as possible to return to normal life.
- How to write a complaint to the Department Executive authorities, as a rule, vested with Supervisory functions in relation to subordinate institutions. Therefore, complaints about shortcomings in the work of such institutions and their officials – perhaps more often it relates to educational institutions and medical establishments – have to be transferred to the appropriate Department. If such a need touched and you get some tips on how to prepare and file a complaint.
- How to say " pryatnogo appetita! Wish a pleasant appetite for food is one of the most enduring traditions of human communication. But in some situations, wish can be a sign of bad taste or can sound in unexpected ways. How to say good appetite to make it sound appropriate?
- How to behave in a hostel About life in the hostel there are many legends and rumors, and some often contradict the other. Some remember the years in a student hostel as the most cheerful and bright in their life, while others tell chilling details about fights, bullying and dissolute morals. What memories will you have, depends on how you put yourself and how you will lead in the future.
- How to learn to keep the conversation going Gestures, gaze, facial expressions to convey the meaning, but the word has more informative load. When meeting with strangers you can be dissatisfied from what you are unable to maintain a conversation, and interesting person was lost. The ability to communicate is an art that must be learned.