New articles in Auto

Where is the idle sensor Many car owners, independently engaged in repair of their cars and for the first time faced with unstable work of the engine idling, in search of information on the subject are turning to the world...
Repair and service 
How to drive a tram To drive a tram - employment is simple and complex at the same time. It's not the machine - it's all arranged differently. The car has no gearbox. But, despite this, to call the management...
How to install wing flaps on WHA Excessive savings vehicle manufacturers "the tenth generation" in Togliatti, expressed in the installation of lokara (wing flaps) does not provide reliable protection against corrosion of surfaces of the body and tail, forcing the owners replace...
Car brands 
How to check brake discs Safety is one of the main advantages of the car. The car needs to quickly accelerate, to stand on the road, but stop quickly. Disc brakes are now installed on all cars, which proves their...
Repair and service 
How to choose a cheap car for the family The choice of car for family is not a simple task. How to choose a spacious and roomy carso it was not too expensive?
The device and principle of work of injector Almost all modern cars are fuel injected. This means that the fuel injected in the engine has one of the most important elements of the engine nozzle.
Parts and accessories 
How to understand that the clutch is faulty The faulty clutch problem far more serious than people think sometimes. To diagnose damage by yourself, drawing attention to unusual sounds wrong "behaviour" of the clutch and other problems. Observation and habit to monitor the...
Repair and service 
How to choose a flavoring for car The atmosphere in the interior of the car consists of several components – the level of noise and vibration, cleanliness in the cabin, and also soaring in this flavor. Today's manufacturers of auto chemical goods...
Parts and accessories 
How to draw a car for two owners Purchase of car by proxy has now become quite common due to the fact that it's quick and cheap, and also includes the authority to the exclusion of the car and the right to receive...
Buying and selling 
How to put a timer "Sher Khan" Manufacturer of alarm "ShereKhan" offers motorists a variety of modifications with different set of features. Benefits stands out the ability to put the timer "Sher Khan" to automatically start the engine.
Repair and service 
How to determine the useful life of the car Term of useful use is established by the organization when posting a fixed asset to calculate depreciation. It was determined using the classifier OKOF (all-Russian classifier of fixed assets) and the accounting classification of fixed...
More How to charge auto air conditioning Air-conditioned vehiclesmanufactured before the mid 90-ies, fueled with freon R-12. He was then recognized as dangerous for the ozone layer and gradually car air conditioners began to switch to less efficient but safer R-134a.
Repair and service 
How to disable a car alarm In order to disable a car alarm, crime takes a variety of methods. Detailed information about these techniques (or most meals) helps with the selection and installation of security systems, as well as for extra...
Parts and accessories