Hair care
- How to make a stylish goatee Nice and neat trim beard is sometimes really difficult. However, well-groomed and stylish beard always looks very sexy. So you should make some effort to create a attractive male image, and subsequently all the efforts will be rewarded.
- How to wash the hair with soap In the days of our great-grandmothers and grandmothers soap was the best for washing hair, probably because it was the only one. Many women could boast a thick, strong and shiny hairAMI. Do not forget that soap at the time was others, and the environment was better than it is now, and hairs women are not built upon and not stained, washed once a week, be sure to rinsing for beauty with herbal decoction or diluted vinegar.
- How to determine hair color Hair color largely determines the appearance of the person. Changing it can transform the face and become younger, to change the style. But to find the most suitable, the perfect color is sometimes difficult. It is advisable to consult with a stylist, choosing a new shade – a good professional can evaluate your appearance, hair condition, choose the type of paint.
- How to make a wash hair at home Beautiful and healthy hair always attract attention. Paint, of course, messes up your hair, the roots grow so fast that your curls don't look quite well groomed. Make a wash of the hair you can at home.
- How to pull hair with henna Henna is a powder derived from leaves of the shrub of lawsonite. She gained popularity as a means for coloring hair. With henna you can get different shades, ranging from fiery red and ending with a bright chestnut. The powder of the leaves of lawsonite very permanent dye, but if there is no time to wait for the hairyou grow back, you can try to withdraw in several ways.
- How to dye my hair from black to chocolate Pokrasivshe black, sometimes realize that it's not you. Sometimes, the goal was to paint, for example, in dark brown, and due to mismatched paint turned black. Another option - a desire natural brunette to see themselves in a new way with lighter shade of hair.
- How to dye your hair from black to brown After dyeing the hair black is very difficult to return them to the previous shade. It is necessary to apply various clarifiers or washes. The most gentle option for hair is a recolor them brown.
- How to quickly rinse with hair tonic Girls love to change your look and experiment with color hair. If you have used the hair tonic, the color of which is not quite you, don't worry. There are many safe ways that will help to wash away tonic with your locks.
- How to dye my hair from dyed brunette to blonde In his pursuit of perfection women are uncontrollable and sometimes go on the most daring experiments with their appearance. Often in such experiments, they change the color of the hair, in the hope that the return of its original form will not be difficult. But if you are concerned about how repainted from dyed brunette to blonde, I want to warn you that this will require significant effort and not always you can achieve the perfect result.
- How to breed Basma Basma is a natural dye used by women since ancient times. Currently it is used in combination with henna for hair coloring. There are several ways of breeding paints.
- How to trim the tips Split ends of hair are able to spoil the impression of the most beautiful hairstyles. To get rid of them in the cabin. However, this may not always be so. You can try to cut hair yourself. Please be sharp scissors and a mirror and start. The main thing – not to hurry and to act carefully.
- Hair care in summer: instructions for use To relax under the hot sun with no harm to the health of the hair? This is possible if you start preparing for the holiday in advance. Proper hair care in summer — that's what you need to know every girl.
- How to dye my hair from brown to blonde Sooner or later boring dark brown color, and they tend to slightly change it without changing the hue of their tresses dramatically. So while the hair dye does not damage their strong chemical coloring compounds, it is possible to dye your hair a natural light brown color, choosing among a variety of shades.
- How to bleach hair gidroperita Many girls want to lighten hair - in the pursuit of beauty blondes or just when you want to make unwanted hair less noticeable. The market represented a huge selection of whitening means. And yet the old home method of bleaching with peroxide remains quite popular due to its simplicity and availability.
- How to strengthen hair at home In the morning simply beam during the day - elegant wave, night - a high ponytail, and the next day - a tuft of hair on the pillow. Hair needs daily special care, even if you use protective devices. Therefore, the knowledge of how to strengthen hair a few popular recipes that will help you to save a variety of your everyday hair for a long time.
- How to get back your hair color after dyeing Quite often, after numerous experiments to change the color of hair a woman comes to the conclusion that the most suitable shade for her – it's still your natural. But how to return your hair color if it is long buried under multiple layers of paint and discoloration?
- As milling bangs Too long bangs can transform your life into a nightmare, constantly trying to get straight in the eye. It is completely obvious that you go to the hairdresser for the sake of one only bangs you just do not want. Well, in that case, shorten it yourself, and at the same time profile. So you can save your precious time and money.
- How to wash off oil from hair Mask of burdock oil perfectly restore and strengthen both the hair and scalp. Therefore, they are lately more and more popular. Burdock oil is a cheap, environmentally friendly product, it is easy to use at home. However, many have problems with those to rinse off this mask with hair, complaining that even after several washings the strands greasy.
- How to wash with a hair tonic Maybe you dyed your hair with a tonic. And after some time changed his mind and decided again to change your image. And toner all rinsed off? Or maybe just the color that she dyed her hair, didn't live up to your expectations? It doesn't matter. There are several ways to quickly rinse the tonic. The proposed methods will not suit everyone. It all depends on the type and structure of hair.
- Repaint brown hair to blonde A radical change of color hair care. Hurry, you can obtain an unexpected effect – ugly tint, uneven color, dull, lifeless strands. But if to choose the right paint and change the tint to the hair gradually, you will achieve impressive results – for example, turning your brown curls in light brown.
- How to restore bleached hair Many girls, dreaming of becoming irresistible blonde women decide to bleach hair. But not each of them is fully aware of the harm of this procedure for the hair. Mess up the hair very quickly, whereas the recovery process of damaged hair takes a long time and requires a lot of effort.
- How to dye your hair bright red Auburn hair color is the most insidious of the whole range is a beautiful fiery hue is incredibly difficult to obtain and much harder to maintain. Because red color fades faster than any other and loses its saturation. When choosing the shade of red you have to first consider your appearance, your own hair and skin tone. In addition, you must be sure that they will be able quite often to touch up your hair once the color begins to slip away.
- How to find out your hair color Blonde, brunette, redhead. There is a perception that hair color determines personality. Blonde is cute, but a little frivolous, brunette smart, but arrogant, and with a redhead it is better not to have Affairs – crush temperament. And if you make the weave together with the coloring, will it affect the character?
- Reviews about keratin hair straightening
Gorgeous hair
Smolniya How much I suffered with hair, God only knows. They are constantly pushilis, the ends whipped. When I have ceased to hope for improvement in their hair, I came across a is the keratin hair straightening. Decided to try it. My bliss knew no bounds when I saw in the mirror the result. My hair shiny, smooth, just gorgeous! - How to dye my hair ash-blonde Natural ash blonde hair color is quite rare, and the desired effect can be achieved only as a result of staining. To hair coloring in ash brown color has allowed to achieve a required result and not brought disappointment, you need to choose the right paint and apply it in accordance with the instructions.
- How to wind the hair soft curler The owners of straight hair so sometimes I want to show off your hairstyle with elegant waves or curls naughty. Fortunately for them, there is a great way to transform the hair without damaging their thermal effects. We are talking about a curler – but not the heavy and awkward things to sleep on which had the ladies of past generations, while modern and comfortable, soft paper shoes.
- How to cut a clipper haircuts for men Currently, the stores got a wide assortment of electric clippers for haircuts hair. They are presented in different price ranges and from different manufacturers. But all clippers hair intended for one common purpose - men's haircuts at home. At home you can make cutting worse than in the cabin. Special skills are not required for this. There are several types of haircuts.
- How to grow hair in a week Long and well-groomed hair are the adornment of women. In an average month they grow at 2-3 cm, but not more. Accordingly, do not expect visible results in a week, even if you apply a different mask. If you need gorgeous locks, it offers a capacity, which is carried out in beauty salons. Well, patient ladies will help to accelerate treatments.
- Hair mask: quick facts Such cosmetic products on the shelves are hundreds and thousands. Just look at them and immediately get lost in the abundance of bright jars, hides in its bosom an incredible components designed, according to the manufacturers, to heal our curls from any ailment. In such conditions it is difficult to purchase a really worthwhile and effective product. To help in this difficult matter, we offer to your attention this article — it contains important and useful facts about hair masks that will allow you to better focus in the modern range.
- How to wash hair barrette The hair on the hairpins require particularly careful care. Them as your own, you need to regularly wash, comb, protected from various adverse effects. Only in this case they will last long and will decorate your hairstyle.
- How to wash hair with eggs Beautiful, thick, shiny hair – the dream of all women from small to large. Shampoos, conditioners, balms, masks, gels – modern industry throws us countless assortment of means on care of hair. But despite all this magnificence, every year it becomes harder and harder to choose the suitable product that not only fulfils all its advertising promises, but will not harm the health. It is time to think about the means, proven for centuries, used by our grandparents. And one of such means can be an ordinary chicken egg.
- How to RUB salt in the head In ordinary table salt, despite its poor composition, has its advantages. Its massaging head has a massage effect, improves blood circulation. And it is the blood brings all the nutrients to the hair bulb, contributing to the growth and health of hair.