Military service
  • How to mount stars on the shoulder straps
    It seems that to attach a new star on the shoulder straps a breeze, you just make a hole and insert it. However, it is not so. To appear before superiors and subordinates in the new title, will have to arm themselves with an awl and ruler. The fact is that according to the Order № 255 from 28.05.1994 years, the distance between the stars is strictly regulated.
  • How to determine the rank on the shoulder straps
    For a military man to determine a rank on the shoulder straps will not be difficult. This is the first that remembers soldiers, teaches a cadet in the police, remembers the sailor. But the persons civil's stripes and stars on the shoulder straps is very often nothing to say. But in life everything can be useful, and it is not superfluous to know that means military symbols.
  • How to find the participant of the great Patriotic war
    Veterans of the great Patriotic war every year becoming less. But even after many years since the victory day, the relatives of missing persons looking for their relatives. And there are cases that find. If not the person, just information about what happened to him.
  • How to get into the army woman
    This question has arisen not yesterday - in recent years significantly increased the number of women who have decided to join the ranks of the Russian armed forces. According to statistics, today 10% of the total personnel of the armed forces of the female face. It is worth Recalling that the weaker sex are not called to military service without their consent.
  • How to write a feature for awards
    If the leadership of your company or the parent organization made the decision to promote the employee or head of any state or departmental award in the package of required documents must include a characteristic from the place of work. This feature can be written on a separate sheet or in the text of the petition for the award.
  • How to get a service contract
    There are several variants of origin of service in the army. Or do you want to go to serve as an ordinary conscript, or contract (as a member or officer). Both the first and second case has its peculiarities which should be taken into account.
  • How to transfer from one military unit to another
    For the best in the military unit the servicemen facing certain problems. The distance from family, the usual circle of friends, friends, unquestioning execution of orders - not everyone can adapt to the new conditions of life. In psychology this process is called adaptation. If the process of adaptation is difficult in a certain military unit, there is a way out is a transfer to another military unit. To do this you must take the following actions.
  • How to fix the stripes
    Received the honorary right to wear the stripes with the next military rank, a soldier (corporal, Sergeant, Sergeant) should know how these distinctions can be attached to your shoulder straps. Because in the military every little detail of a form or ammunition plays a huge role. To violate the unwritten laws of the army of fashion - is to become the subject of much ridicule and jokes.
  • How to find the deceased in world war II
    Many years have passed since the end of world War II, but still people are searching for information about missing or dead in world war II relatives and friends, I hope to learn the fate of warriors to find the place of burial. For these purposes, has recently been started and still much work to digitize the archives of the defense Ministry. Created a unified information system, making available and effective in such searches.
  • How to get the service in the airborne
    If you want to get to the service in the airborne troops, you need before the call or before enrolling in College to pay special attention to their health and physical training.
  • How to distinguish the title
    Don't know how to contact you to stop the traffic police inspector? I can not understand in what rank are recruiting employees? If you don't want to offend the man in civilian clothes, then you should remember what is depicted on the shoulder straps and to which title applies to each image.
  • How to find where grandfather fought
    The victory in the great Patriotic war came at a heavy price the Russian people. Millions of people died, millions were missing. Still people looking for their relatives who took part in the battles of the great Patriotic war: great grandfathers, grandfathers, fathers. And if a few years ago, in search it was possible to rely only on the rare stories of friends of veterans, today, thanks to modern communications, to find his grandfather and the place where he fought, so much easier.
  • As to the rank of Lieutenant
    As to the rank of Lieutenant?Lieutenant Junior rank officers of the armed forces, police, emergency and other power structures. The lowest officer rankis Lieutenant, followed by the Lieutenant and senior Lieutenant. In order for that to wear shoulder straps of the lower officer ranks for example in the Armed Forces should:
  • How to get into special forces in Ukraine
    Special forces – the elite of any army. In Ukraine currently, there are troops of special forces, and serve them, is a dream for any soldier. How to get into this elite military unit designed to fight terrorists and to perform the most difficult tasks?
  • How to find the owner of the order number
    The remains of the fallen in the great Patriotic war, searchers found often enough. Unfortunately, these soldiers ' medallions could not always decrypt, even if they are. The award to establish the identity of the deceased is possible, since all military orders and medals of the rooms.
  • How to get into the special forces of the interior Ministry
    Units of special forces of internal troops of the MIA provide the internal security of the country and protect the rights and freedoms of citizens from criminal attacks. To get into special forces, you need good health, crystal clear biography and... luck.
  • As to the rank of Sergeant in the army
    Honors combat and combat training always valued and allocated in the national army. But in order to get the next rank, you must exercise your own abilities. Sergeants in the army are only those who are truly worthy of such a title. How to earn such an honor?
  • How to write an autobiography in the military
    The autobiography is compiled independently, in any form. But often we don't know where to start when writing about myself. What to tell, what to pay attention to what will matter for the paper, which will be required in the military?
  • How to get to serve in the Marines
    One of the oldest branches of the Navy is the Marines. The range of applications of the Marines are manifold: from participating in amphibious operations to the protection of important coastal installations. Floating tanks, infantry, powerful artillery, all the Arsenal of modern marine corps. Many young people feel lucky to get to serve in the ranks of the black berets. However, at induction points of military commissariats fierce competition for the right to try the vest with black stripes.
  • How to find who served in Afghanistan
    The bounden duty of his contemporaries to remember the dead and to know the living of Afghan soldiers. Veterans of the Afghan war at the present time, not old people and actively communicate with each other. How to find a man with whom he served in Afghanistan?
  • How to behave in the first days in the army
    The young man who is going to serve in army of Russia, should mentally and physically prepare for this stage of her life. Definitely need to talk about service with friends and acquaintances who have already returned home. Of course, there are features for each type of troops, but the basic rules of conduct of the new recruit in the army unchanged.
  • How to find veteran
    The many lives claimed by world war II. Millions of people were missing, millions died. About the fate of most of the veterans to their families and friends to the end, nothing is known so far. Many people try to find their relatives: fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers. With the help of modern communication has become much easier to learn the fate of those killed or missing at the front.
  • How to send a parcel to the army
    Send a parcel to a friend in the army - a noble cause. By itself, the sending process is not complicated, but its intricacies are. Hence, one should pay attention to some details, to not have, for example, re-to come in the mail.
  • How to get to serve in the Navy
    To serve in the naval fleet, and even more in a specific part, or the Union, it is quite difficult, even on a contract basis, not to mention the usual service call. The wishes of the recruit as to where and who he would like to serve, are considered extremely rare. So how do people get to serve in the Navy?
  • How to write a letter to his brother in the army
    Letters now, unfortunately , rarely write. Perhaps the only message the army is still relevant as before. Modern people prefer SMS, but military service is not always possible to use a mobile phone or the Internet, so writing letters to soldiers.
  • How to get into the Israeli army
    The IDF ("CVA Hagana Le Yisrael"), which means "the Army of defense for Israel", was founded a few weeks after the founding of the state in 1948. Many years have passed, but every citizen of this small proud nation was honoured to give back to their Homeland. However, a citizen of another country under certain conditions may also serve in the Israeli army.
  • How to count military service
    Many men have, in his biography of such an item as a service in the Russian Army. Some were held for a period of two years, some in the course of the year. In any case, this period of life should be taken into account. Citizens who were in military service, often interested in the question of how to consider service in the army and how to take it into account in the calculation of the General seniority.
  • How to write a feature on the recruit
    When you call in the army, are requested to bring feature. It can draw up and sign the school where you studied. If you are already working, ask them to write it in the enterprise. It is necessary to reflect all important components of your life. But what is still to pay attention in the first place, that worth mentioning?
  • How to write a response to the draft Board
    Men, even if you are not going for certain reasons, to go into the army, to communicate with a military registration and enlistment office in the persons of its representatives, you can not avoid. And they will ask you in addition to testing and statements from doctors of the socio-psychological characteristics.
  • How to obtain the rank of officer
    The officers of the Russian army at all times had a special relationship. They were considered the elite of society, and the strength of the army consisted in their bravery and nobility. To be an officer is considered prestigious. But the officers ' epaulettes are given with great difficulty and not for everyone. What you need to do to get officer rank?