New articles in Children

How to give pills to babies New parents face a lot of difficulties in the first months of baby's life. One of the serious challenges for loving moms and dads are prevention and treatment of childhood diseases. Fortunately, today there are...
The health of the child 
How do I know what growth will be in children To calculate the growth of the child need to know only two numbers: the rise moms and dads. If parents try to know the specific parameters of adult your baby will need his height at...
How to write father in the birth certificate of the child Within one month from the date of birth you need to register the child in the registry offices. If his parents are married, the questions about whom to indicate in the column "Father", usually does...
How to get on the waiting list in a kindergarten in St. Petersburg Getting a place in kindergarten is a problem for many parents of preschoolers, including those who live in Saint-Petersburg. However, to simplify the registration of children in the queue, the city government has developed a...
How not to catch chicken pox from a child In childhood, chickenpox is relatively easy, and three weeks after the onset of the disease the kid in the green spots returns to school or kindergarten. With adults the situation is different – high fever...
How to give aspirin to children Aspirin is a common analgesic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic. However, to give his children up to 12 years is prohibited, as this drug may contribute to the development of severe complications of flu and colds, hemorrhage,...
The health of the child 
How to numb the teething baby Teething is a very important event in the life of the baby. It begins, as a rule, in the period from 3 to 12 months. Every child is different takes this period. For some, it...
The health of the child 
How to determine intracranial pressure in a child Intracranial pressure usually occurs due to excess cerebrospinal fluid in the cranial cavity. Increased intracranial pressure (LDPE) the child is not an independent disease, but a collection of symptoms resulting from underlying disease. To identify...
The health of the child 
How to pierce baby ears Some of the girls pierce ears almost immediately after birth. But it is rather a tribute to national traditions. Although doctors recommend this surgical manipulation after three years. Because at this age the child can...
The health of the child 
What have gray hair on my head According to many dream interpretation books, gray hair, dream of a particular person, foreseeing some unexpected complications and difficult trials. Often the dreamer comes out the winner, extracting valuable lessons and some benefit for themselves....
How to assemble the breast pump avent Hand expressing milk requires patience and skill. Therefore, many nursing mothers use breast pumps. This device is simple to use and well simulate the natural feeding process. However, it consists of many parts, the Assembly...
How to entertain 6 month old baby On the sixth month of life the child begins to actively explore all that is happening around him. At this age walking in the street turn into an entertaining adventure and indoor activities and encouraging...
Development of the child 
How to recognize the man of a maniac If you really know the basics of human psychology, one can glance to learn to understand people. Sometimes it is enough to look at the man just once to understand what it represents.