New articles in Computers

How to enable touchpad on laptop Touchpad, or the touchpad is an alternative mouse in the laptop - or netbook. However, users who are using it are not many, most people prefer to connect an external mouse. This is useful only...
How to know the file system type The file system of the hard disk depends on many parameters of the computer. For example, if you want to download from the Internet capacitive files (over four gigabytes), then your hard drive must be...
How to extract picture from video To extract still frames from video using a large number of popular players, for example, in Classic Media Player. Standard Windows has Movie Maker (new versions of Windows — "Windows Live movie maker"), which will...
How to crop pdf file The pdf format is ideal for creating documents are read-only. Often they set the protection password, which is necessary for printing, copying, and recognition and editing, which is especially inconvenient when you need to cut...
How to enable second core XP The second processor core is usually enabled by default in Windows XP, but some programs require it to disable to operate correctly. After that, it may be difficult to return to the original settings.
Parts and accessories 
How to add a row in a table in Excel Add lines to tables created in Excel, part Microsoft Office package, is a standard operation, application, and regular means without additional software.
How to learn html code video HTML video code may need to paste the content into a blog, forum, site page and so on. Also it is often used when downloading a video when the absence of a direct link to...
How to increase space on drive C through disk D When you install Windows OS must allocate enough space for the system drive. By default, all programs are installed it on the C: drive as a result of free space on the system drive will...
Operating systems 
How to login to Windows XP without password Passwords exist to restrict information access of unwanted users. But I guess many fall into a situation when I would like a simple password (for example, to restrict file access to children), and then forget...
Operating systems 
How to change the default language of windows It is very inconvenient when the computer is used by multiple users and each of them is a password on the accounts and when you log on your password to another layout. With the help...
Operating systems 
How in Photoshop to reduce the body When creating collages or for styling compositions in order to conform to certain artistic concepts, the designers sometimes change the proportions of bodies or their parts in the images. For such transformations is often used...
How to trace a picture in Photoshop Sometimes when processing a digital image for any purpose you want to cut around the picture, creating a frame around it, or add an outline around the part of music visually highlighting it. This can...
How to repair fix What is good about the Internet – it has almost everything. And any information can be downloaded to your computer. But anything can happen, and the fix is sometimes interrupted. In order not to lose...