  • Why after ovulation sore Breasts
    Most girls and women say that in the period of expected ovulation (which should happen at 12-14 days of a 28-day menstrual cycle) and within a few days after this sore chest. Why is this happening and how to explain it?
  • How to increase platelet count
    Platelet traditionally called a nuclear-free red blood cells, which have a diameter of 2-4 micrometer. This type of cell lives for about ten days. During the day a valid physiological fluctuations in the content of platelets in the blood within ten percent.
  • How to learn blood type without tests
    Know their blood group is essential. Of course, when hospital treatment, the doctors will not ask you about the group or the RH, they will conduct laboratory research, but in the case of an emergency, when every minute counts, this information can be vital.
  • How to lower uric acid in the blood
    Excessive content of uric acid in the blood and its salts causes gout. Uric acid can turn into crystals with sharp edges, which are deposited in the joints and tissues, causing acute paroxysmal pain. In some cases it is an acquired disease, but it happens and hereditary predisposition. To reduce the amount of uric acid and its urate, the doctor prescribes special medicine, but the most effective way is a diet that must be followed throughout life.
  • Why do ears flake
    Human skin is an important indicator of health. Even diseases of internal organs can "proclaim" about skin problems. Itching, dermatitis, redness and peeling of the skin not only aesthetically unpleasant, they can be signs of several diseases. For example, peeling of the ears often causes pathogenic fungus, and sometimes it is one of the signs of vitamin deficiency or reduced immunity.
  • How to lose weight by the method of Golden needle
    Our world is obsessed with weight loss: literally every second is obsessed with diet, exercise, strict control of calories and other methods of weight loss. But needless to say that not all popular ways to lose weight useful?! And yet today there are methods that are not only effective but also harmless to health.
  • What does it mean when my stomach hurts, a time of the month
    If the required days stomach hurts, but menstruation does not come, the woman should be diagnosed. Such pain is not necessarily associated with serious pathology, but to a gynecologist. This is exactly the case when it is better to be safe than to let things drift.
  • How to treat ear camphor oil
    Suffer from diseases of the ears, many people of different age categories. The cause of pain could be inflammation of the ear. There are many medications that help to eliminate pain and reduce inflammation, but one of the most common ways of treatment is carried out using camphor oil. Camphor oil is a solution of camphor in oil.
  • How to escape from thinking about the cigarette when quitting Smoking
    Psychological dependence on nicotine is much stronger than the physical. The person who smoked for a long time, felt very uncomfortable. The constant desire to inhale cigarette smoke often causes a breakdown.
  • How to reduce male hormones in women
    The appearance of hair in unexpected places, changes of the skin, the disappearance of ovulation – all of which can be a consequence of increasing male hormone testosterone in a woman's body. If sometimes the increase is due to pregnancy and is more the norm, there are cases when the testosterone indicates serious problems with health.
  • How to increase the size of the male penis
    "It's not the size, and the ability" – probably, everyone has heard this statement, but it is hard to agree. All men have thought about penis enlargement a few inches, even regardless of the real size. This desire is fully justified, because the man is by nature male and the small size of the penis makes them constrained in dealing with the fair sex. The size of the penis decides the personal fulfillment of men and directly affects the quality of life. getCode?p1=bnudn&p2=eqpm&ptrc=b&pfc=beji
  • How to breed furatsilin for rinsing
    Furatsilina solution having an antibacterial effect, often prescribed for angina. How to breed furatsilin for gargling, and how to achieve maximal effect from treatment?
  • How to treat scars
    The stitches must be processed daily. If the hospital is making medical nurse, then you'll have to take care of the processing yourself. But don't worry, you will succeed, because you can do it very easy, and do not need to have special skills.
  • How to raise lower the pressure
    The lower pressure is called diastolic. In the measurement of pressure tonometer, it manifests itself in the time of relaxation of the heart, whereas diastolic pressure – systolic, shows the moment of contraction of the cardiac muscle. The norm and the lower limit pressure consider indicators from 70 to 90. Causes of low blood pressure are cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, allergic reactions, dehydration, infectious-toxic shock.
  • What if my stomach hurts as during menses, but they are not
    Occasionally some girls go wrong the menstrual cycle, there are unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen. The reasons for this can be as innocuous and serious, requiring immediate treatment to the doctor.
  • What to do when body temperature is 35
    Normal temperature of healthy person is 36,6 OS. However, many complain that their body temperature is unnecessarily lowered to the level of 35oC. While some feel fine and others complain of lethargy and General weakness.
  • Why numb hands during sleep
    If after a night's sleep you feel numbness in your hands, then you know the fear that "whisper" in your ear: "what if this is permanent"? Usually, after you have flexed the arm, numbness takes place, but only until the next night.
  • How to remove water from ear
    After visiting the pool, lake or the soul many are faced with this problem, as water from entering the ear canal. At the same time you begin to experience an unpleasant feeling. But you should know that prolonged exposure of water in the ear is fraught with consequences: long-lasting severe pain, causing an infection in the ear, and even damage to the tympanic membrane. If you remove the water yourself failed, you need to go to the otolaryngologist.
  • How to speed up menstruation
    If you need to speed up the arrival of menstruation for a few days, it is quite feasible. To speed up menstruation you need to take herbs, but only if you have no allergies to them. Be careful and use the recommended dosage, because and harmless herbs may cause irreparable harm.
  • How to expand blood vessels of the brain
    Nowadays, doctors are increasingly faced with patients who have narrowed blood vessels of the brain. The reason for this is the large loads associated with mental work, insufficient exposure to fresh air, stress, fatigue. As a result, the person often have headaches, heaviness and other quite unpleasant. Not to worry, it is necessary to dilate the blood vessels.
  • How to align a tooth without braces
    Uneven teeth and malocclusion problems are very common. It is best to solve these problems in childhood or adolescence, while the jaw has not yet fully formed. The most popular way of solving these problems are braces, but not every child and teenager (and adult) is ready a year or two to wear on their teeth is not too beautiful a piece of iron. In this article you will be able to learn about alternative ways of straightening teeth.
  • How to spot a crack in the bone
    Damage to the bone can cause a lot of reasons, for example, accidental drop, bump. The severity of the injury depends on the force of the impact. The result may be a fracture and a crack in the bone. The symptoms of these conditions are slightly different, so to provide correct assistance, you need to know these differences.
  • How to take antidepressants
    Do not think that medicinal and homeopathic medicines can be used for medicinal purposes, at its discretion, after all, supposedly they are natural and can not cause harm. Such medicines, such as Valerian do not contain chemical components, but have clear indications for use: how much, to whom and when.
  • How to clean ears with hydrogen peroxide
    Many are mistaken, considering that regularly need to clean the ears, and it should be done with a cotton swab, trying to push it as deep as possible. But it's not. Healthy ears do not need additional cleaning. They cleared on their own when you chew, talk, cough.
  • How to reduce high pulse
    The normal frequency of the pulseand is 60-80 beats per minute and corresponds to the frequency of heart muscle contractions. Feel the pulse by sensing the radial artery on both hands. They must have the same frequency. The study of the pulse gives the opportunity to obtain information about the work of the heart and circulation.
  • How to identify a broken toe
    In the human skeleton about two hundred bones, and any of them under certain conditions may break. Most susceptible to bone fractures of the limbs, including the bones of the toes. Like any other, fractures of the toes can be open or closed. In the first case, when the bone shards tore the muscles and the skin, the fracture is obvious; in the second, there are a number of ways (relative and absolute) that allow to distinguish the fracture from a different kind of trauma: dislocation or injury.
  • Why ears itch
    Ears can itch both outside and deep within, as they are not pure cotton swabs, unpleasant itching and scratching is not. In some cases, such cleaning may be a feeling of pressure on the ears and pain. Itching is a reaction of the skinthat causes a desire to scratch any part of the ear. Itching occurs when certain substances, for example, histamine or bile salts, as well as external stimuli affect the nerve endings.
  • How to remove at home sulfur plugs out of your ears
    The accumulation of sulfur in the ears is a natural process. Sometimes under the influence of mechanical factors and moisture sulphur swells and blocks the ear the lumen, causing partial hearing loss. You can try to remove at home sulfur plugs out of your ears before you seek help to the doctor.
  • How to get rid of stains between your legs
    Spots between legs can occur for many different reasons. Often they are the result of friction of the skin or improper hygiene. If you eliminate the source of the appearance of such spots, to get rid of them very quickly.
  • That is why, pain in ribs and under them
    The list of specializations of doctors that treat pain in region of ribs, includes traumatology, pulmonology, cardiology, neurology, orthopedics, and Oncology. It is difficult to determine from the source and causes of pain. Knowing relatively harmless causes of pain in the rib area, it is worth thinking about, although, fortunately, more rare, are serious signals of your own body.
  • How to get rid of water in ear
    Probably each of us at least once in life ear fell into the water, which was learned from him is not so easy. That passed the sufferer to go a couple of days until the water completely evaporate. Meanwhile, trapped ear water – a direct path to otitis media and other ENT diseases.
  • How to relieve ear
    Ear congestion is a very unpleasant phenomenon. Ear can pledge for different reasons. For example, from entering the fluid or cerumen in the external auditory canal. The congestion can be the result of the inflammatory process in the ear, so if it laid for a long time and home remedies do not help, contact Laura.
  • How to delay my period for a few days
    The law of meanness the menstrual cycle often coincides with a vacation or my honeymoon, or even in any significant number. Not pleasant to be in a place where feminine hygiene conditions there, such as on the train. But not everyone knows that periods can be delayed for a few days.