Astrology and esotericism
  • What ears are burning, what burning cheeks
    When you start to burn the ears or cheeks, people immediately think of national signs. Even if a person doesn't believe in them in principle, almost all admit that the signs do not occur in a vacuum and some logical explanation available.
  • What have the babies in their arms
    The various interpreters of dreams believe that dreams involving babies talking about occurs in the life of any unexpected events. In particular, commentators give their assessment of the dreams with babies in their arms: their interpretation may be both favorable and negative.
  • Why flew into the bird house it is considered bad luck
    People on the nature - beings are superstitious. The desire to see any events or actions secret meaning was inherent in humanity from time immemorial. Fears, fantasies and beliefs give rise to rumors, of which there beliefs. One of these beliefs and is the bird flew into the house.
  • How to choose and buy Tarot cards
    At the moment there are more than 1500 variations of decks, and every year their number is growing. However, choose the deck that will be "working" and is perfect for you is sometimes difficult. Some decks are ideal for learning the art of divination, on the other hand, newcomers to cope will not be easy.
  • How to enter the subconscious
    The fact that the human mind is complex and mysterious to understand, noted by the ancient scholars. Thanks to the work of Freud revealed that people are able to realize only a very small part of his mind, while most of it is hidden in a "dark" area. However, this "dark zone" or subconscious, as he called it, Freud has a tremendous impact not only on the whole body, but many of our reactions and actions. Is it possible for a person to consciously influence your subconscious mind?
  • Folk omens and superstitions about pigeons
    The pigeon is considered an urban bird, which lives side by side with man for many centuries. That is why the dove is associated with many folk and superstitions. It has long been believed that these birds know how to warn people about the danger and even predict future events.
  • How to put homemade broom
    Private housing must be protected from evil spirits and evil, from slander and envy, from any kind of negative energy. The Slavs were sure of this – that's why different talismans for the houses were so prevalent. Almost every household has a broom. But not everyone knows that the broom was considered a unique home talisman, thanks to which the house always will be clean, and well-being.
  • What dream snakes
    Definitely to dream of snakes is not very nice, but it is necessary to consider the situation from a slightly different angle. This dream, the snake which is a key plot could Herald a lot of good changes.
  • What is a Black Moon?
    It turns out that in addition to the easy of the moon, there is also Black Moon. So what is it? Let's talk about this a little more detail.
  • How to find the grandmother, which will remove the evil eye
    When a person gets sick, he goes to the doctor. Only it so happens that the doctors can't help – all surveys indicate that the patient is healthy, he, meanwhile, is fading away. And it happens that failures begin to haunt, anything does not work, in your personal life a complete collapse. In such cases we say that someone jinxed or damage. Here and throw people in search of magicians, witches or attendants that the evil eye can be removed.
  • What headpiece to put on the phone to bring good luck
    It is difficult to imagine a person who does not have a mobile phone. This thing people keep to themselves, and it absorbs the energy of its owner. Using simple techniques you can pay phone, so he became a kind of talisman and amulets. The screensaver that is on the home screen of your mobile phone, will help in the fulfillment of your dreams. You see it many times per day and program yourself for success.
  • With what Zodiac sign compatible Scorpio
    Scorpio is the most mysterious sign of the zodiac. People who are under the auspices of this constellation have a strong, uncommon character. An aura of mystery always surrounds the representatives of this sign, their life is interesting and unusual. Not all zodiac signs are compatible with Scorpio.
  • How to find Saturn in the sky
    Finding Saturn in the night sky – very exciting. Ringed planet visible to the naked eye, and in the study of the night sky with a telescope you will be able to find not only Saturn, but its rings, and if you're lucky, and some of the moons of the planet. It is important to know where to look to find Saturn.
  • What is the happiest sign of the Zodiac
    All twelve signs of the zodiac are constantly competing with each other, and each tries to prove that he is "most-most". The smartest, most successful, kindest, most responsible, And what sign is the most happy?
  • Which Zodiac signs fit the Fish
    Fish are considered to be one of the most amorous Zodiac signs. They are very romantic, sensual nature, tend to idealize their partners, so often disappointed in love. But as Fish have the capacity to radiate incredible charisma and opposite sex are attracted to its mystery, they rarely remain without a pair. Both men and women Pisces are a good compatibility with Zodiac signs of water and earth elements.
  • How you will behave in an enchanted
    Any magical act committed against the person, leaves behind visible marks and symptoms. Especially it concerns such unpleasant effects, as the spell.
  • Which stone suitable man-Scorpio
    Scorpio is a very complex and energetically powerful sign of the zodiac. Why choose the stone is very difficult, because of the minerals that can handle the energy of this zodiac sign, not too much.
  • Can you tell others your dreams
    Dreams – the phenomenon is rather complex and hard-to-explain. Scientists have repeatedly tried to unravel the mystery of their origin and the secret meaning which they contain.
  • How to determine your tree horoscope
    Each person has his own tree-mascot. To learn such a tree is the sign of the zodiac. Astrologers believe that each zodiac sign has a few options.
  • Plot on fast sale of a home
    The simplicity of the rituals with which I read conspiracies attract a lot of people. For each case, you select the plot – for example, to quickly and for a good price to sell the house.
  • Which Zodiac signs fit the lion
    For many centuries astrology comes to the aid of people who need to look to the future to make an important decision. However, the stars can not only predict future events but to choose the right love partner. What zodiac signs are best suited as of the second half of the Lions?
  • What zodiac signs fit diamond
    Match zodiac signs and stones deals astromineralogy. Its roots lie in ancient times, because in the middle Ages, the first table correlating the specific stones with astrological signs.
  • Popular signs: where and how can not be photographed
    It is believed that the photo holds a piece of soul of the person that it depicts. The photograph clean up the damage and even heal the person. The photographs are a powerful energy, and some frames can even bring human disaster.
  • Folk omens and superstitions associated with wedding rings
    Engagement rings possess strong energy and powerful force. They energetically fused with its owner, able to help in difficult situations, and even predict the future. The people there are a number of beliefs and superstitions associated with wedding rings.
  • How to brush off negativity
    To feel yourself a happy man, you need to constantly surround yourself with positive energy. So, if you feel that next to you a lot of stress, bad emotions, you need to clean yourself and your life from negativity.
  • As a Genie to fulfill the desire
    If you want to come to you gene and performed three wishes and lamp, which imprisoned this Oriental demon, you don't have at hand, you can use a simple ritual. However, one should not forget that Jin is a demon, and who knows if he'll want to fulfill your desires or try to deceive you.
  • How to choose a mascot
    Talismans are special items that protect their wearer from trouble and attract good luck. As talismans are usually used rocks, small figures and symbols of wood, metal, plastic and other materials, and memorabilia.
  • How to tell fortunes in the name of her future husband
    To solve the mystery and find out the name of her future husband dreams of every single girl. There are many ways of divination, by which it is possible to do it. Some methods have been known since ancient times, while others have been used more recently, with the development of new technologies. Guess the name of her future husband any day, but it is believed that the best days for fortune-telling at Christmas, there are from 7 to 19 January.
  • All about male Bodies
    Taurus is the earth sign of the zodiac. People born under this constellation are careful, sensuality, slowness and earthiness. Taurus men are not too romantic, but if they decide to conquer a woman, able to surpass any representative of the stronger sex.
  • How to win a cancer man love
    MenCancers aregenerally very emotional, touchy and sensitive. They often hide their true thoughts, especially in cases where you want to go to a serious relationship and afraid of rejection. However, there are signs you can still understand that a woman they care about.