Astrology and esotericism
- What's the sign for a man-Scorpio Men-Scorpions – a complex and ambiguous personality. They can be very mysterious, enigmatic, seem at times inaccessible and this is even more attractive. Their natural sexuality affects the weaker sex to the heart. And few women are able to stand before their spell. But what sort of a woman choose a man-Scorpion?
- Why not wear a photo relatives and loved ones in your wallet Very common to see that people carry in your wallet pictures of their loved ones. Some individuals even put their own pictures or images of deceased relatives. Apparently, in moments of anxious waiting in the checkout lines of a supermarket it is very pleasant to see the faces of the dear people. However to carry photos in your wallet is not recommended for several reasons.
- What Zodiac sign fits the lion-woman She is beautiful, sexy, elegant, vibrant, graceful and smart. She's always the center of attention, it tends to attract admiring glances. She has many friends and faithful companions. But in spite of her not go, otherwise it will show its teeth. She is a woman-lion true Queen, among other zodiac signs.
- How to determine if the evil eye or damage The suspicion that you or someone in your family induced damage must occur under certain circumstances. If your life is too many negative events, you feel irritated for no reason, then most likely you are cursed or tried to put a spell. Do not make sudden conclusions, and try to objectively evaluate the problem.
- What Zodiac sign fits Weights-women The woman-Libra is incredibly charming and can impress frivolous and narrow-minded person, but she's actually very intelligent and has an analytical mind. The representative of this Zodiac sign makes very high demands to my chosen one. The woman-Libra strives for sensual relationship and from a young age is adjusted on serious relations and marriage. According to astrologers, it has the best compatibility with air signs and fire.
- What woman needs a man Aries Knowledge of zodiac signs will help you to become more tolerant of other people. When you learn what traits are most typical for your chosen, you will be surprised how easy it will be to understand its true nature. Such knowledge will help you to find harmony in relationships with loved ones and change lives for the better.
- What superstitions and omens associated with the door Not all modern people believe in omens. But enough and those for whom the fictions, myths and superstitions are not an empty sound. There are a great many signs, one way or another connected with the door.
- Which Zodiac signs fit the Aquarius male Aquarius is one of the most eccentric and independent signs of the Zodiac. He does not tolerate any restrictions, and therefore in no hurry to tie the knot. A woman suitable for him to live together should have the same breadth of vision and provide it the much needed freedom. A partner Aquarius should look for signs of air. But he is able to create a harmonious Union and some representatives of fire, water and earth elements.
- How to determine the lunar day The modern common calendar is based mainly on the observation of the Sun. It is very different from the lunar cycle. If you want to know what day of the lunar calendar, you need to make some effort to search for information.
- Love how the different Zodiac signs Each sign of the zodiac manifests itself in love in different ways. Some are able to passionately fall in love at first sight and immediately start Dating other for a long time looking for a potential mate, before you open your senses, while others did not show their love. Knowing the Zodiac sign of a person is quite simple to understand whether it is in the power of strong feelings. And Vice versa: how people behave in love, you can guess his sign.
- How to see the deceased in the dream People die for various reasons and not always their death can easily be erased from the memory of others. And sometimes you need to learn the secrets that took with him to the grave. But the easiest way is to talk to him in a dream.
- How to behave in bed representatives of the zodiac signs (male) "So the stars came together" is not accidental. From the position and behavior of planets, much depends. It is proved that solar flares affect the mood and health of a person. What about men's temperament? To learn how to behave in one or another male sexually, it is possible, if you know the features of the horoscope chosen.
- What Zodiac sign fits the female Fish Female Fish prefer strong and powerful men. She is able to easily draw them with his softness, pliability and vulnerability. The representative of this sign chooses a companion, relying on intuition and almost without paying attention to material factors. The most suitable partners for female Fish are the men born under the signs of earth and water element, however, successful alliances can emerge with some air and fire signs.
- What a dream kiss with a familiar man If you dream of a kiss or something more with a simple friend, with whom in real life, no romantic relationship, you do not associate, it is an occasion guard. It is possible to several interpretations, and only you, relying on intuition to decide which of them is correct.
- Why dead girl with a dream Such a dream is considered to be alarming. The people happened that such a dream portend the impending death of the dreamer. However, do not worry and immediately to prepare for death.
- What bird knocking its beak into the window Signs of people that means knocking on the window tit, often contradictory. Therefore, the value of this action can be considered both good and evil omen.
- Folk omens: what not to do in a leap year It is believed that a leap year brings people a lot of suffering and misery. The concept of leap year was introduced during the time of Emperor Julius Caesar. Adding one day to the calendar every four years the Romans trimmed the error in the calculation of the day. Later on February 29 came to be called Kasyanov day. This Saint was distinguished evil character. It was believed that on this day the Sun radiates negative energy, therefore people have tried as little as possible to get out of the house. With a leap year associated with a number of beliefs and superstitions.
- What dream brides in white dresses The bride, seen in a dream usually symbolizes some favorable changes in your life. But it is very important, if she looked happy as she was. Details like this are usually in the interpretation of dreams, played a crucial role.
- What is the worst Zodiac signs Horoscopes often be truthful when it comes to good and bad qualities of people. The same characters do not exist, but was born under the same stars regularly appear similar traits. And if part of the signs of the zodiac are characterized as positive, some seem a focus of only bad qualities.
- Folk superstitions about wedding bridesmaid dress With the wedding dress of the bride is associated with many folk and superstitions. In fact, the wedding dress is a symbol of the bride. No wonder girls are so carefully choose the perfect outfit to this almost the most important day in your life look perfect.
- How to remove yourself from yourself the evil eye In case, if there is a introduction to your energy of negative programs – the evil eye, you can try to fix the situation yourself, without the help of psychics and witches. This can be done through energy cleansing, of which there are many. It is better to choose one that you are psychologically closer. Here are some of them.
- What dreams live man dead Dreams in which a living person is seen dead, cause fear. It seems that such a dream does not portend anything good. In the interpretation of dreams related to the death, should be extremely careful because such images can often be misleading. Dreams are the imprint of the human mind, so the dreams about the dead are not amenable to unambiguous interpretation.
- Returns whether the husband after the lifting of the spell The spell has long ceased to be something supernatural and incomprehensible – even in the modern age of progress, women often turn to his grandmother with a request to charm a loved one or to remove a spell with a cheating husband. So is it possible to return the person to the family and how to handle it, not to hurt him even more?
- Why not look at the moon The moon is a satellite of the Earth, which can be seen on the horizon almost every night. Sometimes it is so bright that some people even begin to experience discomfort. Since ancient times the Moon is associated with many different and superstitions, and one of them says that you cannot look at the moon. What is this superstitious fear?
- How to protect yourself from witches Since ancient times people were afraid of those who, in their opinion, has a supernatural power, magic. Sick man, house burned down or fell ill the cow entirely blame the witches and wizards, and therefore invented a variety of ways to protect themselves from their actions.
- What Zodiac sign fits the Virgo-woman Woman-Virgo comes to the choice of the chosen one very seriously and thoroughly. She does not accept a casual relationship and looking for a man who you can completely rely on. Therefore, the most suitable partners for the Virgo are the representatives of the earthly signs of the zodiac – such as solid and reliable as she is. Well suited for a female Virgo and water signs, but an Alliance with air signs and fire are not the most successful.
- What Zodiac sign fits the female Aquarius A woman-Aquarius is a bright and energetic personality, very independent and freedom-loving. She is in constant search of new and varied experiences, does not tolerate routine and monotony, and therefore are unlikely to choose his companions closed or too conservative of a person. According to astrologers, the most suitable Zodiac signs for women of Aquarius are the air and fire elements.
- How to become a fairy for a second home In childhood, everyone heard the fabulous stories and legends about the extraordinary and powerful beings – the fairies. Almost all girls dream to become one of the witches who can control the forces of nature, read magic spell, to fulfill desires. In fact, those who still believe in them and confident in their abilities, can still become a fairy in the home, while turning it is enough just one second.
- What awaits us in 2016: predictions astrologers To make predictions for 2016 – a thankless task. The world was in a state of uncertainty. Astrologers say that the events will develop rapidly, and the population of the Earth will witness this theater of the absurd, when the white will give black and Vice versa. Each inhabitant of the planet here will play their part, and the puppeteers have already prepared many surprises. The only thing converge the views of all predictors: the war in Russia will not.
- How to recognize psychic powers People with extrasensory perception and other special abilities, not so little. But most of these abilities are dormant, so people may not even be aware that has certain rare gift.