Astrology and esotericism
- How to remove negativity from the person Often, the cause of all the ills man is the negative effects which may be induced intentionally or unintentionally. To the negative carry charms, evil eye, curses, crown of celibacy, etc. There are various effective ways of removing the negativity. To get rid of harmful effects by choosing the most suitable method.
- How to restore the aura For a long time the mankind actively uses not only traditional methods of medicine, but also unconventional. It is a matter of your karma and aura are interested in the most Mature of people. However, a more realistic concept is the biofield of the person, as it can be scanned not only the only ones with psychic abilities, but also special devices.
- How to define the South without a compass There is a belief that the compass is an indispensable device for orienteering. However, it is not so. In anyone's life a situation may arise when you need to determine North, South, East and West without a compass. It is not too difficult and with some training can do even a child. Is important to know what methods are available to determine the cardinal directions. The most popular of these is the determination of the direction of the sun, using a wristwatch, the stars and natural signs.
- Why not to wear clothes of a deceased person There is a sign, according to which categorically forbidden to wear clothes of dead people, especially relatives. It is believed that the clothes belonged to the deceased, it keeps negative energy that can be transmitted to other people. Relatives and friends of the people once living person more vulnerable to the negative effects.
- How to remove a spell or hex The sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the weather is beautiful, the world is wonderful, and nothing pleases you? The Blues came, came sickness, nothing happens, everything goes wrong. Any business from the beginning is falling apart, the desire quenched, neither the physical nor the mental strength. Maybe, it's simply a vitamin deficiency or fatigue. And suddenly... you are cursed?
- Why dream about one and the same person The dream has long been considered something mysterious and mysterious. No wonder the ancient shamans tried to subjugate the dream to communicate with spirits and predict the future. Now such visions are interpreted from several points of view, the most popular is the explanations of horoscopes, esoterics and psychology. For example, you can analyze a specific case, when dreaming often one and the same person.
- What dream dead relatives Dreams in which you see dead relatives, can tell a lot about what you should expect in the near future. Sometimes these dreams portend trouble, and sometimes absolutely nothing. There is a huge role is played by the circumstances in which you dream of deceased relatives.
- What man needs a woman-Aquarius Girls tend to believe in love horoscopes. Some of them, before going in search of men check the compatibility of your Zodiac sign with other signs.
- What dream dead people alive The dead often visit the living in dreams. These dreams frighten and fascinate at the same time. After awakening one tries to remember all the details of this dream and find him the interpretation.
- Which Zodiac signs belong together Astrology is an ancient science which today many are not too serious, but rather as entertainment. Be sure to read the astrological forecasts for the week or analyze the compatibility of your horoscope and your partner, not giving it much importance.
- What dream bodies Sleep with corpses as the main characters cause a lot of negative emotions after waking up. The corpse in my dream – mostly a bad sign, but in some cases it may prevent you from serious mistakes.
- How to find out what brought on you damage If your life began a black stripe or a series of failures, one should first look for the cause in itself. Most people creates its own problems for yourself with your negative thoughts, actions, unhealthy lifestyle, etc. However, it may be true that the trouble appeared literally "out of the blue", without any apparent reason. In this case, you can assume that some explicit or hidden foe brought on you damage.
- What man needs a woman-the virgin Woman-Virgo makes for an applicant for the hand and heart of stringent requirements. It's very long to choose a partner, but her choices are almost always impeccable. Woman-Virgo appreciates men, not only good looks and a gentle sense of humor, but strong character, love of order and ability to think and feel the same as she
- Folk omens: the bird flew into the window Since ancient times, a bird flew into the window, was a very bad sign. It was believed that expect bad news of death. However, this sign has multiple meanings and it is impossible to perceive it clearly – it all depends on what kind of bird flew into a window, and under what circumstances.
- What Zodiac signs are suitable Cancer-man Male Cancer exhibits a slowness and thoroughness in all spheres of life, so in search of the other halves can spend a lot of years. To family values he is very serious, so astrologers recommend that men of this Zodiac sign to choose a partner among the same reliable and loyal characters. These include representatives of earth and water element. With fire and air signs relationship Cancer develop significantly worse.
- How to create a tulpa A tulpa is inspired by the visualization that can have its own character and way of thinking. Ideal for the lonely and insecure people. Of course, it's tempting to visualize yourself Sasha grey and johnny Depp, but, unfortunately, any psychiatrist immediately you put a disappointing diagnosis – schizophrenia, if you suddenly decide to tell him about your created an imaginary friend.
- Which Zodiac signs fit the RAM Men and women born under the sign of Aries, very temperamental and never compromise in loving relationships. Representatives of this sign are romantics and idealists who can be difficult to find a suitable partner. However, Aries seeking for a serious relationship that can create strong and happy unions with many of the signs of the Zodiac. Astrologers recommend they look for suitable partners among the signs of water and earth elements.
- How to conquer a man-Cock Man-Cock can conquer a woman with such qualities as patience, perseverance and dedication. The Chinese calendar gives these young people an incredible love and a quick temper.
- What dream deceased parents As a rule, dead parents dream to alert the dreamer about something. For example, if the parents are cheerful and happy, in the relationship between the dreamer and his living relatives will be peace and harmony.
- Which Zodiac signs fit the Ruck Fine mental organization that makes people born under the sign of Cancer, is very attractive to others. Cancer is a extraordinary personality that immediately stand out from the crowd. It is a sensitive and loyal partners. They attract members of the opposite sex from an early age. What sign of the Zodiac is more suited to these sensitive and creative types? Who are they happy?
- Bad signs: the bird knocking its beak into the window A small bird appeared on the window sill, able to scare almost everyone. This is due primarily to known people's luck. Usually, if there is any bird knocking on the window, then it is necessarily a sign of bad news, illness or even death of someone from relatives. A belief that has existed for many centuries.
- What's the best Zodiac sign All signs of the Zodiac are different. Nature has endowed each constellation in some features. The astrologers were rating, which determined the best quality of each sign.
- What is the conspiracy that the guy missed Often women suffering from unrequited love or desire a tighter grip to his object of passion, resorted to various love plots. One of them is the popular conspiracy to melancholy men like a woman who makes a man miss you and constantly think of the particular person.
- How to find out if you have a gift Magic gift is a beautiful thing, which might spontaneously occur under the influence of circumstances. But still good to know for sure, is it or not.
- What is the strongest Zodiac sign? On the topic, what Zodiac sign is the strongest, there are many different opinions. Most astrologers agree that the strongest sign is Scorpio. They also argue that the most victorious and powerful signs include Leo, Capricorn and Aries.
- What Zodiac sign fits the female Capricorn The woman-Capricorn is very demanding and conservative. It is suitable for partner selection in great detail and appreciate the traditional views on family and relationships. According to astrologers, the most passionate and emotionally intense, the unions have a female Capricorn with signs of fire and water – Scorpio and Aries, and the most stable and durable – with the signs of the earth element.
- What flowers useful to keep in the apartment Potted plants can be a source of happiness and prosperity. Some flowers will be a reliable talisman and charge all residents of the apartment positive energy.
- How to define who I am according to the Eastern horoscope According to Chinese tradition, the character of the year is determined by one of twelve animals which, according to legend, appeared to the Buddha to say goodbye to him when he left earth. No less influence have the five elements (metal, earth, fire, wood, water), also in turn define a particular year. According to the Chinese, the nature and destiny of man depend largely on the year of his birth.
- What days of the week dreams come true The fact whether the dream was prophetic or not, is largely determined by what day of the week it was the place to be. Of course, dream interpretation days of the week does not give such a detailed interpretation of how ordinary, but with it, you'll be able to see come true if your dream.
- What a dream pregnancy and childbirth Sleep associated with pregnancy and childbirth, not only to please but to upset or even scare. If a girl dreams about her appearance in the child's life, and in a dream sees a hard and painful method of his birth, such a situation can cause real stress in real life. If the dream scared you, try to get rid of negative thoughts. Probably seen was only the reflection of your inner fears.