Astrology and esotericism
- Which Zodiac signs have the most passionate Sign of the Zodiac under which the person was born, not only tell about the main traits, but will also help to determine the temperament including sexual. What signs are the most passionate.
- How to tell fortunes, how many children There are many different varieties of divination, by which people with long years of trying to predict how the human future will be children. Some people not even trusting the veracity of divination, still speaking to him, trying to look behind the veil of secrecy. Others are wondering out of idle curiosity. Others trust the predictions, believing that everything in life is predetermined by fate.
- Love horoscope for Libra Libra strive for beauty in all areas of their life. Love this sign appreciates romance, harmony, comfort and tranquility. Libra try to avoid squabbles, so easily compromise. If they are very uncomfortable in a relationship, they can go to the breakup.
- What came into the house a black cat People have always believed in superstitions associated with cats. Even in ancient times with cats was carried out with various ceremonies. Just a black cat symbolized luck or trouble.
- What Zodiac sign fits the male Fish The man-Fish – a romantic, a philosopher and a dreamer, which if missing domestic side of a love relationship. The perfect partners for him are the representatives of water and earth elements. With a water signmi, the man-Fish is full understanding, as they share similar views on relationships and family, and practical women of the earth poems provide stability and comfort.
- Which means the dimple on his chin It has long been believed that a person's appearance can tell a lot about his character, the fate and the future. The dimple on his chin – a very vivid and memorable detail. This is a rare feature of the structure of the face attracts attention.
- As the demon settles in a person As the demon dwell in man? In esoteric believed that obsession is the indwelling of the evil spirit affecting a person, and often leading him to death. To determine that the man was possessed by the devil, according to several criteria.
- Why not kiss dead on the lips Most of the burial traditions rooted in the distant past. Today people follow them unconsciously, just because it is customary. It is believed that it is impossible to kiss dead on the lips. However, why is there such a ban, and what could happen to those who violates it, few know.
- How to clean the apartment from negative If at some moment you suddenly realized that you unbearably hard to go back home, you are weighed down by burdensome thoughts and negative emotions, do not rush to blame this on fatigue. After all, weary traveler reached the sanctuary, obtains peace and quiet, despite all the hardships of his journey. Our home as the soaked in the energies and the mirror reflects the inner world of its inhabitants.
- Which sign suits the Sagittarius male Male-Sagittarius very amorous and inconstant, therefore astrologers recommend him to look for suitable partners among the same independent and loving signs of the air and fire element. With them he formed light and a mutually beneficial relationship. Water and earth signs are suitable Sagittarius less, however, and among them he can find quite a suitable companion.
- What women like men Sagittarius Sagittarius man is a very complex nature, they may not always understand their desires and emotions. That is why it is impossible to say what girls like Sagittarius.
- What dream crabs Crayfish are a delicacy snack to beer. However, the dream crabs is not as good as it may seem at first glance. Most of the modern interpreters of dream books agree on one thing: to dream of the cancers in most cases does not Bode well.
- When is the best time to cut hair according to the lunar calendar Many of the owner of chic hair wondering when is the best time to cut hair to grow faster, or conversely, that the hair is longer retain its shape. Most processes in our lives are connected with the phases of the moon, and therefore astrologers say that it is good to cut hair in those days, when the satellite of our planet favorable.
- In the evening why not give the money in hand Money involves a lot of people will and beliefs. These include the prohibition to give money from hand to hand, especially in the evening. Where did this attitude to Finance and why there was such bans?
- How to understand the man-Scorpion If you manage to fall in love with a man-Scorpion, do not expect that you can easily understand. This is perhaps the most mysterious and secretive sign of the Zodiac. Scorpio can easily charm a woman. In this extraordinary combination of charisma, mystery and masculinity. I have to work hard before to gain this mysterious and incredibly sexy, the man-Scorpion.
- How to remove the curse Unfortunately, the curse addressed to someone, it is not just unpleasant words. It is written in their hearts, it actually can cause irreparable harm to humans. Is it possible to put out the fire and minimize the danger that it carries?
- What Zodiac signs do not fit the Fish In love relationships Scorpios Fish is ready for any sacrifices, and in return expect from the partner's support and understanding. These sensitive and emotional people need such companions with whom will feel welcome. Some Zodiac signs it is not suitable for the Fish, according to these criteria. There are some zodiac combinations in which the Fish possible great friendships, but which it will never allow them create a strong and happy love Union.
- What Zodiac sign fits the Libra male Male-Libra wants to see a sophisticated, elegant and at the same time enterprising and determined woman. In a relationship he values harmony and peace, and therefore the best partners for him are the representatives of air, earth and fire element, which Scales the easiest way to achieve mutual understanding. But with some signs of the zodiac of the water element man-Libra also has a very good compatibility.
- How to check damage It so happens that everything in life suddenly starts to crumble. No reason, no reason, out of nowhere. It's like a black hole, in which the flying prosperity, good relationships, health and sometimes life. And then it's time to sound the alarm, because all these misfortunes may be the result of damage induced by mudslinger. To check out the damage, not necessarily to go to sorcerers and black magicians. This can be done yourself.
- What girls like the man-Weights The male Libra has a clear idea of what a woman should be near. Potential wife, he will carefully evaluate and pay attention to even the smallest details of its behavior.
- What superstitions and omens associated with sneakers A gift for the holiday or birthday is often a stumbling block. It is difficult to make a choice, not making a mistake, even harder not to stumble, "naporovshis" on numerous superstitions and prejudices. For example, it is not customary to give knives and... Slippers.
- Feng-Shui. Where is the mirror in the hallway Hallway – the first room by the front door. So it was with him to begin practical application of the teachings of Feng Shui. One of the most important moments - the correct placement of the mirror. In Feng Shui mirror is a magical object that can reflect and increase the auspicious energy.
- What is the most insidious zodiac sign Zodiac signs have their unique features and facets of character, not all of them positive. For example, there are four nominees for the title of "the most insidious sign of the zodiac".
- How to make a solar Solar horoscope (solar) is an important part of predictive astrology. It can be used to predict events that will occur in a person's life during the year, to capture the main trends of the year and avoid possible problems.
- What girls like different signs of the Zodiac Girls often wonder how to conquer any man. They begin to carefully monitor their appearance, to be interested in the recommendations of psychologists, trying to master the art of flirting. But we should not forget, what not the last role in the emergence of sympathy plays astrology and sometimes, to win his chosen one, you need to study his horoscope.
- What dreams of living people in the spirit It's a pretty common dream. In the form of spirits (dead people) they can see their friends, loved ones and loved ones. Dreams in which people receive the news of the death of people, living and alive, forced to think seriously.
- How to remove yourself from yourself the evil eye or damage Any person, inadvertently may become a victim of the evil eye or damage, enough to cause someone's anger, envy or hatred. To counter the magical interference of enemies and the envious, it is better to equip yourself with knowledge on how to remove the evil eye or damage.
- How to remove the damage Despite modern technological advances and the increase in the General level of civilization, some people still continue to believe in building damage. While not every man, suspecting at itself, building damage or the evil eye, wants to go to quacks, wanting to remove their own negative, without spending a lot of money.
- Dream interpretation: what dream diving Jump in a dream in the water – a symbol is quite ambiguous. The interpretation of such dreams may vary depending on particular context of the overall dream events. All such dreams are considered to be warning: the reality will be faced with many obstacles and trials.
- How to remove the evil eye, damage Evil eye occurs as a result of negative energy messages one person to another. Negative information can be sent purposefully. More often, however, the evil eye is applied unconsciously. People with negative energy can affect others. Typically, these evil eye caused by envy, greed and selfishness. To remove the evil eye can rolling out the eggs.