You will need
  • Hour, day, and year of your birth.
If the date of your birth comes at a time when one character replaces another, those who were born before 12 hours of the day belong to the previous sign.
Use your date of birth to determine your zodiac symbol.

March 21 - April 20 - Aries

April 21 - may 20 - Taurus

May 21 - June 20 - Gemini

June 21 - July 20 Cancer

July 21 - August 21 Leo

August 22 - September 21 Virgo

September 22 - October 22 - Libra

October 23 - November 21 - Scorpio

November 22 - December 20 - Sagittarius

21 Dec - 19 Jan - Capricorn

January 20 - February 18 - Aquarius

19 Feb - 20 Mar - Pisces
Many modern astrologers claim that these boundaries were approved at the Assembly of the International astronomical Union in 1928, and during this time the annual path of the Sun among the stars changed and includes a thirteenth zodiac constellation – Ophiuchus. It was proposed to reform the zodiac circle, make a constellation, which will correspond to people born between 30 November and 17 December, and to displace other signs of the zodiac, according to modern situation. But while this decision has not yet been approved by checking your horoscope, we orientirueshsya on the traditional zodiac circle.
The Chinese horoscope is based on the identity of the person, date of birth, to a certain lunar year. If you were born in January or February, your lunar year may differ from your solar year of birth.

Find in Internet a table that lists start and end dates of the lunar years and the animals-symbols of year. Let's see what animal fits your year and date of birth. It can be a Rat, Rabbit, Dragon, Ox, Tiger, Snake, Sheep, Monkey, Horse, Rooster, Dog or Boar. You can now find your Chinese horoscope.