In the days of Ancient Babylon, the people were endowed with special significance. For example, the person whose number is two, was considered susceptible, weak, passive. The importance of paid and numerology Pythagoras, the famous ancient mathematician.
In order to learn their fate by the date of birth, we will need the full birth date, for example 25.05.2008.
Next, we sequentially add up the first numbers, dates of birth, then month, year. That is: 2+5=7, 0+5=5, 2+0+0+8=10.
Now you add together the resulting numbers: 7+5+10=22. The result should be the number having its own characteristics in numerology.
So interpreting the results:
1 – people whose number one being good climbers, the first place they work. These people make good leaders because they are born leaders.
2 – this is the contact people for them the main thing – communication. For them, a great pleasure to be with people, to help them. People twos is quite simple to manipulate, because they are ready to help at any time, throwing all his Affairs.
3 – talented, cheerful, communicative, talented people. The main problem with "threes" is a superficial attitude to life. They always prefer leisure to work and the saying "Old friends are best" - not about them.
4 – in contrast with "three" terrible workaholics. Always on the first place for them to work, and then family. People this number, like to obey, to execute orders. Their responsibility and ability to work are of genuine respect.
5 – these people are fickle, they constantly change their preferences. They are completely devoid of self-organization, so the control won't hurt them. Otherwise, the target will disappear before it even formed.
6 – the representatives of this number are calm, balanced, love to learn. They are able to sacrifice everything for the family and loved one.
7 – the great mystics, they are in constant search of secret knowledge. They were mages, sorcerers, psychologists. However, they can easily become victims of different kinds of sects.
8 – business to the bone. This is a great financial analysts, experts in marketing. They are lucky in everything that concerns money. But remember, these people are being overly stingy.
9 – spiritual self-improvement – that's their purpose. The material world is not for them.
11 – the most protected from outside interference people. Very strong, self-confident, they nevertheless are very attached to their loved ones.
22 – those who over designed to change our world for the better. It is the guru, the teacher of mankind, is able to penetrate into the essence of things. Among them, many politicians, religious leaders.
To control your destiny, knowing your strengths and weaknesses it's possible, you only need to want it. Remember this and be victorious.