The most famous and common exercise on the bar is pulling up. It's pretty basic, but it has its own peculiarities. To pump up the chest muscles, perform pulling up smoothly, because abrupt movements do not give the desired result.
Breathe right! Proper breathing is eighty percent of a successful workout: inhale when lifting, exhale during the descent. The pull-up occur with a minimum speed for maximum results!
Perform complex exercises, do not stay only on the chest muscles. Exercises on the shoulders, torso and back will help distribute the load and to strengthen those areas that are difficult to pump exercises only one orientation.

A couple of tips. Change the girth. Start with wide and finish with lift at the expense of the biceps (hands together). It will also allow you to pump the Breasts at all of its sites and strengthen your hands. Lesson on the bar - just as serious as any other sport simulator. Make sure hands are dry, and use special gloves that prevent the hands slipping. Ignoring the rules can lead to various injuries.
And the most important rule: perform a workout regularly. Start with small loads, but every day come to the bar and complete the intended course. When you feel that you have reached certain results, increase the load, but don't make sudden jumps. Responsible approach to the classroom, and you will definitely see the result.