Tai Chi Chuan. Movement of this martial art will remind the dance movements and require good coordination. Patience and accuracy will help in better comprehension of this art, as they are able to change not only the body but also the mind. Tai Chi combines sport and dance, so just can not fail to please.
And-box. This kind of martial arts as A-box is a mixture of Thai Boxing with fitness and aerobics will not only help to develop coordination and accuracy in the movements, but also strengthens the body in General, will help make it tough, what will minimize the risk of influence on the girl any stressful situation.
Capoeira. This martial art combines self-defense techniques and attacks, but based on the dance. This fight will certainly have to taste the fairer sex, such as "war dance" an impressive mastery of gestures and the possibility stunningly beautiful and, at the same time, rapid movement in space.
Judo. It is this kind of martial arts sufficient interest to girls and women, as it helps to develop the reaction, flexibility movements, and will also help to raise your confidence in certain situations is very important.
Taekwondo combines aerobics, acrobatics and shaping at the same time. It is important to know that girls are dealing with this form of martial arts that have little to no problem in gynaecology, as all exercises are aimed at strengthening the muscles and help to improve blood circulation in the pelvic region.
Aikido. This type of martial arts is relatively young, as there was only a little more than half a century ago, but has already managed to fall in love with a sufficiently large number of girls. This doctrine carries with it the knowledge of how the weak can defeat a stronger opponent. In other words, girls will be able to some extent to change their minds and realize that the weakness can always be turned into a strength.