You must learn that to achieve slender thighs, sitting on a diet is not possible. Be sure to combine exercise with proper nutrition.
Go on a low-calorie food. Eliminate flour, sweet and fried, or try to use such products as sparingly as possible. Drink more water, this contributes to greater efficiency at observance of diets.
Keep an active lifestyle, it is not necessary to spend time at a Desk or on the sofa, need to move more. Doesn't have to go Jogging, you can just start to walk more instead of driving. Importantly, the muscles were always in good shape, especially the femoral.
Generally, to remove fat from your inner thigh will help only the special exercises directed to the problem area. These exercises will not take more than 20 minutes a day, and the effect from them will be enormous.
Before starting the exercises, warm up your muscles. You can jump rope, do 15 squats or jog. After the warm-up will start to fight for the beauty of your thighs.
Stand before the chair, hands the stick over his back and legs take the beating. Exercise, though simple, but useful. For complication, bend the leg at the knee and continue beating. Repeat for each leg 15 times.
Next, lie on your back, focusing on the elbows. Bend legs at the knees and then spread your legs straight out to the sides. Take your time, and achieve quality. Repeat the exercise 20 times. Roll over on side, top leg bend at the knee and place the front of the knee of the other leg. Now, make the strokes of the lower leg. Lift the leg as high as you can.
All the physical exercises you need to accomplish every day, then you will achieve the desired result.
To burn fat helpful wraps. This procedure can be done either in salon or at home. To do this, take the honey and brush all over the problem area thighs, and the top wrap with cling film. Such sweet therapy can be performed during the night and in the morning rinse with warm water.
Give your inner thigh neat appearance will help all the ways, but in the complex. Try to follow the diet and exercise, but don't overdo it. Because the result depends on the quality rather than the quantity of your exercise.