You will need
  • -analysis of blood from a vein;
  • -visit your doctor;
  • -diagnosis and treatment of comorbidities;
  • diet with restricted purine;
  • -carrot juice;
  • -celery juice;
  • -decoction of oats;
  • -infusion of rose hips;
  • -decoction of cranberry;
  • -infusion of birch buds;
  • -flax seed.
Diagnosis of increased uric acid is carried through blood from the vein. In some cases, the doctor conducts sampling analysis of synovial fluid with a needle. When examining the contents under a microscope to make an accurate analysis of gout.
The most frequent gout attacks happen at night - due to the reduction of metabolism and additional acidification of the blood.
If the increase of uric acid in the blood is diagnosed, besides the classical treatment prescribed a therapeutic diet, you will have to follow throughout life, as the disease is chronic and incurable.
From the diet you need to remove meat broths. The meat you can eat low-fat varieties, boiled, and not more than 3 times a week. Fatty food is better to completely eliminate from the diet. You should also refrain from fried, smoked, pickled foods, limit to a minimum the amount of salt and increase the amount of liquid. Help flush uric acid alkaline mineral water. Because alcoholic beverages can be consumed only vodka in limited quantities.