  • Why 500 days program was never adopted
  • Why and who sold Alaska to America
  • Why is France called "fifth Republic"
  • What state can be called world powers
  • What is ultra-conservative views
  • Why did Luzhkov
  • How to get into politics
  • Who is on the Board of the Federation
  • How is the upper house of Parliament
  • In which international organizations is part of Russia
  • Where Stalin is buried
  • How to seek political asylum in Europe
  • Who is the liberal
  • What are the goals of the action "Control walk"
  • When was the United Russia party
  • What the Nazis hated the Jews
  • What's bad for Russia of Ukraine's accession to the European Union
  • When it was founded the state of Israel
  • The most well-known Russian politicians
  • What is neoliberalism
  • How to write in the office of the President
  • Where Ivan the terrible buried
  • Why is the US banned the balalaika
  • As the beginning of the second world war
  • Why do Slovenia and Slovakia, the flag is similar to Russian
  • Why not bury Lenin
  • What is the penalty for libel
  • How to write a letter to the Governor of St. Petersburg
  • What is a sovereign state
  • Who will be the next President