  • How to quickly learn a song
    A major challenge to the practicing new songs can be a lack of skills playing the guitar, piano or other instrument used as accompaniment, but it's easy to fix multiple workouts and repetitions.
  • How to learn to rhyme
    Rhyme along with the rhythm of the lines and symmetry of the verse is essential to the poem. Find the wordsabout in a couple previous line is not always possible, and to help the Creator come additional sources.
  • How to adjust 12-string guitar with tuner
    Twelve-string guitars guitar gives a rich and full-bodied sound. In this playing technique is a little different from that used on a conventional shestistrunniki. To configure dvenadtsatistrunnye by ear – it is quite real, but long and requires some skill. If you are just beginning to learn to play this instrument use a tuner.
  • What operations did Michael Jackson
    A recognized king of pop music Michael Jackson is famous not only for achievements in show business, but love to change appearance. Still, there are disputes about how many plastic surgeries singer.
  • How to develop vocal myself
    In the superior singing schools in the first year of training, singers are often not allowed to sing on its own without a teacher. It is believed that without control, the student will be taught the voice to the wrong position and ruin the style. This opinion has some truth, but part of the work the vocalist can perform solo.
  • How to make a song
    Anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of music, feels the need for the creation of new musical works. A few tips for those who don't know where to start.
  • Need guitarist
    Learning to play guitar will go easier and faster if you prepare everything you need. Some of the necessary things you can buy in the same store as the tool itself, but something may have to do with their hands.
  • How to create a musical group
    If you dream about a crowd of fans and the spotlight, if you want to smash a guitar on stage and jump into the crowd, then you will have a long and difficult way music star. One of the first steps – creating your own group.
  • How to dance in a slow dance
    On any casual or party disco always comes a time when men invite the ladies to dance. Are waiting for this moment and those other impatiently. Tricky performed a slow dance nothing. It is enough to follow a few tips.
  • How to tune a guitar using a tuning fork
    The tuning fork is a small device, exactly reproducing a certain sound. He looks in the form of a two-pronged metal fork and typically has a frequency of 440 Hz, reproducing a note "La" 1st octave. With its help you can set up different musical instruments, including guitar.
  • How to sing with a guitar
    Guitar is one of the most popular tools not only for gigs, but for home playing. This is no accident: it's light and compact, it is convenient to carry. However, even a few chords can become quite a worthy accompaniment if the performer takes them purely and confidently. Besides, in order to learn guitar, not necessarily good to read sheet music. Chord progression you can learn the and the tablatures.
  • How to turn on the music in KS
    Almost every network gamer playing a shooter Counter-Strike, notice the different sounds and music coming from some players. Many people mistakenly believe that these actions are carried out using the microphone and I throw the idea to try yourself in the role of the "DJ network". However, to achieve this can absolutely any gamer.
  • How to learn to play the guitar
    The guitar is a popular musical instrument. Learn to play the guitar you can own, without the services of teachers. This can be done with the help of tutorials and training videos.
  • How to sing on stage
    Be a star dream of many units embody the dream but the rest of us find more appropriate classes. But if you happen to sing on stage, and you're really not ready for this and don't know where to start, need to get my thoughts in order before speaking, to submit themselves worthy.
  • How to play the bamboo flute
    Bamboo flute – wind musical instrument, which is traditional in many Nations of Asia and America. Play it like a normal flute, but its wooden frame plays a more rich, clear and unique tone. To play this instrument quite difficult, but very interesting.
  • The story of writing the songs of Victor Tsoi
    A good song can lead a separate life, eludes the author. It can become legendary, it is interpreted on various frets and it could become the anthem of a whole generation. Interestingly, the Creator can't influence what is happening, even if he would have tried to explain what meaning he wanted to put into a song, and what circumstances led him to create compositions. Such was the story of the songs of Victor Tsoi – soloist and leader of the legendary rock group "Kino".
  • What guitar to choose
    Today, music stores offer a huge selection of different guitars: classical, acoustic, electric guitars. The novice musician it is sometimes difficult to give preference to one or another versions of this popular musical instrument.
  • How to make a loudspeaker
    In our time, the choice of speakers is huge. Going to a specialty store, you will find everything your heart desires. However, it is always nicer to do things with his hands, because then they become dearer to you and to use them you will be more likely.
  • The most famous jazz compositions
    As in any art, jazz has its masterpieces that have influenced the development of culture and is known to this day. Such compositions are called jazz standards – they must know any musician who calls himself a jazz musician.
  • Who won the Muz-TV 2015
    5, 2015 was the 13th annual music award Muz-TV "gravity". Contrary to tradition the venue was a sports complex "Astana-arena" in the capital of Kazakhstan. The winners are rejoicing and the people waiting for the speech of the owners of silver platters in the Kremlin.
  • How to change the audio track
    We are all great experimenters. It would seem that all is, and we want to do something differently, to see what happens. If you want to attach the audio file to any movie or clip, do not think that it is available only to professionals. Our step-by-step manual will tell you how you can edit any audio track independently.
  • How to play the xylophone
    Xylophone – wooden percussion instrument with accurate tuning. The tool is a series of wooden plates, each of which corresponds to a specific sound. The accuracy of the system is provided by the manufacturer. The sale can be seen as children's 8-ton xylophones and complex professional tools with a large number of plates. Play the xylophone with special hammers.
  • How to learn to play the recorder
    Recorder – magic tool. He reminds j the middle ages, the forest elves and gamescom the pied Piper. It sounds like either the music of the wind, or birds singing. Learn how to play it and everyone can, it takes not so much time.
  • As a Lefty to learn to play the guitar
    There is an opinion that the left handed to learn guitar more difficult, and this stereotype may be an obstacle to the development of this tool an aspiring musician is left-handed.
  • How to play "Call me quietly by name..."
    The song "Call me" was written by a group of "lube" and first performed in the TV series "Plot" of 8 December 2003. Along with the TV series song received wide recognition and love people. This work is now playing on the big stage and friendly kitchen gatherings with a guitar.
  • How to: configure basic guitar
    The game upset on the guitar leads to a deterioration of hearing, so even beginners before you start training, you need to carefully adjust the sound quality of a musical instrument. For tuning guitar strings tuning pegs are used, which are on the fretboard and keep the tension. Torsional to one side, the string is stretched, the other is weakened. Need to twist slowly, listening to the resulting sound.
  • All about effects pedals for guitar
    How boring it would be guitar without effects pedals. Would have to enjoy only the kind of acoustic sound with adjustable volume control. It is largely thanks to these effects and born styles such as jazz, Blues, rock-n-roll in all its forms.
  • How to learn to sing diaphragm
    The diaphragm is the partition separating the thoracic cavity from the abdominal. This partition can strain and relax. Professional singers of the column of air rests on the diaphragm, that allows them to get a deep rich sound without excessive strain on the vocal cords. A common mistake novice singers – singing cords. This habit should get rid of.
  • How to quickly learn chords
    Performance of any song, requires the accompanist the ability to quickly rearrange the chords. A professional usually does not think about it, and aspiring musician thinks painfully every time him where he could put his fingers. That it moved from a dead point, you have to stop every time to count strings and frets.
  • What does the name of the band Bi-2
    Bi-2 is one of the most successful Russian groups 2000 years. His appearance is obliged to the two young people from Belarus – Shura and Leva (real name – Alexander Uman and Yegor Bortnik).