Before turning to the generators of the rhymes, try to rephrase the already written line. There are some words that rhyme to pick up difficult or even impossible. Others have a limited number of rhymes and they are all "jaded". Prime example: love – blood – again. If you write poetry in large numbers, you already know what words are best not put in the end of the row.
Take advantage of all the variety of types of rhymes. As a rule, most of the poets is limited to three or four varieties. On the principle of production of the stress they are male (accent on the last syllable of the line), women's (on the second syllable from the end of the line), and dactylic verse (in the third from the end) and gipertoksicheskaya (fourth from the end).
On the principle of precision rhymes can be exact and approximate. An example of exact rhyme: ice – plane. Approximate may be so: thirst – pity. The choice depends on the overall rhythmic pattern of the poem.
Try to create new rhymes. Then the characteristics you may find their scientific name, but don't think your work has gone in vain. In the future of inventive experience will be useful.
Try to rephrase the line you are going to write. Replace some words with synonyms.
If this way to find a rhyme failed, see the map at the first link below. Remueve enter the word in the box at the top of the page and click "Enter". Please note that the emphasis in the options is ignored.