  • How to determine tone of voice
    To learn how to sing well, is important at the outset to know what key you voice. It can be difficult to determine because the singing voice may be quite different from that which you use in everyday life.
  • How to learn to play the saxophone
    Saxophone – instrument dream for many jazz lovers, but also for other genres of music, the saxophone is too wide horizons. Learn to play the saxophone and everyone can, if you've always wanted to do it – don't delay!
  • How to learn to rap
    What are the qualities of a good rapper? First and foremost, good diction, a good sense of rhythm and powerful artistic presentation in the voice. Yes, it is unlikely that the great rappers somewhere specially studied their craft, their skills were given to them from nature. But there are aspects of skill that anyone can learn if desired, and due perseverance.
  • How to sing rock
    They say that a talent for singing either a person or it is not. Actually it is not, because any craft, in particular singing, can you learn, if you approach it seriously. It is important not to rest on our laurels and understand that a perfect result is not immediately to come.
  • How to learn to read beatbox
    Beatbox or beatboxing – one of the directions of the youth subculture, based on playing and imitation of rhythmic patterns and melodies using exclusively the possibility of their own vocal apparatus. Among connoisseurs beatbox revered as the "fifth element" of hip-hop culture, most often used for accompaniment in the respective compositions.
  • How to make a blowgun
    Who has not ever in school bullet chewed paper through a straw from the disassembled pen in the head mate? But this simple device is a toy replica of the brass tube – weapons, bringing at the time, the horror of the colonizers. That missile is the prototype of all modern types of airguns. The various nationalities of the brass tube were made differently. You can make a brass tube out of scrap materials.
  • How to find a song without knowing its name
    How many new songs appear every day – one of the music critics know. No wonder that snatching any motive of the huge number of musical novelties, you can hum it all day under his breath, not knowing neither the namenor the artist, nor the words. Deciding to download this masterpiece for his play-list, you begin to wonder how to find a songwithout knowing its name.
  • How to write words and clean music
    If you want to write their own music or create different pieces of music, you can do this using a personal computer. Own musical composition, for example, you can connect with the songs of the popular singers: the effect will be stunning! But first you need to remove the music of modern songs, leaving only the words.
  • How to start writing rap
    Many fans of rap and hip-hop sooner or later come to thoughts about his own work, but not everyone understands where to start writing songs, how to learn to rap how to make their songs bright and original, and what is this originality depends. In fact, once you have mastered the basic principles and rules of the genre, start writing rap can every.
  • How to learn to play the DUDUK
    DUDUK is an old Armenian woodwind reed instrument, sad and tender melodies which accompany the history of this small nation. UNESCO declared the music of the DUDUK intangible cultural heritage of humanity, but to play, it would seem that such a simple tool can not everyone.
  • How to learn to yodel yet
    The unusual word "yodel" in the language of the singers vocal receiving means. In pop music it is used infrequently, mostly found in folk music of different countries. For example, it is used Alpine singers and American folk musicians. There is a pop-rock performers using this technique, such as the ex-lead singer of the Cranberries Dolores O'riordan. In recent years more and more singers are showing interest in this technique and wish to learn.
  • How to learn to match by ear notes
    Selection for hearing – one of the types of exercises in the classroom solfege. In practical terms this skill is needed when "perennate of musical pieces, the notes of which to get difficult or impossible. The ability to quickly pick up the product largely determines the professionalism of a musician.
  • How to record music to a memory card
    The map of memory is a pretty functional thing, because it can record many various information: music, pictures, video. However, special attention should be paid to storing this kind of information, like music, because many modern manufacturers produce, for example, mp3 players without built-in memory. In this case, to know how to transfer the audio files to a USB flash drive you just need.
  • How to learn to play the accordion
    The accordion is one of the most popular tools, often considered the national. It is difficult to find the village where the event is taking place without the participation of the accordion – sounds of the accordion to create a friendly and sociable atmosphere, entertaining guests and are a great accompaniment for songs and dances. In this article we will explain how to learn to play the accordion, and where to start training.
  • How to train vocal
    There are many methods of developing vocal data. However, in any case without regular exercise and workout can not do. "To put the" voice in just a few lessons with a teacher or independently, to improve it – throughout life.
  • How to find a song along the lines of it
    Accidentally heard a song on the radio and wanted to find her - this situation is familiar, apparently, to everyone. And sometimes that flies out of my head the name of long-familiar songs, which is very necessary to remember. If you have Internet at your fingertips, you always have the choice of several versions of the song search for the lines from it.
  • How to make nut for guitar
    Proper setup of a guitar depends largely on the correct positioning of the strings on the fretboard, which lie on two sills, upper and lower. The distance between the nut defines the length of the string and is called the scale of the guitar.
  • How to apply music to all slides
    Microsoft Power Point for many years remains the most popular and convenient program for creating presentations. This is due to its availability, ease of work and a lot of functions, one of which is the ability to insert audio to the slides.
  • How to play battle "eight"
    Learn to play the guitar is very easy and fun. The diversity of techniques and styles of games provide huge scope for imagination beginner musician. But first and foremost, you must know the main ways of playing. Battle eight is almost the fundamental technique of playing the guitar. Therefore, it is necessary to know for every guitarist.
  • How to write a song to rap
    Rap and hip-hop have become so popular that in the youth environment it is almost impossible to find a teenager or young person who is not fond of such music and wanted to create their own songs to rap and creatively implemented. Since rap is a recitative, it is very important semantic component as well as important stylistic features of the texts. If you want to be creative in the hip-hostile, you should learn how to write stylish and original lyrics with an unusual rhyme and deep meaning.
  • How to learn to write rap lyrics
    If you love and appreciate this kind of music like hip hop, then no doubt you already have the desire to learn how to write rap lyrics. Of course, it's not as easy as it might seem at first glance, but as the saying goes: "Patience and a little effort".
  • How to sew a guitar case
    Each holder of guitar you want to keep your instrument in excellent condition. Without a good case in this situation do not. Insulated covers are quite often on sale. But they are not always suitable for non-standard guitars. High quality "shell" for a tool to make your own. Modern materials provide many opportunities.
  • How to play electric guitar through computer
    To playing the electric guitar do not need to use combos or other serious equipment. With a regular computer, you can play on your favorite tool.
  • How to think of a name for a rap group
    Gathering the team for the performance of popular rap music, you will surely have chances of great success. But aside from its music program you should think of a way to call their group. A word or a few words that you will present your team will become your calling card. So go to this issue responsibly.
  • How to learn to write rap
    In Russia rap came from Brooklyn, the black immigrants from Jamaica and quickly gained popularity among young people. Most teenagers are attracted to the apparent ease rap: rhythmic background can say, or rather, recited phrase of his own composition, which you hurt for a living. However, when a guy or Gal sit down with pen and paper or in front of the computer screen and going to rhyme their own experiences, they do not always succeed. In order to write the rap, in addition to the skills need perseverance and knowledge of several simple writing secrets.
  • How to learn to sing rap
    Oddly enough, but in the absence of vocals and complex melodies, the songs in the genre of rap is quite difficult to perform. This requires not only great lung capacity, but also the special presentation. In addition, a high – quality diction and speaking voice.
  • How to convert song to minus one
    Say, from the song words can not erase, but in fact to remove the word from an audio recording possible. There are several programs that will allow you to easily remake the song in a minus one.
  • How to develop vocal chords
    To gain the ability to use the capabilities of their vocal cords at full capacity difficult. This requires a lot of effort. But the result is very noticeable: after hard training you can learn to speak and even to sing.
  • How to read the freestyle
    Fridal is a trend in rap that is based on complete improvisation. As well as reading verses straight from the head is not available to all, it could be called aerobatics. However, despite the fact that the method is improvisational, read freestyle easy to learn. You need to remember a few important rules.
  • How to separate words from music
    Minus one – an excellent music track, allowing you to train in vocal exercises, singing karaoke, cook a variety of shows and musical performances. However, it is not always possible to find a suitable cell on the Internet, and the person thinks, how to extract ringtones from voice the party. In this article we will discuss how to separate vocals from a soundtrack in the best quality, to get only the melodic composition. To do this you need a universal program for work with sound in Adobe Audition.