- How to make backing tracks songs Typically, the backing tracks of the songs are created in recording studios professional sound engineers. But this service is quite expensive. A novice musician who cannot afford to pay for the creation of backing tracks , you can create it yourself on your home computer.
- How to send a track to the label All budding musicians and composers dream is that more people have heard their work. In addition, the financial issue is also important: buying and selling of own compositions can be lucrative. You only need to sign a contract with one of the producing companies andlabels.
- How to learn to hit the notes To learn how to sing beautifully can even those who have never studied music and does not know notes. To become a professional singer, it is better to find a good teacher. But singing to yourself or you can learn very, good modern technical tools provide a lot of opportunities. First of all you need to learn how to take purely different sounds, that is, to control his voice.
- How to learn to play the drum set Drum kit is the heart of a musical group. She and bass guitar set the rhythm of all the performers. But in the humdrum environment there is an opinion that this is a very simple instrument and play it, those who cannot play the guitar, the synthesizer. But the drums are a musical instrument and "play", not "knocking" and "hammering"!
- How to find old song Often people face problem when they can't find any old song. On the radio she no longer twist, familiar too, no one can not recall. Yes, and the person the artist name and song title can be ejected from the head, leaving in memory only a few words from the song. However, with the availability of the Internet this problem is solved.
- How to play overkill on a 6-string guitar How to play the guitar not so much, but the variety inside styles great. Now you can often hear the accompaniment for the song with guitar beat. And some of the guitarists own "brute force." In fact, this technique, which is called arpeggio, is a classical technique of playing the guitar. With it you can play the most emotional and beautiful songs.
- How to learn to play the balalaika Balalaika is a traditional Russian instrument, today it is becoming increasingly rare in people's homes. Learn to play the balalaika is quite simple, but few people interested in folk music. Professionals balalaika in the world is almost there. Those who want to learn to play the balalaika and has serious intentions have no competition that in some way is an absolute plus.
- How to put strings on a guitar Changing strings is one of the main problems for the beginner musician. The problem is she can stay long enough because this action is not enough to quickly become familiar. However, nothing complicated in this process.
- How to call a music group of girls To come up with a good name for a musical group is not always easy. Despite the fact that seemingly there are many beautiful sounding words, not every of them may be suitable for your group.
- How to make a flute Flute – the instrument is quite melodic and beautiful. It's not just a tube with holes. It is in some cases a piece of art. Craftsmen and masters of improvised flute cover decorative carvings and get a flute that could be put up for sale in an antique shop. To do the flute thread we teach you will not. Let's talk about how to make the actual flute with his hands.
- How to attach the strap to the guitar For many, one of the essential parts of a guitar, oddly enough, is the strap. It helps the musician to fully concentrate on the music, not making the extra effort to hold the tool. It is therefore very important to correctly attach immedediately to ensure maximum comfort when playing.
- How to learn to play the Kuray The Kuray is a wind musical instrument of the Bashkirs and Tatars. There are several varieties of it: cyyc-kurai sur-kurai to eat. It is made from the stem of an umbrella plant repoblica, which is popularly known as kurai. Thanks to him, this tool got its name.
- How to learn to sing at home The ability of some people to sing beautifully and to play a voice of unusual melody fascinates and surprises, and at the same time, few realize that to develop his singing talent can be every person with due diligence and perseverance. Learn to sing may every person, and in this case it's not enough to just love music – you need to follow a number of rules to deliver voice and improve your vocal abilities.
- How to connect guitar to laptop Every day more and more people use laptops as a home desktop system. Requirements increasing with each passing day. Laptops are not only used as a stationary computer, but in some specific professional areas. For example, in music. Many musicians have long replaced desktop computers for laptops by configuring them to fit your needs. With increasing capacities of laptop computers have made possible their connection to musical instruments, particularly the guitar and the sound system.
- How to learn to feel the rhythm Sense of rhythm is not only for the musician or the ballerina. A certain rhythm is subject to a lot of things in human life. For example, there are some types of work that require rhythmic action from all participants. There are very few people who have not had this quality, he just does not always get sufficient attention. A sense of rhythm in itself can be developed.
- How to understand the notes Of course, it is best to start learning music with the help of a textbook on music literacy. However, if you don't have time for in-depth study of the fundamentals of music notation, then first you will help the minimum set of practical knowledge.
- How to play toy synthesizer Children's synthesizer has significantly less features than the regular, but it has a specific eight-bit" sound. For this, he finds adherents, not only among children but also among music artists in the genre that is called "8 bit". User interface cheap children's synthesizers from different manufacturers are usually standardized.
- To lower the strings on the guitar From that, how close stringss are located to the fingerboard, affects the playability on the guitar and quality of the extracted sound. If you are experiencing difficulties when setting the chords and the guitar sound muffled and fuzzy, try to lower the strings.
- How to record songs at home If you are not a friend of the oligarch, who is in love with you and is prepared meekly to obey your every whim – it's better not to try to record a song through a record company. Because all this will result in quite a decent amount. And if after all the soul needs music, it can be a little effort to do everything at home. But exactly how to establish this we now describe.
- How to make a music box To make the box music, you need a normal box. You can buy it in the store, but if you want, you can do it with their hands. Here, too, in his own way.
- How can you call a rap group When you are with like-minded friends had already organized his own musical group, REP to you now not just a hobby, but a real serious business, it remains to find a suitable name for their team. How to choose from and thus be guided to the group, remembered and appreciated?
- Who is Conchita Wurst and why is she a beard Conchita Wurst, aka Tom Neuwirth – the flamboyant transvestite from Austria. To Eurovision-2014 about this beardthe singer is little known. Win at the popular Eurovision song contest Conchita made a real star.
- How to make a cell Minus – the audio recording of the song, which removed one party (track), most voice. In rare cases, "minus" is done without drums, bass guitar or other solo instrument, depending on the purpose and specialization of the speaker of the musician. Creating backing tracks – work of the sound engineer but also musician can make a quality recording.
- How to learn to play the guitar at home by yourself Do not have to be trained in music school to learn to play the guitar. Enough to know a few chords and play a simple tune for friends. But if you have the desire to learn to sing more serious songs, pass the lessons on this wonderful instrument can at home.
- Best foreign rock group 70-80 years Rock singers are 70-80 years today have become classics. The best samples of rock from this period have become role models and source of inspiration for many generations of Russian musicians.
- How to create a bit Rap and hip-hop enjoys today the majority of young people, and many people wonder how to make the right sound for their recordings into a microphone texts, and how to make music quality a bit, or a special cell under the rap. Since rap is a modern style and you plan to create a cell that corresponds to all the standards, you need to use to create a special program to create electronic music samples.
- How to find song minus Minus (or minus one) is a soundtrack that lacks any batch - vocal or single instrument. Most of the backing tracks used by vocalists as a musical accompaniment during performances in restaurants and clubs, etc. Minus - it's not karaoke, it has good quality, often contains backing vocals.
- What is the oldest musical instrument To say exactly what musical instrument was the first in the history of mankind, is impossible. To have survived not all of the information about the musical taste of ancient people in different parts of the world at the same time appeared different musical instruments.
- How to identify the style of music Musical style – a common but rather complex concept. Saying that a particular literary work belongs to a particular style, implying that it was created using standard techniques. The combination of these techniques provides a piece of music the nature of sound and perception, the ideological-figurative content. Melody, harmony, rhythm, expression distinguish the song from many others identify her as belonging to a particular style.
- Where to send your very own song If you wrote a song and want to know about it, it's time to think about where it should be sent. First of all need to determine who can become a potential performer, and the audience your music might be interesting.