- How to sing voice Sing everyone can learn – but you need to remember that good results in singing can only be achieved with constant training and exercises. The vocalist needs to warm up regularly, not to lose form and improve their skills. Correct warm up will help to keep the ligaments in a healthy condition and make your voice stronger and more beautiful. To prepare for singing will help you a number of exercises to warm up the ligaments and exercise voice.
- How to increase the bass Bass (lower range of sound in music) sometimes it is necessary to strengthen. This can be done using the equalizer, which is the majority of computer players that can play music. If you need to change the audio track, you have to use special software programs such as Sound Forge 7.0.
- How to learn to play the lute Many who heard the magic sound of dombra, will certainly decide to learn to play it. If there is such desire, the easiest is to find the dombra. You should pay attention to its characteristics. In addition, this musical instrument is not among the cheapest. There are several options when considering the possibility of conducting training. So at the simplest we can consider the training in a music school or learning with a tutor, as a more complex – independent. And in that and in other case, you will need patience and perseverance. Besides, it is not superfluous to the knowledge in the field of musical notation.
- How to learn to just freestyle rap Rap and hip-hop fashion and music styles that are becoming more popular among today's youth. It is not surprising that many Teens and aspiring rappers dream to learn improvisation and to read the masterful rapping of his own, surprising and delighting the other fans of this genre. In order to learn how to just freestyle rap, you need the desire, determination and constant training.
- How to learn to write rap Rappers – poets of the streets, but who knows what their work fits in the literary framework? Rap is not free verse, it must have internal structure and some rhyme. Rap for their system of prosody is accentual verse. Want and your texts do not depart from the literary tradition and norms? Then go ahead! Our step by step guide will help you in creating the correct reperskih rhymed texts.
- How to play chopsticks on the piano A number of simple works available for performance by anyone, even far from music. Such plays is the famous "chopsticks". He performed mostly on the black keys of the piano. For ease of parsing label each note with a number.
- How to play notes on the synth Adults often feel a craving for playing a synthesizer. Unfortunately, not all have the perseverance and time to master the musical instrument. If this process is divided into stages, in another month we can confidently understand the music of unfamiliar melodies.
- How to develop vocal chords To learn how to use their voicewith new bundles 100 percent, and especially singing beautifully and loudly say, need a lot of time and effort. Persistence and work, regular practice and constant work on yourself and you will begin to notice positive changes in your voice.
- How to learn to play the accordion A person who knows how to play the accordion, always welcome in the company. With him and his friend Bayan not bored. Invariably find a song he wants to sing to the accompaniment of many. Accordion player amuses and saddens, excites, makes tremble the soul, causing that warm fuzzy nostalgia, the irrepressible thirst for life. Learn to play the accordion in different ways, all of them available to anyone with hearing.
- How to attach a guitar strap Guitar strap is one of the essential accessories for guitar players, the performers on stage. Needless to say that the belt should not pick up so much color and texture as in how it mounts, stability and convenience for the musician. The straps come in several types, and differ in the type of attachment. How to choose and attach a guitar strap?
- How to write a script for the video Creating a videoclip is a responsible process, which is important, not only technical components, good sound and a quality shot, but the idea, the script of the clip, without which it will not be interesting and memorable for the audience. Before you do the filming of the clip, you should carefully consider and write the script, while adhering to some rules, allowing to create an interesting story.
- How to make Remix songs Remix – from the English "Remix" - the creation of original track based on material already composed songs. The Remix uses the vocals of the original, but, as a rule, completely swept aside accompaniment. The name of the Remix is usually prepared like this: the Performer of the original – the name of the original author's name of the Remix style Remix of the remix).
- How to play the harmonica The accordion is a popular instrument that could be seen in almost any village fete.
- How to write a song about love How many people live, as he composes and sings songs, romances and ballads about love. The history of the birth of these songs are different, some are born from a wounded heart instantly, others are written by professionals and sometimes composed over the years, demanding a certain emotional outbursts. There is no single answer to the question of how the song folded. However, some rules of songwriting is still there, they can help job seekers of love poetry in my creative endeavors.
- How to read bass notes Notes – the basis of music literacy. To be able to read them is important for those who want to learn to play a particular musical instrument. Although only seven notes, the party for different hands and musical instruments are painted using different keys: treble and bass.
- How to find artist of a song according to Sometimes the words of a song spinning in my head, and what kind of work, and who the contractor is, you don't know, or forgot, or doubt. Find artist of a song by words in the Internet.
- How to spin drum sticks Torsion drum sticks - very effective technique that many famous drummers use during music performance, for example, Gerry brown. To learn how to spin drum sticks, takes a long time to train.
- How to play the flute Light, high, beautiful, similar to the movement of the wind – the melody of the flute. Playing on the flute reminds us of medieval wandering musicians who entertained the crowd of merry melodies. Maybe some time you wanted to play this wonderful instrument. Learn to play the orchestral flute alone is unlikely to succeed – too hard she device, then you need seven years in music school, but to learn the recorder at home is not worth almost no difficulty, even if you have no special abilities for music.
- How to play the synthesizer To start playing on the synth , you should choose the right and convenient location for the instrument. Importantly, the elbows young musicians were on the same level with the keyboard.
- How to learn to sing by yourself Learning to sing yourself, you are unlikely to become an Opera singer. But singing is beautiful and touching quite on forces to everyone. They say that opening your voice, man opens in the soul something new and interesting. Go ahead, everything is in your hands.
- How to write a rap Writing poems has recently become fashionable? and with each passing day this trend is only gaining momentum. However, not all young talents are commendable, they often represent only a set of rhymed words and a complete lack of sense. Try to figure out how to write interesting rap lyrics.
- How to improve fm reception VHF FM radio broadcasting provides a much higher quality than traditional broadcasting on the low bands using amplitude modulation. However, the range of frequencies which are FM radio stations provides a relatively small radius of confident reception, on the border of which the quality drops sharply.
- How to learn throat singing There are three types of throat singing: low, high and average. Many believe high most beautiful of the three options because it sounds like beautiful flute on the banks of the Creek. To learn throat singing, you need to practice special exercises.
- How to write a rap Probably every fan of rap music wants to learn to write and read it as much as they do to celebrities. The basis of rap, and any other poetic works are the rhymes. However, the rap rhyme is much more difficult, besides, the reading should be within a certain rhythm and carry a fair amount of sense.
- How to play army fight on guitar There are many techniques of playing the guitar. Most guitar players use in their game guitar battle. This technique is characterized by a loud sound and requires a certain craftsmanship. The types of combat also a lot. One of the most common is "six", also called "army battle". With the help of this technique performed by most army songs.
- How to put a picture into a song Agree, much nicer to listen to favorite songs, when the monitor POPs up funny photos of Pets or curious pictures. But you need to learn how to insert a picture into the track.
- How to learn to reach those high notes When the singer takes the top note, the vocal cords become more stretched, compared to the situation in normal conversation. Stretched ligaments become thinner and can vibrate with greater frequency, and this is provided by the singing in the upper register. Knowing this physiological mechanism of singing, you need to follow certain steps to learn how to take high notes.
- How to quickly learn to move the chords Chord accompaniment – the most common form of instrumental accompaniment of the song. Its distinctive features – is equal to the volume of each note, the lack of dedicated henchmen. All the sounds in a chord sound simultaneously (guitar beat, piano "pillars") or sequentially (too much or arpeggios). Beginners rarely are able to change chords in rhythm, appropriate to the song, since not yet developed sufficiently good mechanical memory and coordination.
- How to learn English song You decide to impress your friends by singing the song in English. That's just the words of a musical work does not want to be remembered. What to do, how to learn a song? There are several ways.
- How to find artist of a song if I know only words Sometimes it happens to hear on the radio or in a store a song that will appeal, but neither its name nor the contractor is not known. Fortunately, there are several ways to find a nice composition, knowing only a few words from the text.