You will need
  • computer;
  • - memory card;
  • - access to the Internet.
Perform a restore of photo/video data from USB drive, you can use the read RAW data using the application Easy Recovery or create image of USB drive using flashnul app and scan the image to determine the presence of data in a particular format.
Save the image and do a full format the media using the computer/camera. If a problem arises with access to memory card, follow the sweep of the zero sector. Also try connecting the memory card to the computer not through a camera and cable, and using a card reader, not on the same computer/laptop.
Perform password recovery on a flash card. If the media is inserted in the phone or other device there is a password prompt, connect the device to your computer, navigate to the folder C:/System find a file mmcstore, rename it and give it the extension *.txt, then open it using Notepad. The file will contain the password. If this method failed to restore access to the Micro SD flash drive, try another way, for him you will need another memory card.
Install on it any password, connect your computer to the flash drive first, run the command "Format", then instead of the first insert the second USB flash drive, wait 5 seconds and enter the password you set. After formatting, then reconnect the first drive.
The device will be discovered with all your saved information, save it to other media. Then format and go to option "Set password" and change it as desired, then remove. Thus, you can recover password-protected USB drive.
Use the app R-Studio FAT in order to recover information from MicroSd memory card. The demo version can be downloaded on the official website Run the command "Scan" in the window of this window, select "Advanced search for known file types".