You will need
- - iOS 5;
- - iTunes 10.
Launch the iTunes application and open menu "Shop" the top toolbar of the program window to perform the operation authorization of the computer.
Specify a command "Authorize computer" and enter the value of your Apple ID in the dialog box.
Confirm the command by pressing the "Authorize" and connect your iPhone to your computer using the USB connecting cable that came in the package.
Wait until you identify a mobile device in the left pane of the iTunes application and click on its icon.
Click "Browse" and apply the check box on the "Sync this iPhone over Wi-Fi".
Go to the tab "Music" opened device dialog box and apply the check box on the "Sync music".
Select "Entire music library" for a complete transfer of all stored audio files to your mobile device or use the check box on the "Selected playlists, artists, albums, and genres" to define the synchronization settings manually.
Specify to be transferred to the mobile device music files and click "Apply".
Disconnect the iPhone, not completing work apps iTunes on computer and connect your device to a power source using a special cable included in the package.
Make sure that iTunes is allowed to access the Internet on Wi-Fi and open "Settings" on the home page of the mobile device.
Point Wi-Fi and drag the slider to the "on"position.
Select the same wireless network and wait for the connection to her. The procedure of synchronization of the selected music and other selected data will start automatically.
Remember that the operation of the timing settings has already been done in the future, when you connect to power your mobile device while roaming in a Wi-Fi network app iTunes, the synchronization process will run automatically.