In continuation of the above: any property, including vehicles, can be seized only by court order. In accordance with paragraph 1 of article 51 of the Federal law of the Russian Federation No. 119-F3 from 21.06.97 G. "On enforcement proceedings , the debtor's property arrest is imposed not later than one month from the date of delivery to him of the relevant regulations, and sometimes simultaneously with his delivery.However, the debtor has time to repay the debt, to be recovered. The law assigns to it not more than five days from the moment of excitation of Executive production. In other words, the bailiffs must give you a document where the reason for the arrest are clearly spelled out. If for some reason this did not happen, you should contact your local Department of court bailiffs in person or in writing and you must give an exhaustive answer.
The process of seizure of a motor vehicle of the debtor begins with the judicial bailiff-executor regulations prohibiting registration of the vehicle, which is sent to the organs of traffic police. In the absence of the car when the location is unknown, the bailiff has the right to propose to the claimant to advance the search for the missing car, and then they brought another order about the search of the debtor's property on the basis of which the case was instituted on the investigation and referred to the regional information centre, where the missing car is registered as being stolen. The claimant receives a copy of such order.
In the case of car detection, the bailiff is the act of inventory and seizure of property, and the vehicle is transferred for safekeeping in a specialized organization involved in the implementation of such vehicles. A copy of the act of inventory and arrest you can get from the judicial police officer-executor.