You will need
- Internet, driving licence
Click on "Your location", then from the drop down list select your region. Click "Next"

Now find the item "Transport and roads", press the "traffic police"

On the right we see the link "traffic Fines (Region)", click on it.

Throws us to the page where we will be able to get their outstanding traffic fines.

Select "Register as an individual".

Go through all the registration procedure, specifying the surname, name, patronymic, residence, date of birth, series and number of driver's license and your email address. After that you will be able to get help on debt on all traffic fines,

If you don't pay traffic fines - you will not be able to deregister their vehicle or to pass inspection. Especially malicious defaulters could be imprisoned for 15 days.
Useful advice
Not to worry and not to check their outstanding traffic fines - don't break the rules of portly movement. But if broke - pay the receipt with a fine of traffic police.